┊VI┊The Moon Empire┊1┊

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Voices talking and hushed whispers was what he was met with when he regained consciousness, slowly attempting to move his entire body, he then slowly opened his eyesockets before squinting a bit when light pooled into his vision. All he could feel was numbness. He doesn't know what kind, whether it was from the cold or from something else, it was all he could feel.

Squinting his eyesockets a bit to try and adjust his vision, only to close one eyesocket to adjust better, he then found himself hearing that the hushed whispers were actually full on talking. So close yet so far, it was... Weird... Where was he? He doesn't remember ever seeing black when he... What did he do again?

Oh right, he jumped off a cliff... Slowly moving his arms, he found out that it was actually quite easy, as the dull ache never really bothered him... Almost as if he had done this multiple times before...

Pushing himself up, he then noticed that there was some kind of cloth surrounding the cushiony item he was on, and that he was alone. Squinting his eyesockets a bit, he noticed that there was a lot of shadows walking around the cloth, until one pulled back and jumped a bit in surprise at seeing him sitting up and all awake. "Guys! He's awake!"

Error couldn't help but flinch a bit when he heard the yell, moving a hand to cover his earholes since that was loud as hell... He doesn't remember his hearing being this sensitive... Was his hearing always like this? Why wasn't it this sensitive when he was in the snow? Perhaps it was because he was cold?

So many questions, yet so little answers. Maybe the people... Er... What's the term again? Ah, he doesn't remember... But maybe they could help him? Unless they also don't know a single thing about him then that's gonna be hard... But hey, help would still be appreciated...

No matter how absurd that thought is anyways. Why is it even absurd, it's like he somehow grew up in a bad environment or something! Ah, what are the chances of that anyways.

"Oh, you are awake... My name is Doctor Leilani." Error blinked when he then faced the doctor- a new doctor... Error examining him, it was a male, and... A dog hybrid, what dog breed, he doesn't know, but it has fluffy ears. The doctor then glanced at Error up and down. "And you seem to already look better... Despite how you shouldn't even be able to sit up like that..." The doctor whispered under his breath, but Error somehow heard him. Error opened his mouth to speak, only to shut himself up when the Doctor looked at him.

Fear, he doesn't know why but he now feels fear coursing through him when the doctor advanced towards him. Error quickly scrambling to stay away from the Doctor, making him stop in his tracks in surprise. Error didn't knew why, but there was major warning signs appearing in his mind at the thought of having the doctor get near him.

"Okay... I'm not gonna come closer, see?" The Doctor then had his hands raised up and Error noticed that two new people had entered the curtain too. Specifically, one with some kind of goop or oil trailing down his eyesockets, and the other had two red eyelights, but had a tint of blue in one of them. One was wearing a hood and the other didn't even have any hoods in the first place.

He noticed that everyone he's seen has some kind of moon mark on their cheeks though, and it sort of confused him. Was it some kinda cult thing or...? Actually, he'll ask that later.

"Pretty eyes." The one with oily tears chirped and Error blinked in confusion. He didn't get what they were talking about. "Peril, focus." The other rolled his eyelights. "Oh come on Shroudy! New person! New friend!" Peril exclaimed excitedly while Error just stared at them in confusion. "They don't even know us, nor do we know him-" "Well then hi! My name's Peril, and my AU is Killertale! I was meant to be named Killer but that was already taken from some annoying piece of shit so meh." Peril shrugged lightly and Shroud sighed.

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