Twenty Four

740 23 34

TW: strong language.
(Third Person POV)

"Mmn...The fuck?"
"Are you alright darling?" Blackhat asks, embracing the scientist.
"I'm better now." He smiles.
"That was cheesy Flug, but I'm glad you're okay."
The two smiled as Blackhat broke the hug.
"So are we having the same dream?" He smirks.
"Dream?" Flug looks to the side, avoiding eye contact, "Wait so I'm asleep?"
"Yep, and so am I."
"Huh. Well who would've thought."
"The author."
"The what now?"
"Never mind. Anyway...."

The two were talking about why they were even in this dream together. Sure, it might be because of Blackhat, but they didn't know what really caused it.
"Blackhat?" Flug questioned, looking at the other.
"Yes Flug?"
"If this is a dream....why is everything black, and dark? And why don't I have my bag?"
"Flug if you want your bag, just think of having it, it's your dream after all."
"Oh yeah, right." Soon enough Flug's regular bag appeared on his face. "That's better." He sighs.
The room started shifting, turning into a bright room.
They both squinted, shading their eyes from the sun. When they opened their eyes, music sounded.
"The hell? Is this a fucking church?"
"What is going on....."
"Wedding music?"
"Oh shit...." Flug muttered. This was his dream. And because it was, that means it shows what he wants. And what he wanted was pretty clear to himself, but he hoped it wouldn't show the next part.
"Flug?" The scientist was shaking, his hands held together at his chest.
"Is this-"
The doors opened, Flug walking down the aisle in a suit with another man. Blackhat assumed it was his father. He felt his face heat up as he looked at his scientist.
Flug buried his face in his hands, while Blackhat's eyes wandered to the other end of the aisle. It was himself.
Oh. He thought, blushing even more.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Why?! Just fucking.....why? Flug's mind was racing with regret. He wanted Blackhat to decide when they'd marry and how.
It was well enough obvious of what this dream was about, and Blackhat was pretty good at taking hints. Then, as the priest asked for any objections, the doors at the end of the aisle slammed open, breaking into many pieces.
"I object."
Blackhat was stunned, it wasn't a dream anymore, it was a nightmare, and it was a fear Flug had especially from earlier.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I didn't want you to see this. I don't mean to rush you."
"Flug you brilliant idiot, I don't care. All of this, it doesn't matter, it's alright."
"Are you sure?"
Blackhat leaned to Flug, lifting up his bag. Flug leaned in as well, their lips connecting. It was a shorter kiss than the other ones they have.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything, and it's my fault that you think that. So instead of you saying you're sorry, I'm sorry."
"Blackhat...." Flug jumped into the other's chest, "Thank you. I forgive you."
They both closed their eyes as they embraced. When they opened their eyes, they awoke in Flug's room.

"C-Can we not talk about what.....what happened?" Flug asks.
"Sure. I won't say anything." Blackhat smiles, nuzzling into Flug's chest.
"Thank you Sir."
"You know my name darling."
"Right. Thanks Blackhat."
The two cuddles for a little bit before Blackhat got up.
"I have to get back to work. You should soon as well." He kissed Flug's hand, then left.

(Blackhat's POV)

I've been thinking about the dream ever since I woke up. I've been planning to propose, but I honestly don't know how. Plus, I haven't even met his family and he hasn't met mine! So that'll have to be the first step before I even do it. I'm going to have to plan this out soon enough anyway. But for now, I have to get back to work.
I open my office doors, and my lights were.....on? That's not normal.
"Ugh. Demencia. What do you want?"
"You and Flug. The two of you are in love."
"Okay, and?"
"You two are fuckin' gross." She smirked, "Or did you think I couldn't tell?"
"Dem. You've never had a problem with this until now. What is wrong with you?"
"Well, if I'm being honest. I'm not one to......give up on feelings so easily." She stood up and started walking to me.
"So lemme guess, you still have a fucking crush on me?"
"Was that not obvious?" We were now face to face, except I had to look down on the creature.
"Demencia Flug's my boyfriend. I don't want anything to do with you. Especially not in a relationship."
"Aw, now Blacky~ That hurts." She whined, using what Flug and I call 'puppy dog eyes' 5.0.5 also uses them on Flug as well.
"Don't call me that." I pause, "Also I'm glad that it hurts."
She tried to go in for a kiss, which was obviously rejected by me.

She's a persistent pain in the ass. Which I suppose is admirable, but not in this situation. She kept trying to kiss me and whatnot. Honestly, it's disgusting. I'm gonna have to ask Flug about this. But then again, I could just solve this myself.
I wonder what would happen if Flug found Demencia dead.
Dammit I need to stop thinking of this I'm going to end up doing it.
"Leave. Right now, just go." I order, pointing to the door.
"Fine. But only cuz I love you~"
"Shut the fuck up and leave."
She backed away, leaving the room.
Im definitely going to need to talk to Flug about her.

(Flug's POV) [As Blackhat Left]

"I-.....He's never kissed my hand before..." I felt my entire face flush, "I....I liked that..."
He's right though, I do have to get to work.

-A few minutes later-

DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! I can't work! I'm so distracted by what happened earlier and even before that.....
My mind has been so far in the clouds, and I can't concentrate. I can't do anything at this point. I don't know what to do, I don't know how I'd even bring up the subject, since I'm the one who said not to talk about it. But I think I'm gonna have to anyway....
I stood up, and started walking to his office.
"Heya Flugsy~"
"What do you want?"
"Nothing at the moment! I just wanted to check in on you."
"Yeah, sure. I'm on my way to Blackhat's office, so I gotta go."
"Fine, fine. See ya later."
"Geez...." I mutter quietly, quickly continuing to the office.


"Oh shit, s-sorry Sir..." Of course, I ran into him.
"Don't be Flug, it's alright. Just watch where you're going." He smiled.
"Will do." I pause, "I need to talk to you."
"As do I."
"It's about earlier....I know I didn't wanna talk about it, but I think we need to."
"Okay, go ahead."
"Listen. I really didn't want you to see that yet, and I'm sorry that you had to. I know it's uncomfortable for you to be in a church and whatnot, I don't even know if you really want to."
"Flug, it's alright. It really is. But if we were to get married, I'd need to meet your family, and you'd need to meet mine."
"Oh, sure!" I smile. "I'll call my parents, I think they're free this weekend?"
"Sounds good." He replied, smiling sweetly. "But before you do," He paused, putting his hand on my shoulder, "I want to talk to you about Demencia."

Also, I am so incredibly sorry for the hiatus, cuz apparently I hadn't updated this for more than a month.
But seriously thank you!
-Your Author :)

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