┊XIX┊The Sun Empire┊3┊

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Error then entered the room and glanced around, still in awe of everything. "We're staying here...?" Error was surprised, he couldn't believe it actually. "Yes, Error." Wisteria chuckled softly and Error then glanced at Peril. "Yep. This is the castle's guest room. We get special privileges because I'm from Lord Nightmare's court." Peril snickered while Wisteria playfully rolled his eyelights. "Unfortunately..." "Hey! I'm not that bad." Peril snickered and Wisteria just raised a brow. "Okay maybe I'm a bit bad." Wisteria just stared at Peril. "Oh come on!"

"Anyways, since we're alone now, can you tell me the full story? You never let yourself get wounded that easily... And I don't think Error would throw you without reason considering how he acts in general." Wisteria whispered as he went towards Peril, glancing at Error who had sat down on the bed, rubbing it while still in awe before getting up to explore around again. Peril sitting on the bed that Error didn't sit on and Wisteria sitting besides it.

Wisteria then grabbed Peril's skull and moved it so that thw wound was in full view to him now and Wisteria began to heal it again, just so the crack would fully close.

"Eh, fine... So, I told you that we got mugged right? Me and Error got seperated while I had went and killed the first two while three others went after Error... One of them was already injured because I slashed at them. Wouldn't back down, even with a warning... Tch." Peril frowned a bit, watching as Error walked around the room while still hugging his coat. "Were they even aware that you're like... One of Nightmare's favorite assassins?" "Favorite huh?" Peril laughed a bit. "Nah, that title belongs to Silver. I'm his second fave... Might be third if Error climbed up the ranks faster than any other killers in training." Peril hummed a bit. "Hell I wouldn't even be mad if Error surpassed me... As long as he surpasses Silver too." Peril then gave a shit eating grin at that while Wisteria playfully rolled his eyelights. "Of course."

"But anyways, continuing on... No, they were not aware at all... They wouldn't even try to mug us, or me if they knew anyways. When I arrived at the scene, two of the monsters were already dead and Error was glitching the fuck out. Like... It looked hella painful. I eventually killed the one who I injured. So like, I didn't know how bad Error's Haphephobia was, but let me tell you. Touching him without permission or warning will make him throw you." Peril sweatdropped. "I touched his... Shoulder? I think? Then everything happened so fast. Next thing I knew was that I was flying across the air and then I blacked out." Peril spoke and Wisteria slowly nodded. "That sounds like it hurt." "It diiiid!" Peril whined childishly while Error then walked over. "What are you guys talking about...?" Error sheepishly asked and Wisteria blinked. "We were talking about what happened at the alleyway... Speaking of which, what happened when you ran away? You never really elaborated on that." Peril spoke and Error blinked.

"O-Oh... Uhm..." Error then moved and carefully sat on the bed besides the one Peril was sitting on. "Well... After Peril told me to run, I had stumbled on my way and ended up on a dead end... I didn't know where to go by then and someone just... Touched me, on my shoulder." Error then began to fidget with his sleeves a bit while a hand placed itself on the shoulder where he was touched by... Whichever monster that did it. "It hurt... The touch I mean... The ill intention that I felt- it... My instincts took over me." Error muttered softly. "Then everything just... Became black...? Well... I could barely see anyways... Error signs were covering my eyesockets so I was rendered sightless... Partially... Paired with my already bad vision, it was really... Bad." Error frowned a bit as he then recollected the events of what had happened.

"I needed to fight then and there and I... Guess my muscle memory kicked in, because I don't remember all of the moves I have done." Error spoke softly. "I heard Peril's voice after I killed off the two others... Then Peril touched me as well, it didn't hurt as much but... I was still in a state of panic, so I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder." Error frowned at the memory before blinking when he saw Peril offer his hand to Error. Error looked up at Peril before shakily placing his hand on top of the gloved one, being careful to not touch the bone. "I already forgive you Error. In all honesty, you being able to throw me was pretty awesome." Peril snickered a bit.

"But..." "No buts, we don't have those. Honestly, I mostly just admire how you were able to throw me so effortlessly really. That requires skill and practice, Error." Peril grinned a bit. "And the fact that your muscle memory have it memorized meant that you've pretty much trained before!" Peril exclaimed and Wisteria nodded lightly. "Alright... There, that should do it." Wisteria spoke and lets go of Peril's skull, who then touched the back of his skull and grinning. "Poggers."

"If you got Peril to be this interested in you in just a span of a day, then you're really something Error, hope you realize that." Wisteria chuckled and Error tilted his skull in confusion. "How come?" "You'll eventually see." Error just nodded at Wisteria's comment while Peril just snickered.

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Aaaaand done!

I wasn't planning to update ngl, considering I already did two updates yesterday/a while ago but meh, why not spoil you guys <3

This should make up for me possibly not updating tomorrow for either a break or because I'd probably binge watch a show on Netflix lmao. We'll see.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter, I might do a little skip because I might run out of ideas... And there's like, centuries before I get to the very reason why I made this story lmao.

Anyways, bai! :D

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