┊XLI┊Court Entry┊6┊

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Error was currently drinking a hot chocolate, currently resting from his training with Silver. Ever since he had begun to fight back, he had improved on the ranking quite quick. "Silver?" Error looked up at his trainer, who just lets out a soft hum as he drank his hot chocolate. "I've been wondering this for a while but... How come you talk during training but... Not talk when we're not?" Error couldn't help but ask, Silver glancing down at him and letting out another hum, seemingly contemplating his answer before just sighing softly and just tilting his skull a bit. "Oh... Sensitive topic? I'm sorry for asking then." Error sheepishly spoke and Silver simply just shook his skull and then took a sip of his hot cocoa once more before setting it down, he then grabbed a piece of paper and began writing on it, then handing it to Error.

'I'll tell you another time, just not now.' Error then glanced up at Silver and nodded. "Alright, I won't pry you anymore." Error smiled at Silver, who blinked before smiling back behind his mask, not that Error knows he's smiling anyways. Honestly, it's been a while since someone doesn't pester him about this kind of thing, especially since almost everyone in the entire court kept asking. Sometimes, privacy just doesn't exists he guesses.

Error and Silver then kept enjoying their hot chocolate break before Silver could teach Error about magic combat... If Error can even use magic for combat that is. They'll see about it.


It's been a couple of days since Error had asked the question, and as much as Error is still quite curious to know. He knows that Silver would just tell him his own time.

Which is what exactly seems to be happening when Error was stopped by Silver with him holding up a hand. Error blinks on confusion before glancing up at Silver. "Something the matter?" Error asked while Silver looked around for a bit before motioning for Error to follow. Error blinked before nodding. Watching as Silver then turned and began to walk into a direction while Error followed.

During their walk though, Error had taken notice how their steps seems to have an extra pair, he then glanced at Silver. "Silver?" He began and Silver turned to him. "We're being followed." Error murmured as quietly as possible and Silver stopped, resulting to Error stopping, as well as the extra pair, not having expected them to stop in all honesty. Silver frowned a bit at that before he then lent a hand out for Error. Error blinked in surprise, staring at Silver's hand for a bit before slowly touching it. Silver nodded and carefully held Error's hand, being very cautious with Error's haphephobia, which Error appreciates.

Soon enough, they blipped from sight, missing the curse that followed from the stalker. Serves them right.

Error and Silver then appeared in a room, where Error looked around curiously, the walls were white with what looks to be a silhouette of a forest painted in black. Actually, a lot of the room was black and white with hints of red, purple and blue here and there to accent it. It was quite pretty in Error's opinion. "Is this your room?" Error couldn't help but ask and Silver nodded before sitting down on his own bed. He then gestured for Error to sit anywhere else, so Error chose to sit on a bean bag. He doesn't know what attracted him to that bean bag, but he liked the bean bag.

"Your room is really pretty." Error spoke and Silver sheepishly nodded before clearing his throat a bit. "Thank you..." Error blinked in surprise before smiling and nodding. "So... What did you need me for?" Error asked and Silver fidgeted for a bit. "Remember how you... Asked on how I talk at certain times, right?" Silver softly asked and Error blinked. "Yeah... If it's about that, then don't force yourself into telling me why. Especially if you're uncomfortable." Error spoke in concern and Silver smiled a bit under his mask. This guy really was different.

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