┊IX┊The Moon Empire┊4┊

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"So, you're ready for a SOUL mark then?" Nightmare asked and Error blinked a bit. "What... what if I'm not?" Error couldn't help but nervously asked and Nightmare hummed a bit. "Then you're not. I'm not forcing you to get a SOUL mark immediately, as it would be against the Multiversal Rule." Nightmare spoke and Error slowly nodded. "I see..." He couldn't help but feel nervous about it still though.

"Honestly, I get why you don't want to get a SOUL mark yet. You have amnesia, so all of these is pretty much new to you, and you haven't exactly explored the area yet... So with that in mind, you should try sightseeing first, get yourself used to the environment and the are you'll be signing up to." Nightmare spoke, clasping his hands together as he placed his elbows on the table and then putting his chin on top of it.

Error blinked at that thought, well, it would sound less frightening if he knows his environment... Yeah, maybe he should take up that offer... "...Sure..." Error spoke and Nightmare nodded lightly. "Alright then, company or not?" Nightmare raised a brow and Error stayed silent for a bit, having a mental debate before glancing at those currently in the room. There was Silver, Peril, Shroud and a skeleton with a hole in his skull. All three mentioned skeletons, he's already met. Though he doesn't know who the skeleton with the axe is. Why does he even have a weapon- Actually, why do they all have a weapon?

Some sort of safety precaution or some shit? Maybe? Quite the possibility in all honesty. Especially since he's sort of new, even though he has amnesia... Peril has already seen first hand how Error's used his magic after all... "Well?" Error blinked in surprise at the sudden interruption, oh right, he has to choose.

"Well uhm... Company I guess..." Company would be nice, also because he doesn't know anyone, or any places for that matter. Therefore, he would most likely get lost... And maybe pass out or something if he gets... Touched? He doesn't know, he doesn't remember. Why was passing out even in the question as a reaction? He doesn't get it.

"Alright... Peril, you're going with him." "Oh, me again huh? Is this some kind of favoritism day, Your highness?" Peril giggled lightly while Nightmare sighed. "I need Shroud to do a scouting assignment with Crimson again, Sangria's already in charge with checking and making sure that every equipment is at ready, Silver has to train new recruits today as a special meet the head General event thing. You're the only one available Peril." Nightmare deadpanned while Peril just gave a groan.

"Awh dangit! I thought it was because I was your favorite!" "I'd be surprised myself if I'll ever have you as a favorite." "Ouch, that hurted your highness." Peril placed a hand on his ribcage dramatically before snickering. "I feel no remorse, now go." Nightmare sighed in annoyance, rubbing his nasal bone with two fingers as he leaned back. "The rest of you, go, chop chop." Nightmare then shooed them all out of the room, all of them bowing and quickly leaving while Peril just waved a goodbye.

Error just glancing at Peril, then back at Nightmare. "Come on Amnesiac newbie! We don't have all day!" Peril chirped happily and Error panicked a bit, he quickly bowed to Nightmare and rushed after the retreating Peril. Nightmare just quirking a brow in amusement, ah, Error really is one interesting individual, he's gotta say.

A shame if Error doesn't choose his Empire, or decides to be an outcast really.


"And that's all there is to it!" Peril chirped as he then finished pointing at all of the landmarks on Error's map. "Wow... This place is big..." Error couldn't help but reply, pretty much in awe. "Well duh! It's an Empire! Which means that there's more than one countries and AUs under the Moon Emperor's reign!" Peril chirped happily while Error blinked. "How... How does he manage that many people?" Error couldn't help but ask in shock and Peril shrugged. "Beats me, I'm not really an assistant or a secretary to his Highness, and even then Sangria only knows bits." Peril spoke as he and Error walked, Error slowly nodding.

"That must be tiring though, managing so many things at once." Error frowned a bit in concern, an urge starting to rise in him, but he couldn't distinguish what it is, nor the reason why it's triggered.

He just hopes that this urge isn't anything bad. "Eh, not much we can do other than support his Highness." Peril shrugged lightly as he then placed his hands behind his skull. "Even so, I still kinda worry for the guy... Y'know? Must be stressed 24/7." Peril spoke and Error slowly nodded. "Anyways, considering you pretty much mostly know the map, we should start visiting the nearby areas that should cater to your liking!" Peril chirped excitedly. "Why would they?" Error blinked, he doesn't even know what he likes! "Ehh dunno, maybe you'll find a thing to like, that's usually how it works... Let's start with the cafe!" Error feels like this is gonna be a long day, oddly enough, he doesn't really... Mind all that much, as if he's experienced way worse...

Ah, to hell with this feeling, why is everything he's feeling always feels like he's experienced worse, it's seriously concerning!

Maybe knowing his past is a bit of a bad idea at this point, but even then, he's still gonna try and find a way... He might even have a family that's looking, or worried for him for- uhh... Gods... No that doesn't sound right... Stars? Yeah, Stars' sake!

Shaking his head to get rid of his internal conflict, he followed Peril into the cafe before he could wait for a longer time.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

And that is it! We done! :D

Hope you liked little conversations and stuff like those, because again, it's gonna be what's mostly centered.

Boring talks and chats, and Error just monologuing a whole lot the entire time and complaining how he doesn't remember shit.

If you don't like that, then I'm sorry :')

Even so, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Peaco~ :D

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