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Heya!! It's your author<3
Now, this isn't really a chapter, just a bunch of bonus shit I threw together. I hope you enjoy some of the art I made from the wedding scenes, and BH&Flug cuddling.

Here's Flug's outfit

Here's Flug's outfit

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Blackhat's outfit

Whitehat and Slug's outfit(s)

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Whitehat and Slug's outfit(s)

Whitehat and Slug's outfit(s)

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5.0.5 and 6.0.6 outfit(s)
So I would draw this, but they just wore bowties cuz they don't wear clothes-

Demencia and Clemencia outfit(s)

Demencia and Clemencia outfit(s)

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Wedding scenes

Wedding scenes

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Alright! Yes, there will be a sequel to this book, it's based on Whitehat and Slug which takes place after the wedding. Some things in that book will have more lore or backstory and whatnot, but either way, if you read it, I hope you like it. Anyways, it's called "Why Is Love Hard? [Whitehat x Dr. Slug]"

It'll look like this ^ (minus the draft thingy, I took this picture early-early)

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It'll look like this ^ (minus the draft thingy, I took this picture early-early)

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