┊XXXIII┊Talk Of Choice┊2┊

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Error then took a deep breath in, then out as he then stared at the doors in front of him, should he just barge in or knock? Yeah, knocking would probably be better. Gathering his courage, he then knocked on the door. Hearing the faint call of 'come in', he then entered the door with his adrenaline being on fire, he's gotta do this, plus, he's set on his choice.

Ignoring the Emperor's question of what he was doing here, he marched with new found confidence and then sets his hands down on the Emperor's desk. "Your highness, I'm staying in your Emprie." Error spoke with certainty in his tone, and a serious glint in his eyesockets as he stared at the surprised look of his Emperor. Soon enough, a chuckle sounded from the other and Error could feel anxiety rising in him once more.

"Alright then." Error blinked at the smile. "Welcome to the Moon Empire, Error." Nightmare then tilted his skull at Error and Error perked up, quite happy that Nightmare had allowed him that easily. "Do you wish to join my court too or do you just wanna be a citizen? There's two different marks for those after all." Nightmare spoke and Error blinked a bit. "If it's not too much, I want to be in the court..." Error sheepishly said and Nightmare nodded. "I see, do you think you can work for a position?" "I can!" Nightmare blinked at the sudden Determination sparkling in the Glitch's eyesockets, despite the positivity of it, Nightmare couldn't help but smile from it. "You're gonna have to go start working as a guard first if you want to get into my court, are you okay with that?" "Can I... Uhm... Still stay with Peril...?" Error sheepishly muttered and Nightmare nodded.

"If he still allows you too, I don't see a problem." Error then smiled a bit at that, at least Nightmare's being nice! He doesn't get why other people say that Nightmare's a a bad ruler, or an evil one at that. He's been nice so far! "Thank you so much!" "In any case, do you think you're still able to take a mark?" Nightmare asked and Error blinked. "Oh- uh... Yeah, I can... Apparently... According to the doctor anyways..." Error sheepishly said and Nightmare raised a brow. "Apparently? What do you mean by that?" Nightmare asked and Error blinked a bit.

"May I see your SOUL, Error?" "Oh uh- here..." Error then glanced at Silver for a bit before he then placed a hand on his SOUL and pulled it out. Silver's eyesockets visibly widened while Nightmare had to fight back his coughing fit at the sight of Error's SOUL. He expected him to get marked in that condition?!

"What..." "Yeaah... Uhm..." Error then sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Apparently this has been my SOUL for a while now, even before my amnesia. Dunno what happened but eh." "Your Highness!-" Error and Nightmare stopped and glanced the entrance just as a few skeletons bursted in. Error recognized them as his friend, Peril, then there's Shroud and Crimson.

"Your high- woah." Crimson gasped in shock at the sight of the SOUL and Error just tilted his skull. "Are we... Interrupting something?" Shroud muttered and Nightmare took a deep breath. "Yes... You are... Speak." Nightmare then gestured to his bois that looks quite shocked at the sight of Error's SOUL... Well, mostly Crimson and Shroud, Shroud still couldn't believe that that's Error's SOUL in all honesty.

"Anyways Error, why do you have your SOUL out?" Peril couldn't help but ask and Error looks down at his SOUL and opened his mouth when Shroud then spoke, interrupting Error. "Your Highness, Me and Shroud would like to request a temporary leave to roam around the Empire for a short bit." Crimson spoke and Nightmare stared at them for a bit. "Why?" "Err... Sangria's birthday is coming up..." Crimson rubbed the back of his head and Nightmare blinked, glancing at the calendar. "Ah, right... Request granted, be back in under an hour... Now, Error." Nightmare then turned to Error while Crimson and Shroud bowed in appreciation.

"I'm sure you'd like me to mark you now considering your emotions but-" "Wait- Error chose the Moon Empire?!" Peril gasped before suddenly squealing and jumping excitedly up and down. Shroud flinching at the loudness, and because he's besides Peril while Crimson whistled. Well looks like they have a new member now. "Yes yes, Error chose the Moon Empire." Nightmare sighed in annoyance, but really, he had to fight back a smirk at the amount of excitement that Peril's radiating. It was quite adorable honestly, whoever would end up with Peril would definitely end up being lucky.

He would know.

"Now Peril, calm down so I-" "YUUUSSS!" "Wait- WAIT PERIL NO-" Error squeaked as Peirl then rushed towards Error and tackle hugged him. Pain PaIn PAIN- and then darkness.

Peril blinked when he heard a loud and long BEEP ring in the air and he quickly pulled away. "Error?" Peril blinked when Error was just limp in his arms, then the words 'Reboot? Yes No' appeared above Error. "SHIT I THINK I KILLED ERROR-" "PERIL-" "BOSS I'M SORRY-"

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Oof, welp, guess Error experienced his first crash after amnesia xD

But hey, y'all got your answer!

If any of you read my Dreamcember book, y'all would've known it already in advanced since again, this is a spin off of one of the one shots there :3

Anyways, hope y'all liked it! Adios amigos!

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