Twenty Eight

446 17 10

TW: Strong hatred, strong/harsh language
Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia, 5.0.5, 6.0.6, and Clemencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug
Bold&Italicized: Mr. And Mrs. TopHat

(Blackhat's POV)

Me and Flug continued to plan little details about the wedding, it was soon and we both have our outfits. I had to have Whitehat help me with mine...and Slug helped Flug, so I guess having me in white and red, and Flug in black and red is quite nice..? Ugh....I'm nervous.. I mean, we have about a week, but still.. It's quite nervewracking.
My suit is basically the same as my normal one, just a change of colour. I don't know about Flug's though...did he get a dress or a suit? Either way, I bet he's going to look wonderful. "Blackhat? May I come in?" Whitehat calls. "Sure, what is it?" I ask in return.
"Only a week left. Are you feeling alright?" He questions, to which I reply with a nod. "Of course! I'm fine." I reply, looking at him confused.
We then started to have a whole conversation about why I could possibly be nervous, even if I'm not. I think I'm fine; I seem fine, why wouldn't I be alright? I'm just a tad nervous, that's it. I hope Flug's alright too.

(Flug's POV)

Slug is with me and he's helping me. He had already helped with finding a good outfit, which was a short dress with pants and a suit top. I really like it....I think it's nice. But the wedding's soon, I'm so nervous!
"Aye, Flug, calm'll be okay." Slug says, noticing me mumble and pace about. "Sorry. I'm just so nervous! And in a week I won't be Flug Syls..I'll be Flug TopHat-Syls." I say, absolutely enchanted by just the thought of it. Slug raised an eyebrow. "That's kind of an odd last name. But then again.. He and Whitehat are brothers.....wait- how does that even work??" He asks. I chuckle a bit.
"Well, I went to Blackhat and Whitehat's house earlier this month, and the mom was such a sweetheart, the dad was the complete opposite. So Blackhat took after his father, and Whitehat after his mother." Slug then understood, for it made sense to him. "That's interesting." He says, holding my outfit up. "Now, let's check if this fits you again, yeah?" I nod, happily excited by the idea of putting it on again. When I was finally dressed, I was ecstatic!! I even decided to not wear my bag! Honestly...I think it's the right choice.
Slug gave me a thumbs up as I twirled around, admiring the way the skirt danced. "Ya look good Flug. I hope Blackhat likes it too."
I smiled. "He will, I know it." After that, Slug showed me his outfit. His was similar to his normal outfit, but it was white and red instead of black and red. I assumed that he and Whitehat also switched. Only now it occurred to me I didn't have a best man.
"Hey Slug?" He turned to me. "Yeah? What's up?" I inhaled a bit then took his hands. "Will you do me the honor....of being my best man..?" He was silent for a minute, but nodded. "I'd love to. Thank you for letting me."
I chucked happily, both of us smiled. He's one of the only people who've seen my face for so long.. And I trust him.

(Third Person POV)
[The Wedding Day]

Today is the big day. Today is the day where Dr. Flug and Blackhat get married. Where they seal the deal. The two had made sure not to see each other at all, for extra luck. Slug and Whitehat made sure of it. Blackhat's parents came, sat in the front, right next to the pictures of Flug's parents and family.
Mr. TopHat wasn't too excited about sitting next to pictures, especially since he hadn't even met Flug's parents. But it wasn't possible to have it happen. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't act up, Mrs. TopHat would make sure of that. Since Demencia and Clemencia were the flower girls, they waited for Flug, as he was going to be the one walking down the aisle. 5.0.5 was the ring BEARer, and 6.0.6 was the security. 6.0.6 is 5.0.5's opposite as one is like a marshmallow cloud and the other would kill you if you even looked at him wrongly.
Blackhat was at the altar waiting with his brother, Whitehat. Their outfits making it a bit confusing on who was was clear they switched color schemes. Slug wasn't even at the altar, he agreed to walk Flug down the aisle.

The doors opened, the wedding march played. Everyone stood and watched as Dr. Slug walked Dr. Flug down the aisle. Flug smiled at Blackhat, who smiled back. Demencia and Clemencia followed them Demencia throwing the darker coloured flowers, Clemencia doing the same but with Pastel coloured flowers. When they arrived to each other, they held hands, Flug still carrying the bouquet. They didn't have a priest as it wouldn't be the best choice, so Whitehat did it for them. The speech went normally, nothing went wrong.
"With that being said, if anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." He paused, waiting for anyone who even dared to speak up. Whitehat was about to continue speaking, but was cut off..

"I object." Came a Male's voice. He stood up, of course it was Mr. TopHat. "May I ask why?" Whitehat questions, wanting a genuine answer from the man. He laughed, picking up the picture of Flug's father. The scientist's eyes went wide. "This man.. I never got to meet him. Why would I let my son be married to someone whose parents I never got to meet?"
Flug exhaled a shaky sigh, turning to the crowd, walking up to the man known as Blackhat's father. "Oh? You never got to meet them....did you? Well I apologize. I never knew how imbecilic you are." Flug paused. "If you really want to meet them, I'll grant you access." He pulled out a needle filled with neon green liquid from his corset. His eyes went from emerald Green to a bright neon green as he smiled widely. "Oh, were you expecting them to be alive? Too set the picture of my father down." Mr. TopHat obliged, Flug walked back to Blackhat, holding his hand once more.
"Anyone else wish to speak up?" Whitehat calls out to the audience. Nobody answered so he continued. When it came to the 'I do's' and the vows, Whitehat had Blackhat go first. "Blackhat Geraldo TopHat, you may say your vows." Blackhat nodded, turning to Flug.
"If it weren't for you crashing into my Manor all those Years ago, I wouldn't have ever met you. I want you to know I'll be here for you no matter what. Call my name and I'll come running. You aren't alone and you won't ever be." Flug smiled happily, a light red blush covering his cheeks.
"Kenning Lyndon Flugsyls, your vows." Whitehat says, Flug exhaling shakily. "We met so many Years ago, sometimes I can't even remember what day it was. But that day, you allowed me a job there. Even if I crashed into your roof, you allowed me to be your scientist, your inventor. If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't be where I am now.. Demencia wouldn't be here, neither would 5.0.5. I wouldn't know Dr. Slug, your brother or even your family. I may just be a human that literally crash landed into your life, but you thought of me as more than that. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Blackhat's face heated up, but he liked it.. It was sweet.
'Much more prepared than I was..' Blackhat thinks.

"Blackhat Geraldo TopHat. Do you take Kenning Lyndon Flugsyls as your newly wed husband? To hold in sickness and health, staying with him till his death?" Blackhat nods. "I do." Whitehat then turned to Flug. "Kenning Lyndon Flugsyls. Do you take Blackhat Geraldo TopHat to be your newly wed husband? To hold in sickness and health, staying with him till your death?" Flug nods in return. "I do."
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce the two of you, married. 5.0.5, rings please." The blue bear walks over, holding a pillow that carried the rings. Blackhat took his for Flug, and vise versa, both getting the rings on each other's hand. "You may kiss the bride."
Blackhat took hold of Flug, turning him into a dip and kissed him, Flug kissed back, holding his husband's cheeks gently. Those sitting in the seats all stood and cheered, watching as Blackhat picked Flug up, bridal style of course, and walked down the aisle. They walked to the far side of the room, where the banquet sat. There were refreshments, food and of course, the cake with other sweets. Blackhat allowed Flug to cut the cake, he held the man up on his shoulder, who cut the cake from there.
They passed the cake out to everyone, which there weren't too many people, so it went quickly. After everyone had eaten, Demencia wanted to say a few words. So she stepped on a chair and tapped her glass with a knife. Everyone went silent, listening.
"Hello everyone! I would like to say something to the now happy couple." She smiled, Flug didn't get a good feeling from this. "As most of you know, I used to have a HUGE crush on Blackhat. So much that I would've KILLED to be in Flug's position right now. But now, I wish the two of you the best of luck." She then sat down, everyone clapped. Flug wasn't expecting her to say that, he personally went up to her and hugged her as a thanks.
Then some music came on, Blackhat led Flug into a dance. The song "A Burning Memory" by Reece Mosely came on. Soon after that song, everyone else began to dance too. They were all happy, and at one point, Flug grabbed his family's pictures and hugged them all, sitting on his knees.
After the wedding was's time for the honeymoon.

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