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(Flug's POV cont.)

He stomped into the lab.
"Th-The dev-device! I-It works!" I shouted happily. I sounded like I had gone mad.
"Flug. Calm yourself. Good job, but calm the fuck down. You sound insane."
I held a finger up to ask 'isn't that literally what we do?' He seemed to have read my mind, because he interrupted me,
"Yes, yes. I know thats our purpose and business, but we still need to keep level-heads. Also, we have a commercial to film now. Because of you getting it done so quickly. It will be on high demand I assume. So you will be making them for the next few days. But, do not give the original away. It's reserved for a special client."
"Yes Sir!" He nodded and left me be.

I grabbed my notes and the prototype. I walked down to the recording area, but nobody was there. There was only a note.

We are recording in Blackhat's office today.
Come quickly >:D

I gathered up my stuff and headed to Blackhat's office. I opened the door, and there they were.
A voice in the back of my head spoke.
Can't believe he didn't tell me this when he was in the lab with me.
I can't argue with it, it is kinda annoying he didn't say anything, but it's his job.
But if it's his job, does he or does he not care about you?
I had no answer for myself. I did have emotions building up. Happiness, annoyed, confused, sad, and anger. All at the same time is such a wonderful thing to experience. I kept it in, hoping I wouldn't blow up at anyone, especially my boss. I could out some things that nobody should hear.
It's not the best choice, but it's the only choice I have at the moment.
I finished setting the cameras and lights up.
I shooed Demencia out, then stood at the camera. "Ready, Sir?" He nodded and I counted down from three, as I always did. 3.....2.....1.....Action!
The introduction went smoothly, but he couldn't figure out how to work it, so I had to step in.
I showed him how, I pressed the button.
"Flug." He growled through gritted teeth, "Why am I in the air? Get me down. Now."
"S-Sir, I tried to tell you. I-It's not a ray, It's a dev-device!"
Demencia somehow made it into the room,
She fiddled with the device, finally pressing the button. We and everything around us came crashing down. But she pressed it again.
She shrugged, "I don't know."
5.0.5 must've heard the yelling, because he stumbled in to the mess of a room.
Wow. He really went that far. 5.0.5 is going to need comforting later. Poor thing.
He fumbled with the device, stressing. He got so stressed that he ended up eating it....
I looked at Blackhat, I saw the anger in his eyes. It was like a fire burning. I looked at 5.0.5, his eyes filled with fear and worry. He really is a big sweetheart.

Blackhat's shouting was tolerable for me and Demencia since we get shouted at every day. Even 5.0.5 does, but he's a different story.
I signaled for him to cut the cameras. He quickly turned them off. He grabbed me out of the air.
"O-Open up, 5.0.5," He opened his mouth. I saw a blinking green dot. I quickly reached into his mouth, grabbing it out.
Not even after a full second of having it out of 5.0.5's esophagus, Blackhat started yelling again.
"FLUG. GET ME DOWN. NOW!" I had the temptation to just leave them in suspension, but if he ever got down, I'd be dead. I pressed the button, letting everyone, including myself, down.
The only way I could get out of suspension is if I left the room and got far away to turn the device off. It seems to have a pretty big radius, so I'll have to be careful about that.
I started to leave, but was stopped,
"Where do you think you're going, Doctor?"
"I-I'm going to s-sanitize the device, S-Sir."
"Fine. But hurry back you have to help clean."
"Y-Yes Sir!"
I quickly maneuvered down the hallways, to the lab. I took some tools out, and began the process. It would take longer than normal because 5.0.5 is immortal and has different saliva. In fact, I don't think any of us do. Sensations of how Blackhat tasted filled my mind, he definitely has different saliva. He is a demon, but still. Engulfed in my thoughts, I snapped out of them when I heard shouting from the hall.
I had finished the process at least. Now to wait. The shouting didn't stop, it continued. It got louder by the second. I ran to the office, but slowly opened the doors.

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