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(Author's POV)

Flug faced the demon, wide-eyed and sweating.
"S-Sir! I-I'm so s-sor-" The demon emitted a growl from his throat "Save it." Blackhat grabbed Flug's collar and lead him back to the lab.

Flug stammered "J-Jefecito, let me e-explain - please, Sir-" He was cut off by Blackhat shoving him into the room. Flug sat on the floor in terror awaiting what would happen. Meanwhile his boss just stood there silently, a menacing smile creeping onto his face.

"Is the project done doctor?" He paused, and glanced directly in Flug's eyes, sending a shiver down his spine. "Or were you wasting time?"

Shaking, Flug answered, his volume dropping, "I-I just thought that s-since I only need to put the-the finishing touches, I could g-get some water?"

"Alright, alright." the annoyed but still smiling demon said. "But hurry up, you don't have much longer to finish it."

"Y-yes Sir." Blackhat left the trembling scientist and went back to his office. The door behind him clicked shut. But Flug waited a bit longer to get up, Just in case. His busted up clock read the time, '2:10'

Flug sat back in the chair, almost finished. He sat there and continued for a little bit, his eyes getting heavier by the second.
'just one more screw' he thought. As soon as he finished, he fell right to sleep.

(Flug's POV)

I woke up to someone tapping me on the shoulder. As my vision slowly became clear, I realized who it was. "Good morning 5.0.5" I said, yawning.
The bear smiled back at me, in his maid dress. I was slowly waking up fully and as I turned the chair around, I noticed the time. '6:30' My eyes then grew wide, 'Crap, I have to give the device to Blackhat.'. "I'll be back, 5.0.5" I grabbed the device and dashed down the hall.
Knock Knock
"What is it!" A voice said from the other side.
"Blackhat, Sir, I have the device done!" I slowly opened the door, peering in.
"Alright. Tell me what it is and what it does." He demanded.
"W-well, it's a device that m-makes your enemy blind for a c-certain amount of time."
I held it out in front of him so he could get a better look at it.
"Mediocre job, Doctor. But, at least it is able to sell." He paused, "We record in thirty minutes. Be ready by then."
"Yes Sir." I exited the office, leaving the device there. When the doors closed, and I was out of sight, I leaned on the wall, sliding down it to the floor. I sighed, took the bag off, and buried my face in my knees.
I haven't slept properly in quite a while. I probably have dark circles under my eyes. I sat there, staring at the floor, engulfed in a storm of my own thoughts.
Click Clack
Click Clack
I heard footsteps and quickly slid the bag back onto my head then stood. Clinging on the wall a little bit, I looked up to see Blackhat staring me down.
I flinched back, "H-hello Sir!"
"Hello Doctor." He sounded less demanding than normal. "What are you doing out in the hall?"
"J-just heading back to the lab before the recording, Sir." I replied beginning to turn to leave.
"The recording is in five minutes, Flug."
'Five minutes? I've been slacking too long.' I thought. "Right. S-sorry Sir." I turned the other way to leave for setup.
A voice stopped me, "Flug."
Turning around again, "Yes, Sir?" He stepped closer, "When's the last time I allowed you a day off?"
"N-not since I was incredibly sick eight years a-ago Sir." I'm confused. The only reason why he lent me a day off was so I didn't infect anyone else. But that was Eight years ago. There's no way he'd let m-
"Good. I'd like to keep it that way." Blackhat said in a monotone voice. "Meet me in the recording are ASAP."
"Yes sir." I sighed, I knew he wouldn't let me have a day off, but it's nice to think about. Snapping myself out of the spiral of thoughts, I walk toward the recording room. As soon as I got there, I rushed around the place, setting everything up.
"Ready Sir!" I said at the camera.
He nodded as I held my hand up, counting down, 3....2.....1....Action!
Blackhat did the introduction as normal while I made notes of where to cut on/off the camera and where to edit it together.
"And here to give further explanation, Dr. Flug." He said, cueing me in. I walked into frame and began the explanation, "It's a device in the shape of a ray gun that when you shoot it at your enemy, they become blinded for a certain amount of time."
Blackhat took the gun with a truly spine chilling smile, "Why don't we show them?"
I nodded and shouted, "Demencia, come here!" She bursted through the doors making the camera wobble. "You called?" She asked smiling.
"Yes. Obviously." I said annoyed, "Stand here." I moved her into place, and stepped back waiting for Blackhat to shoot. Slowly, he rose the gun and aimed carefully.


She yelped out, and rubbed her eyes.
"Demencia." I said, "Can you see us?" She toppled over, "Flug. Whatever you did, I hate you for it."
"Very nice demonstration, Doctor." Blackhat said, "Now take Demencia off."
"Yes sir." I took her by the arms and began to drag her out of the room and put her outside the doors. "Stay here for now. Or, until your vision comes back." I said.
"If it doesn't, I'll kill you. It doesn't matter if I can't see you." She threatened.
"Yep, have fun!" I chuckled nervously. Demencia scares me, but not as much as Blackhat. There's differences between the two of them.
One, Demencia uses threats and doesn't follow through most of the time. While if Blackhat were to say a threat, he would do it, right then and there. Unless, he needed to 'motivate' you to work or anything like that.
Two, Blackhat has a significant height difference on both me and Demencia. She's shorter than me! (Only by a bit though i'm not super tall.)
And Three, Blackhat will forever be more evil than anyone ever. He doesn't show mercy to anyone, he doesn't indulge in love, none of that! Demencia can me merciless, but only really with heros. Also, she has a HUGE crush on Blackhat. You can see it in her eyes when someone gets too close to him.
Obviously, you won't see much in her eyes, right now, but you get the point.
I walked back into the room "FLUG IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Blackhat shouted.
I yelped then quickly responded while rushing to him, "S-sorry Sir!"
I saw him glare from the side of his eye. I felt goosebumps run up my arms. We continued the recording, and when we finished saying goodbye to all the amateur villains, I turned off the camera. I took the footage so It could be ready for editing.
I walked out expecting to see Demencia, but she was gone.

A/N :
Hello everyone! Yes, this one is considerably longer than the one previously. I had actually written this last night, with a different structure, and a bit of a different storyline, but it was all lost. I decided to write on computer and do it, but i think I'll stick to writing on my phone :D

Anyway, thank you for reading this, and because the parts are becoming longer, it will take me a bit longer to write them, but I will continue to write them, cuz it's fun. Thank you for reading!!

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