┊X┊The Moon Empire┊5┊

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Entering the cafe, Error looked around in curiosity at the new sights, and smell. Though he stayed close to Peril at the amount of people in the crowd, sucking in a breath then releasing it, he then followed after Peril as he stood in front of the counter, looking at all of the whote splotches on some kind of board like what Peril is doing. "So! What d'ya wanna order?" Peril asked and Error looked at the blurred mess that is on the board. "I can't see anything." Error squinted his eyesockets and Peril blinked. "Jeez are you blind as well?" Peril asked and Error blinked. "Maybe..." Error sheepishly said. "Hold on umm..." Error then blinked, if he remembered correctly... Error then blinked when he managed to open his inventory. He then rummaged through it and grabbed his glasses, he then puts it on, Peril snickering.

"Damn you already have glasses, what are you, a grandpa?" Peril asked and Error blinked. "What's a grandpa?" Peril blinked. "Oh right, amnesia... It's basically what you call an old person." Peril snickered and Error blinked in confusion before glancing back up at the board, now the words were clearer at least. "So, what do you want?" Peril asked again as Error tilted his skull a bit, glancing over the board. "I... Don't know, I don't know what any of these are..." "Well why not just pick?" Peril grinned and Error blinked. "I... Guess Eiskaffee?" Error trailed off and Peril blinked. "Weird choice, I'll just have a strawberry créme!" Peril cheered and the employee nodded, Error hasn't even realized that she was staring. Huh... Was it... Something on his face?

Glancing around, he noticed that a lot of people seems to be staring at him... Or besides him? He doesn't know. But their heads and skulls are pointed towards him... He doesn't like it. Subconsciously holding on to Peril's coat, he then glanced at Peril who looked at Error in confusion. "What?" "They're staring..." Error whispered and Peril raised a brow. "Ignore them, they just haven't seen another black skeleton in ages, you're kinda like- the first." Peril simply shrugged and Error pushed the turtleneck higher a bit, something was missing in his outfit now that he thinks about it... He needs something around his neck, he doesn't know where the urge came from, but he needs something...

Maybe they can get one at some point? He needs his neck covered... This red turtleneck isn't enough.

"I still don't like the staring..." Error whispered quietly, shifting uncomfortably while Peril groaned loudly. "Ugh- Fine. Ayo! Stare at someone else, you're making a guy uncomfortable!" Peril waved his hand a bit and those staring quickly turned away, some a bit more hesitantly. Error blinked and relaxed a bit at that now that he doesn't feel like they're gonna attack him... Why did he even think of that as a possibility, he doesn't know. "There you little baby." Peril then stuffed his hands in his pockets and Error nodded. "Thank you..." Error hummed. "We should go look for a seat now that I think about it, oh! Let's go there!" Peril pointed and quickly began to walk, Error rushing after him since he was still holding on to Peril's coat.

Error then lets go of the coat once they're at the table and Peril sat down. Error glanced at Peril before he then sat down on the opposite side of him. "Dang, don't wanna sit besides me?" Peril snickered. "Was I supposed to?" "Nah no need." Peril waved his hand. "Jeez, how dense are you?" "I... I don't know? I'm sorry..." Error sheepishly said, fidgeting with his hands while Peril sighed. "You don't have to apologize everytime you know." "Sorry- I mean-" "Shh." Peril just held a finger up and Error shuts himself up. Peril then grinned a bit. "There we go." Peril chuckled a but. "Now look out at the view." Peril gestured to the window besides them. Error blinked and then glanced out before blinking again in awe, seeing the bustling streets of the outside and crowded walking of the people.

It was honestly nice to look at if he wasn't busy manoeuvring himself so that he won't get touched as much as possible. He doesn't know why he fears it so much, but he just does...

Good thing that at least the people stays clear of Peril for some reason, so that made the no touch thing easier for him.

"So! How're you liking the area so far?" Peril then turned to Error with a grin. "Well... It's nice and all... But I think I'll have to explore more... I... Want to make sure I make the right choice..." Error trailed off and Peril shook his hand. "Eh, fair enough, you're one of those who needs enough proof before choosing, aren't'cha?" Peril snickered lightly. "I- I guess? I just like seeing all of my options first I guess..." Error sheepishly said and Peril nodded. "Understandable." Peril snickered.

Error then glanced back at Peril when he saw that a new female had walked up and sets their drinks down. "Here you go sirs." The girl spoke and Peril just waved a bit. "Uhm... Thank you." Error nervously spoke and the girl smiled a bit before leaving. He then glanced down at whatever the girl had set down and glanced at Peril, who had picked his up, putting some kind of... Plastic stick? Into his mouth. Error watched in interest as the contents of the cup was getting emptied. So they're drinks... He then glanced back down at his own cup and carefully wrapped both hands around it and blinked, it was cold. He then took a sip from it, finding that he liked the taste.

"You like?" Peril raised a brow and Error nodded. "Alright, you're paying then." Peril smirked lightly and Error tilted his skull. "Oh... Uhh... How do I pay?" "Wait- seriously?" Peril blinked a bit. "Uh... Yeah...?" Error blinked before placing a thumb on his mouth and pulling away, some white foamy stuff stuck on his lips. He licked it off, it tasted the same as the drink huh... "You don't have to worry about paying dude, I already did." "Oh... Can... I pay you instead?" He feels bad that Peril had to pay for him, he didn't know that this thing costs! Well now he knows... He'll still pay anyways. "Pfft, sure, pay me three hundred then." Peril snickered and Error blinked. "Okay." Error then opened his inventory. "Hey hey woah! Can't you take a joke?!" Peril quickly waved his hand at Error.

"... What's a joke?" Error wss judt even more confused as he glanced at his inventory. Oh wow, he has... More than three hundred Gs. What's a G- "What does G mean?" "It... I-" Peril was just shocked, this guy is actually willing to pay him back! Okay, he might be starting to actually like this dude. Just a little bit.

Even though he's dense as fuck.

"It means Gold... Guess you're from an AU that uses the Gold system. We use bills and shit here." Peril sighed. "Oh..." Error blinked a bit before he then carefully took three hundred Gold from his inventory and gave it to Peril, it becoming a small money bag the moment he took it out. "Here though, I'm repaying you anyways." "Wh- I- you- are you serious?" "You said I should pay you back so..." Error sheepishly said. "Wouldn't you lose money then?" "I have a lot... I don't think I will?" Error tilted his skull and Peril blinked. "Honestly just keep the money, I was still joking on it." Peril said and Error shook his skull, setting it down and just silently sliding it over to Peril.

"It's okay... You're really nice to me the whole time so I wanted to repay it anyways..." "Error I've literally been nothing but a dick to you." "I don't know what that is?" Error blinked as he took more sips and Peril blinked. "Uuugh fine, I'll accept." Peril sighed, taking the Gold back in and then watching as it filled his bucks. "God damn, it went to a few thousand already..." Peril whispered softly to himself. Just who did Shroud and Crimson find really?

Looking at Error, who was silently sipping and enjoying his brew, Peril's mostly just confused even more. Whomst tf is this dense amnesiac mfer really. He doesn't know, and he doubts he'll find out for a long time.


And that's a wrap!

Also I kinda got lost on what to do on the last part lmao, so have them bonding

Peril and Error bonding moments be like uwu

No it's not Killer x Error unfortunately, so Peril ain't gonna be shipped romantically with Error lmao

Hope you liked it! :D

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