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The ✨smutty✨ stuff continues!

(Flug's POV)

I don't know how, but I finally got Blackhat on the bed. The only problem is....I am currently on top of him.
"Now that you're on the bed, stay." I said, slightly blushing. I then proceeded to get off Blackhat, but a hand stopped me. He had grabbed my wrist, and a hand on my waist.
"S-sir, you need to rest. A-and for that to happen, I-I have to get off of you."
"Stay." He said softly, "Why so quick to leave?"
"I-I have work to do, a-a-and you need to get rest."
I don't know where this is going, but I'm not sure if he's fully right in his right mind at the moment.
I continued to try to get off the demon. Each time, he stopped me. I got more nervous and confused each time he asked me to stay. He didn't respond after I talked. Instead, he moved his hand to my pants, leaving me still on him. He started rubbing that uhm, area.

He pulled me down, making our chests touch. I was laid on his chest, on top of him.

I am currently on top of my boss, laying on him. My boss. The one who has shown little to no affection for me until a few days prior. What is happening with him?

He moved the bag a bit up past my lips, but not enough to show anything else. He pulled me into a passionate kiss, shoving his tongue in. I relaxed into it, and intertwined our tongues together. His hands were now both at my waist. My hands were on his chin, shaking ever so slightly.

We pulled away, allowing ourselves to breath, saliva forming a line of connection before splitting. He switched me to the bottom, him now on top of me. I was still blushing madly, but Blackhat seemed fine. He seemed quite pleased, actually.

He was about to fully unbuckle my pants but we heard Demencia's voice in the hallway, calling for Blackhat.
I heard him mutter to himself, but only fully heard one word "damnit."

He then immediately got off me, kissed my cheek, then left to handle Demencia. I heard shouting down the hallway, but ignored what they were saying.

What the fuck just happened?

I pulled the bag back down when i sat up.
Im so flustered, but I have work to do. And now I realize, Blackhat still has to be resting. He's sick after all! Standing up off the bed, 5.0.5 was in the doorway.
"Hello, 5.0.5!"
He waved, and went to take off the maid outfit.
I patted his head, and he pulled me into a spine crushing hug.
"Thank you." 5.0.5 smiled then went to take a nap.
I exited the lab to find Blackhat.

I knocked on his door.
"What do you want?!" He growled angrily. Fear flooded through me,
"I-It's me, S-Sir!"
"Get in here Flug!" He was back to normal it seems, more demanding. I didn't think twice about it though. I quickly got in the office and sat in the chair.
"What is it."
"Y-you're still s-sick, Sir." He stood and leaned over the desk, his face in front of mine, and I panicked, "Y-you need t-to r-rest Sir?"
"You don't tell me how I feel, or what I need to do, Doctor."
"I-I know, b-b-but Sir, y-you were b-burning up the l-last time I-I checked."
"Check again, Doctor. I feel fine."
I gulped, slowly removing my glove and putting it to his forehead, once again.
He felt warm, but not as warm as before. I only checked a few minutes ago, why has it changed?

"See Doctor? I'm fine."
I nod, "Y-yes Sir, y-ou d-d-do feel less w-warm, but th-that doesn't m-mean you're not s-sick."
"Flug, I assure you, I'm fine."
"B-but Sir-"
"Flug. I said I'm fine." He then teleported. Not just anywhere.. I-Is Blackhat U-under me?

(Blackhat's POV)

I teleported to Flug. I open my eye thinking I'd see the chair. I'm under him?!
I saw Flug's bag. Hm. Unconventional, but it could work out.
I continued my sentence from before the teleportation, "Besides, Flug. Why do you care?"
He turned his head frantically, "B-because if y-you're s-si-sick, then w-we'll be be-behind on business.."
I picked him up and turned him to face me on the chair, still on top of me. He was a deep red,
"Only business, Flug?"
"W-well, Sir-"
What is wrong with me? Of course it's only business. I shouldn't even be thinking of him like this!
"Well, Doctor?"
"E-either w-wa-way, S-Sir, you sh-should be resting."
I cocked my head, smiling.
Great. Now i'm smiling? Geez, i'm softer than I thought. For now, I will continue this, I will have to stop this soon, though. I have a reputation to uphold, after all!
I took hold of his hand, and teleported us to my bed. We were side by side. Cuddling. I held him close, he stayed still, arms wrapped around me. My cheeks flushed. He was asleep, quietly snoring. I smiled, and dozed off.
(This POV was kinda short sorry bout that)

(Flug's POV)

Waking up, I noticed I'm not in the lab, or Blackhat's office. I'm in his bed. I looked to the sides, he wasn't in the bed with me.
"Finally awake Doctor?"
I looked up, seeing my boss in his outfit. He only had his suit, tie, dress pants, and top hat. No trench coat. I immediately stood up,
"Ah' S-Sir, so s-so-sorry, I'll g-get out of y-y-your bed."
He walked in, "Good. Now hurry up, you have work to do."
"Y-yes Sir!" I dashed out of his room, ran through the office, and headed straight to the lab.
He's right. I have work to do. I can't slack off anymore. It doesn't explain why he was being so nice, though.
I sit in the chair, seeing the note on my desk. I picked it up and started to read it,

Doctor Flug,
Thank you for trying to take care of me while I was 'sick' But there is no time or need for that anymore. I'll need to to create an anti-gravity device. Get on that as soon as possible.
Also, my brother is coming next week. I will need the device done by then, if not sooner.
Another thing, join us for dinner tonight. Everyone else in the house will be there. Demencia, 5.0.5, me, and you.
Get on that project now.
Signed, Blackhat.

"A brother?" I wondered aloud. "Dinner? A project?" Wow, that's a lot. Sigh. One thing at a time, Flug, One thing at a time. First, the start the project. Second, have d-dinner with everyone. Third, continue and hopefully finish the project. And finally, meet Blackhat's brother.
Okay. let's start with the first one, and see how far I get.

I grabbed the blueprint papers and chalk piece from underneath my desk. I started sketching the design out, thoughts zooming in and out of my head.

A brother? Blackhat thanked me? I don't know if I want to go to dinner, but they probably expect me there. I wonder what his brother's like. Ugh. I have to get this done. But a week is a long time, Blackhat's being quite generous.

I then finished the design.
"Fluuuuugg!!" I looked to the doorway, watching Demencia scramble in. "It's dinner time! Blackhat said you're joining us tonight!"
I stood, "Yes. I am joining you guys tonight."
Demencia rushed toward me, embracing me.
"Im so happy that you're actually going to eat with us tonight!"
"Yeah, that's a bit obvi-" She grabbed my wrist and led me to the dining room. Blackhat was sat at one end, and I sat at the other end. 5.0.5 sat next to me, Demencia sat near Blackhat, but not too close. Closer to the middle than him actually.

"It's nice to see you here, Flug." Blackhat said.
The others agreed, but I don't see why it's so important I'm here.
"It's nice to be here?" I said, kinda asking, but only from confusion.
"5.0.5 will you get the food?"
Nodding, he went to grab the food from the counter. He came back with the plates and handed them out.
It's spaghetti. Random, but it's easy to make and quite frankly, easy to eat.

Demencia ate as soon as it was presented to her. 5.0.5 ate after serving.
Blackhat and I just stared at each other with food in front of us.

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