┊VIII┊The Moon Empire┊3┊

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Error then waited back at the infirmary... If he remembered the name right, swinging his legs forwards and backwards nervously, he doesn't know if it was a habit or it's something new, but it helped him ease his anxiety. He was apparently gonna have his SOUL checked to see if it was safe for him to be marked. He still doesn't get the point of it, but eh, to hell with it he guesses.

He watched as the same doctor from earlier came forward to him, Error nervously shifting to back away and Leilani sighed. "Mr. Error, if you don't let me touch you, I wouldn't be able to check on you and see if your SOUL is compatible for the marking ritual." Dr. Leilani spoke and Error just glared at the doctor.

Dr. Leilani doesn't know why he felt his lifespan reduce from years to a few months with just that glare, nor why he shivered in genuine fear but he has to go through this. He fears at failing his King more at the moment.

"Error, c'mon man. At least show your SOUL so we can get this over with!" Peril chirped, now being the only one who went with him as Shroud had gone off somewhere else. Error then turned to Peril who then blinked. "Ooh! How about this, just summon your SOUL out instead!" Peril chirped and Error blinked, summon his SOUL...?

Error then looked down at his shirt and slowly placed a hand on his chest, how does he- oh. He had summoned his SOUL... He doesn't know how but he did it, some form of muscle memory maybe? Could explain it in all honesty. Peril couldn't help but gasp in awe and shock at Error's SOUL while the Doctor blinked in surprise.

The SOUL was a usual monster SOUL with a pretty glowing red on one half and yellow on the other, glitches and dust floating all around it. It was simply suspended in mid air but never somehow getting completely dusted, it just disappears into air before more dust replaced it. There also seems to be melty, except the melt was defying gravity and was just floating up instead. What shook them most though was the fact that there was a heart shaped hole in the middle and so many cracks around the yellow half of the SOUL, blue strings barely able to keep it ahold, but somehow being able to keep it together.

 What shook them most though was the fact that there was a heart shaped hole in the middle and so many cracks around the yellow half of the SOUL, blue strings barely able to keep it ahold, but somehow being able to keep it together

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(For visual reference cuz I'm shit at explaining gadhbfn)

"Does... Does your SOUL hurt? At all? You should be writhing in pain with how painful that looks...!" Dr. Leilani worriedly spoke and Error stared at it for a moment. "No not really... I don't feel anything from it at all..." Error mumbled softly, almost like it was as if it was worse... "I have a feeling that this used to be worse." Error then glanced at the doctor, who then looked horrified at the information while Peril whistled. "That does look painful though, you sure you don't feel anything?" Peril tilted his skull and Error shook his skull before looking at his SOUL.

"Huh... Well, we could probably just check your pain level now so we can get over this." "Are you crazy?! What if it would worsen the state of his SOUL?!" Dr. Leilani was shocked and Peril glanced at him with a blank look. "Does it look like I care? I'm sure you'd rather not disappoint the King by waiting." Peril spoke. "Plus, the guy looks like he doesn't actually feel any pain, so it's safe to assume that he'll definitely not feel anything if he were to get the SOUL check." Peril added while the Doctor took a deep breath in.

"But-" "Honestly, just get it over with... If it would involve touch then at least I won't... Have to wait for a while." Error grumbled, waiting sucks in all honesty, Patience is definitely not his virtue. "See? He doesn't give a shit! So go ahead and just do it." Peril spoke and the Doctor nervously glanced at the SOUL and slowly nodded. "A-Alright... Fine..." The doctor spoke and then grabbed an equipment that Error doesn't even recognize, nor even is familiar with, must be something entirely new then if he isn't even familiar with it in the slightest.

Error then just watched with nervousness as Dr. Leilani neared the device with Error and glitching heavily when he grabbed his SOUL carefully. Even if it was being doing in a fast motion, it looks like everything was slowing down as he stared at the doctor with anxiety. "Hey Error!" Error quickly glanced at Peril, seemingly snapping out of whatever trance he was in.

"I was wondering but do you remember where you got such a big crack on your SOUL like that? Must be something emotionally harsh if it's become that big." Peril spoke, Error opening his mouth to reply when Peril just continued. "Especially the hole, did you always have it or was it made? Cuz the edges of the hole looks quiet clean aside from the dust and melty SOUL that's pooling at the top anyways." Peril rambled on while Error slowly shrugged.

"Well... It kinda feels like that... My SOUL wasn't like this before..." Error mumbled and Peril tilted his skull in interest. "Oh? Like, you feel it or you remember it?" "I... I felt it. My SOUL wasn't this... Healed before. Like- the cracks used to be larger..." Error muttered softly, glancing back at his SOUL and relaxing a bit now that he noticed that the Doctor's hand was not anywhere near his glowy floating organ called SOUL.

"Seriously?" Peril asked in awe. "Well if that's the case then that's one fast healing then! Unless it took decades since SOULs heal an awful long time! Kinda doubt it though since you kinda look... Hella young." Peril then waved his hand a bit to try and get his point across. "I- I do?" Error blinked, glancing back at Peril. "Yeah, you do." Peril snickered softly before Error blinked when he felt a pinch, quickly glancing at his SOUL, seeing that Dr. Leilani had used the device on his SOUL. "How do you feel?" The doctor worriedly asked.

"I felt you pinching me." Error answered honestly in confusion and the doctor blinked in surprise. "Oh wow, that usually hurts like, a ton." Peril snickered. "It does?" "It depends on the person's pain levels really... Yours must be high if you only felt a pinch..." The doctor muttered and Error was now starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with having his SOUL out for so long. "So uhm... Can I... Put it back now...?" "Oh right, yeah sure." Dr. Leilani nodded and Error pushed his SOUL back into himself.

"I guess he's ready to go... If there really isn't much pain, then he's okay with the ritual..." The doctor said to Peril, who then grinned and nodded. "Awesome. Now come on Error! Back to His Moon Highness!" Peril cheered happily and Error stood up. "W-Wait, we'll have to change your bandages!" Error then turned to the Doctor and quickly glitched out of the way, approximately a feet away when Dr. Leilani attempted to touch him.

"... Don't. Touch me." Error breathed out as he pointed accusingly at the doctor. "That was so cool." Peril couldn't help but voice out while Leilani seems to be panicking a bit. "I- I'm sorry sir but-" "The bandages are fine. It doesn't need to be changed." Error huffed, quickly rushing out. Peril glanced at the doctor before shrugging and following after Error with an excited grin.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

And that's it for the check up! Yee :D

In your opinion, how would you describe the marking ritual? It's literally puncturing an unknown magic into your SOUL, forever marking you until you die so-

I'd imagine it'd be a bit painful, kinda like getting a needle injected into your thigh type of pain.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed!

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