Twenty Nine

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(Smut Warning)
[The Honeymoon]

The scientist threw the bouquet, right into Whitehat's hands.. Flug was then carried off into the limo, where Blackhat had planned the whole honeymoon. The demon hadn't let his husband know about anything he planned. It was all going to be a surprise. Hell, when the two got there, Blackhat covered Flug's eyes gently and led him to where he wanted to be.
"Blackhat? Where are we going?" Flug chuckles. "You'll find out soon Fluggy, don't worry." He replies, opening a door, revealing the room's scent. It was a nice lavender smell. Then Blackhat uncovered his husband's eyes. Flug beamed brightly, looking around at everything. The room was so clean.. The candles gave a romantic light....and there were even rose petals in a pathway to the bed. The bed looked so soft too.
"Flug? Will you do me a favor?" Blackhat asks in a soft tone. "Sure, what is it?" He turned to the man, who now had no shirt on. "Get on the bed." Blackhat purrs as Flug turned into a tomato. However, as soon as the scientist laid on the bed, tentacles pinned him down. He wasn't surprised by this, if anything he was just flustered as fuck. Blackhat climbed atop him, only wearing underwear, not even his hat. The tentacles teased at him as Blackhat nibbled at his neck, planting kisses down to his collarbone. Flug let out small moans, tensing up from the pleasure. One of the tentacles wormed it's way to the scientist's groin, running itself up and down the bulge that became apparent.

Flug was carefully stripped, as Blackhat didn't want the outfit to be destroyed, he really did like it. Soon the two were fully naked. Blackhat lined himself up with Flug's spincter, and gently eased himself in. The scientist let out a yelp of pleasure, holding onto the pillow behind his head. The demon went faster, receiving more moans and sounds from Flug.
The night wouldn't end here though, even as they made love, a bath would be started for the two of them, to clean up and be together. Then they would share a bed to sleep.

And that was exactly what they did that night, having small conversations, then they ended up in bed. "You know what's really funny?" Flug asks, chuckling. "What my love?" Blackhat replies, genuinely curious. "The bachelor party I got. It was really fun, but also almost unbearably funny." The demon raises an eyebrow. "Go on."
[Flashback to Flug's Bachelor Party]
"Ain't this great? Ya get food, entertainment and you'll get to do some inventing after this!" Slug smiles, putting an arm around Flug's shoulder. The man was trying to eat, but struggled with his friend being so close. "Heh, yeah. It is really nice. But what kind of entertainment are we talking about?" Flug asks, tilting his head. "Comedy! There'll be some people telling jokes and whatnot, it'll be fun!" Flug sighed quietly. "Alright, let's see what we got here."

Soon enough, the two got drunk and the show was funnier than ever. But it didn't end there. How would they get back to the Manor?? Well, they took a cab, and really overpaid Really overpaid him.
"And that's what happened." He says, still chuckling. Blackhat smiled, holding Flug close. That night, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

             With that, this story comes to an end... The happy couple known as Blackhat and Flug ended up getting married, and living happily together. They still worked at the same place, and kept friends the same. Now Flug can say proudly; "I'm Kenning Lyndon Flug-TopHat-Syls." Yeah, very long last name, but it's what they chose.
There will be another chapter, but it's bonuses and such, so filled with some extra art I've done. There's also a surprise waiting at the end of that chapter. Again, thank you guys so so much for the amount of support I was given. It means so much. <33
Take care of yourselves out there, you ARE wanted and you ARE needed.

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