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Jerked awake by a loud noise coming down the hall, Flug gets out of bed. He slipped on his lab coat and went to see what the commotion was. He turned a corner and found all sorts of blueprints and supplies on the floor. In the middle of the pile, he saw Demencia. Not surprised, he started to clean the mess up.
"Oh Flug~" Demencia said.

He turned around, "What is it?" She climbed out of the pile of scraps and forgotten blueprints by the time he had fully turned around.

"Why do you have all this around if you're not going to use it?"

He stared at her blankly. "Really?" He thought, "I'm going to use it later." He said calmly, ignoring the anger rising.

"You're an odd one, you know that?"

Chuckling, Flug responded, "You're one to talk. You were just in a pile of random objects, and you're saying i'm odd?"

Demencia perked up straight, ignoring the inventor's question. She suddenly made a break for the hallway near BlackHat's office.

Faintly, Flug could hear his boss' annoyed comments "Demencia! Get off me!"
"I swear that girl has a radar for BlackHat." Flug thought, continuing to clean up the mess she had made. He then heard a voice over the intercom.  "FLUG MY OFFICE. NOW" Flug set the items in his hands down, and rushed to his boss' office. 5.0.5 should get that cleaned up soon anyway.

He slowly opened the door, "Y-You wanted me, Sir?"
The inventor went fully inside the room to see his boss sat comfortably in his chair.

(Flug's POV)
"Is it finished?" He asked.
"Almost S-Sir."
"Get it done by tonight and put it on my desk in the morning."
I nodded, "Yes sir." I exited his office, and went back to the lab. A long and dreadful walk, but calming nonetheless. Unless Blackhat's mad at you, that is. If he's mad and calls you to his office you know damn well you're in trouble.

I keep missing hours of sleep over this one stupid invention. I was only assigned it yesterday, but I guess that's what I get for working for the most evil villain of all.

I sit in my chair, rolling it over to the desk. I looked at the hardly done invention. "Not too much to finish, but still a lot." I muttered. I pick up the screw driver and begin to tighten and replace the screws. After that, I welded metal to it for reinforcement. And so on. Continuing to work for what seemed like days. When I had finally finished most of it, I got up to get some water.

When I stood up, my legs turned to jelly. I almost fell face flat onto the cold tile. Luckily I've fallen over plenty of times, but that doesn't stop my head for hitting the floor.

"Damnit." I hissed, rubbing my head. No matter how many times I fall over, it seems I'll never be able to not get hurt. Cautiously, I stood up to regain balance. When I finally stood up straight, I quietly headed for the kitchen not wanting to wake anybody up. It was always quiet at night, but normally there's at least another sound to hear. Tonight, I only heard my footsteps echoing through the halls.

I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water. Sat at the kitchen table, I lifted my bag to drink. I slightly looked at the fridge to see if anything looked appetizing. Then I heard a soft noise from behind me.

I quickly turned, frightened by the sudden noise, knocking the glass off the counter. Fear and adrenaline hit as I reached the glass, but horribly missed. I closed my eyes as it shattered, echoing a very loud shatter. I opened them to see that 5.0.5 had ran off and in his place, my boss


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