┊XI┊The Neutral Ground┊1┊

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"Hey Peril...?" "Hmm?" "What's... The Neutral ground?" Peril glanced over and saw that Error was pointing at the Neutral grounds of the map, his coffee drink currently on a bench right now. "Oh, that's like... Literally what it says. It's the place where those who does not want to get a mark go really... The people there are usually called Outcasts or Neutrals since they don't wanna get marked." Peril explained and Error slowly nodded. "I see... Can we visit it?" "Eh, sure... You'll need to know the place anyways if you choose to not have a mark after all." Peril shrugged before he then began to walk.

Error blinked before quickly following after Peril, folding the map with ease and then staying behind him as most of the crowd parted for Peril. "Peril... If I may ask, why do they walk out of your way?" Error whispered as he then took his brew and took sip, he hasn't really finished it yet after all.

"It's because they recognize me as the king's guard really... Also because I'm quite... Notorious... For something that they do not like." Peril snickered and Error nodded lightly. "What are you notorious for?" "Let's just say that quite a lot of people here have been a victim of it, even his highness himself." Peril snickered and Error blinked in surprise.

"Did he punish you?" "He did, but it was only surprisingly a small punishment." Peril snickered lightly. "Don't worry about it." Error then nodded once more, now getting quite curious on what Peril is 'notorious' for. "C'mon, let's take a teleporter so we'll get there faster." "There's a teleporter?" Error asked in surprise and Peril grinned. "Yep! C'mon!" Peril then began to run and Error yelped. "W-Wait!" Error quickly followed after Peril.


"Aaaaand here we are!" Peril exclaimed as he then got off the teleporter. Error quickly following after Peril and looking around curiously. "Huh..." Error blinked, it looks the same as the one in the Moon Empire honestly... "Over there is the gate by the way! If you're not permitted to enter through it, you won't be able to use the teleporter to sneak into it." Peril explained and Error slowly nodded.

"Now come on! Since we're already here, let's go to the Neutral market! The place where every Empire can trade in and have no problem with people from the other Empires! Mostly because this is neutral ground, you can't exactly complain about someone from another Empire being in your premise." Peril spoke and Error slowly nodded before Peril began to walk again. "Careful now, they won't part for me here." Peril snickered and Error quickly stuck closer to Peril, nervously drinking his coffee while holding on to Peril's coat.

Soon enough, they've arrived at the Market area where Error felt his blood freeze up and his anxiety sky rocket, especially with the amount of people. He then noticed that Peril's gonna go into the crowd and Error sucked in a breath and quickly trailed after Peril, trying his best to not let go of Peril.

Ack, so many people, too many touching, overwhelming in fact, he hates it- he hates it- he hates it- "Error?" Error quickly snapped his skull towards Peril, who had an eyebrow raised. "You okay man? You're kinda holding on to my jacket a bit too tightly." Peril commented and Error glanced down, quickly loosening his grip. "I-i I'm s-sorrY." Error whispered and Peril just raised a brow.

"Don't worry man, you'll get over your problem with touch eventually. Kinda need to in all honesty." Peril then snickered a bit and Error fidgeted a bit. "I-I know... It's juSt... E-EvErytHiNg's just... So ovErwhEl-wHelming and- aNd uncOMfortAble anD-" "Hey, Hey. It's okay, you're fine." Peril then moved and took Error between an alleyway to help calm the glitch down. "Take a deep breath man. Calm yourself." Peril instructed and Error took a deep breath in, then shakily letting it out.

"Good, do that again, but count to three between." Peril spoke, Error following Peril's instructions and letting out the breath. "Good. Calm now?" "S-Still unComFortaBle..." "Good enough, Just hold on to me or something." Peril shrugged and Error slowly nodded. Soon enough, they were back into the market place.

"Do you see anything you find interesting?" Peril asked and Error nervously glanced around. "Well... Some..." Error sheepishly muttered and Peril nodded. "Well drag me to it then!" Peril grinned and Error slowly nodded, walking towards said stall while trying his best to avoid touch as much as possible. Honestly, Peril pities this poor dude. What the hell even happened to him that causes him to be so... Fearful of touch? Is it even a condition thing or is it a trauma thing, he doesn't know.

And as tempted as he is to know, he sorta kinda can't because like, amnesia and stuff... Ooh! Pretty clothes!

"You like the jacket?" Peril asked as he glanced at the item that Error's looking at. "Mhmm... It looks similar to the one I was wearing..." well, at least the glitching had died down now. "Ighty. Why not buy it?" "Uhh... Okay..." Error then nervously pulled his hand away from Peril's jacket and then touched the coat that caught his attention, feeling the fabric for a bit, then touching the edges and Error tilting his skull. "It's made of the rougher version of wool though..." Error mumbled softly and Peril blinked. "Really?" Peril then moved and touched it as well. "Huh... It is." "Unfortunately, I can't wear this..." Error whispered and Peril glanced at him. "Why not?" "I... I don't know... I just... Have a feeling." Error mumbled before quickly pulling his hand away when it began to glitch the longer it stayed on the fabric. "Itchy." Error blinked lightly and Peril couldn't help but snort. "Guess we found out why now!" "Guess we did..." Error couldn't help but sheepishly laugh and then looked around some more for anything that could maybe help with his touch phobia... Specifically another coat over his turtleneck.

"Peril!" Error blinked, turning to Peril when his name got called, seeing Peril blinked and quietly curse under his breath. "Fucking hell." Error just tilted his skull in confusion.

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Me regrets nothinf :D

And so, they get into the Neutral grounds now! Poggers!

It is 1:09 am atm and I finished this solely because I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't

Anyways! Who do you think is the person who called after Peril?

Hint: It's a character not yet introduced! But he's someone who's been mentioned in my books a couple of times :D

Hope y'all enjoyed! <3

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