┊XVIII┊The Sun Empire┊2┊

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"Here we are." Comet spoke as he then stopped in front of the big white doors with golden etches. Error couldn't help but gasp in awe at it. "Pretty." "I know right?" Peril snickered lightly before Comet then pushed open the doors. "M'Lord." Comet then bowed a bit. "We have guests." Comet spoke and Error tilted his skull when he saw the ruler behind the desk, dressed in black, white and gold robes. "So I heard from Wisteria." Dream spoke and Comet nodded.

Dream then looked up before blinking when he saw Error and Peril. "You two may come forward." Dream spoke and Peril walked towards Dream and quickly bowed. Error glancing at Peril before slowly doing the same, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous though. "Rise... Peril, correct? Or have I mistaken?" Dream spoke while Peril shook his skull. "You're correct M'Lord!" Peril chirped and Dream glanced at Error, who was just staring at the other skeleton in the room.

"Who may you be, then?" Dream asked and Error blinked. "O-Oh uhm... Error..." Error sheepishly said, quickly focusing back on the Emperor. "I see..." Error just shifted awkwardly and Peril just glanced at him. "What brings you two to my Empire?" Dream asked, tilting his skull a bit.

"Oh! An order from Lord Nightmare! I was tasked to escort Error around the area since he's markless." Peril spoke and Error sheepishly nods. "I wanted to know the area first before I choose I mean..." Error softly murmured and Dream nodded. "And uhm... It was because I was told to... Look for either you or Nightmare..." Error said. "Since that was the case, figured why not help him meet with you anyways." Peril hummed and Error nodded. Dream hummed a bit. "Alright..."

Dream then glanced up and down at Error for a bit, he couldn't help but find his aura quite familiar a bit when the doors opened. "Your highness!" Error turned around and his eyesockets widened a bit at seeing the ever changing eyelights, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia rush over him, but why? He doesn't know. It confused him greatly.

"Yes Prism?" "Synth finished the blood results! Also wanted me to take the coat back." Prism spoke as he then walked towards Dream and sets down a familiar coat. "Oh hey that's my coat." Error commented, pointing at it while Prism blinked. "Excuse me?" "Oh uh... Your Highness, he's the one from the cliff." Peril just decided to tell them now.

"What?!" Prism gasped in shock while Dream sputtered a bit in surprise. "That can't be true." The other skeleton that Error doesn't know the name yet spoke, Error just found the Gaster Blaster besides him adorable. "Believe it or not, it's true. "We are the ones who retreated the body from the site." Peril snickered and Error sheepishly smiled. "There's no way you could walk like that! Let me see-" Prism then blinked when he saw Error quickly hide behind Peril when he reached out.

"Ayo stay back. The dude's got Haphephobia." Peril quickly placed an arm up to prevent Prism. "O-Oh! I'm so sorry!" Prism quickly bowed a bit and stayed back and Dream frowned a bit in concern. What happened for Error to even receive the phobia...? Usually there's a reason behind it, especially when it comes to haphephobia...

"I... Don't think I can prove anything other than saying it..." Error said softly. "How so?" The other skeleton asked. "I uhm... My scars happened way before the fall." Error sheepishly said as he then pulled his beanie off, shocked and concerned gasps rang out at the amount of cracks on this poor being.

"What..." Dream whispered in horror. "What happened to you...?" "I uhm... Don't remember?" "Our doctor had confirmed that he had amnesia, even before the cliff fall your highness." Peril hummed as he then stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I- I see..." Dream whispered, still quite shocked while Prism then went towards the skeleton in blue besides Dream.

"Do think he's really the one who fell from the cliff, Azure?" Prism whispered softly and Azure nodded. "Peril rarely ever lies, so there's a high chance that he's tell the truth..." Azure muttered his breath. "I sense no lie either..." Dream muttered softly under his breath, having heard their gossiping.

"Alright, I believe you two." Dream sighed, putting down his hands and Prism blinked. "So... Do we give the coat then or-" "Yeah." Dream hummed and Prism grabbed the coat and carefully handed it towards Error, who then grabbed it by the end of it and then felt the familiar fabric in his finger tips, humming a bit before he then hugged it happily. "You seem happy." Peril snickered a bit.

"Well yeah... I... Sort of remember that this coat has been with me for many years... So it's kind of like, something from my past." Error commented and Peril nodded. "I see." Peril then glanced back at Dream. "Going back on topic... How are you able to walk around without at least stumbling or... Even maybe being in pain?" Dream worriedly asked. "Oh he stumbled alright." Peril snickered, ignoring Azure's glare and Error sheepishly smiled. "Yeah... I did... And I don't actually feel any pain..." Error spoke, glancing back down at his leg before he then bent it a bit to push the pants up, Comet cringing a bit in concern at the amount of bandages. "Nor do I even feel anything. It's mostly just numb." Error spoke before putting his foot down again and fixing his pant leg and Dream nodded. "I see..."

"Are you... Okay though? Like, really okay?" Dream softly asked in worry and Error gave a small smile and nodded. "Yes your Highness, I'm okay." Error hummed. "Good..." Dream sighed softly. "So! Your Highness! Are me and Error allowed to roam around so that Error at least has an idea of what the Empire of the Sun looks like? Cuz like, he's gonna need to choose at some point." Peril spoke and Dream nodded. "Sure sure... If you don't mind though, I would like to have either Comet, Azure or Prism accompany you... Especially with the current problem that's happening." Dream spoke and Peril waved his hand a bit. "Ah it's fine, Wisteria already explained it to us. We don't mind!" Peril chirped and Dream nodded. "Great." Dream couldn't help but smile a bit. "Oh... Dinner's gonna be here soon, why don't you two stay for dinner and just explore around my Empire tomorrow then?" Dream asked and Peril glanced at Error.

"I don't mind..." Error sheepishly said. "If he doesn't, then I don't either." Peril grinned at Dream, who then nodded and smiled. "Prism, can you call Wisteria over?" "Kay Your Highness!" Prism then teleported away while Error had went back to staring at Azure, there was just something about him that seems so... Familiar. Same with Prism in all honesty... Actuallt, everyone is familiar, but there's just something about Prism, Nightmare and Dream in general.

Soon enough, Prism teleported back in with Wisteria. "Oh, Peril- What happened to you?!" Wisteria gasped in shock, walking towards Peril and quickly checking the crack on the back of his skull. "You mean that's new?" Prism asked. "Yes, I saw Peril a while ago, and he never had a crack like this." Wisteria said softly. "Kinda got mugged in the Neutral Grounds alleyway. Took care of 'em already but uh, Error sorta freaked out." Peril chuckled a bit while Error looked down. "M'sorry..." "Hey, stop that. I already you that it wasn't your fault." Peril rolled his eyes and Dream frowned a bit. But he can ask questions at a later time. "Wisteria, can you escort them to the guest rooms where they'll be staying? And escort them to the dining hall afterwards." Dream spoke and Wisteria bowed. "Yes your highness. C'mon you two." Wisteria then motioned for them to follow, them quickly doing so.

"Y'know, this is like, my fourth time being in the castle." Peril spoke. "Figures." Wisteria couldn't help but smile as Error looked around in awe, looking behind him, he saw a skeleton walking towards where they just came from, looking up from what looks like some sort of notebook without the lines, Error and the unknown skeleton made eye contact, Error blinked and quickly looked back at Peril and Wisteria when he heard his name mentioned. "Huh?" "Did you really threw Peril that hard?" Wisteria whispered and Error sheepishly nodded. "I'm still guilty about it..." "Don't be hun, it was an accident." Wisteria spoke softly and Error nodded.

On the other side however, the skeleton couldn't help but stare at the retreating figure of the black skeleton as he slowly entered the room. "Rose?" Dream asked in confusion and said skeleton faced the Emperor. "Who... Was that black skeleton?" Rose asked in shock and Dream blinked in surprise, before a small smile appeared on his face. "That was Error."

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If you know, you know :)


Anyways hope you guys enjoyed <3

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