
1.6K 40 55

Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&Underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

Tw: Gore
*Slugs dream (cont.)*

I was laying in a pool of blood. I jump backward,
Who's blood is this?
I stand up, walking toward what seems to be the source of it all.
It led to the room that me and Whitehat are currently in. Is it his blood? Blackhat has black blood, but Whitehat has red blood. I think. I don't know if I've ever seen him bleed.
I opened the door, my eyes grew wide. Blackhat was in the room. He was in the room with the body of Whitehat. It was bleeding out, there's too much lost. He can't be alive...
"Well hello, Slug." Blackhat turned, holding an axe on his shoulders. I looked at the axe, it's glistening with blood.
"You-you killed your own brother?"
"He deserved it. Too soft, too kind. He wouldn't have made it far anyway." He was grinning,
"He would've at least had a chance. He would've lived longer if it weren't for people like you!"
"Oh? What are you going to do about it? He's gone. For good. Now you can roam free. Without his kindness getting in the way of things."
"I am literally a hero. You and Flug are the villains, Whitehat, or what used to be him, and me are the heros."
"If you're a hero, I might have to kill you too." He looked me in the eyes, his monocle glinting from the little light in the room. Fear struck through my body, triggering fight or flight. I chose to run, hoping to get away from the murderous demon.
"You know what they always say, 'you can run but you can't hide'? In this situation, you can't run or hide." He teleported in front of me, holding the axe with a toothy grin.
I ran past him, crashing into the wall.
I saw Flug at the end of the hallway,
"Flug! You've gotta help me! I know you don't like me much, but, Blackhat killed Whitehat!"
He stayed still, his back still turned from me.

Did he not hear me?
I ran up to him, panting.
"Did you not hear me?! I said your boss killed mine!"
Only then he turned to me.
"If he killed your boss, he must've had a good reason."
"You bitch. Being kind isn't a fucking reason!"
He smiled, his goggles reflecting behind me,
"It is for us villains."
I looked closer at the reflection from his goggles, seeing Blackhat behind me. I moved past Flug, but he caught my wrist as I tried to run, making me jerk back.

I jolted awake, panting. I looked to the side of me,
Oh thank god. He's not dead.
Wow. What a gruesome image. I hate Blackhat. I hate his scientist. I hate this place. I don't understand my boss. We could left forever ago!

I stood carefully, not wanting to wake Whitehat up. I left the room, drenched in sweat, I headed to the kitchen. Luckily, the kitchen is only a hallway down from here. It's a long hallway, but it's past the lab, to the kitchen.
I should try to check out the lab. I wonder if it's much different from mine.
I reached the lab, peering in.
"Hello, Slug." Startled, I quickly turned around.
"Ah- Hello Flug."
"I assume you're curious? I can give you a tour of the lab if you'd like."
"Yes, I was curious. And I would like a tour if you don't mind."
"Of course, come in."
I walked into the lab with him,
"Heh, sorry it's a bit of a mess. I haven't had the time to clean recently."
"It's fine. My lab's a pretty big mess right now as well."

He continued to give me a tour. It was like my lab, but a bit messier, and he had more resources.
"So, did you come this way just for the lab, or something else?"
"Oh. I was on my way to the kitchen, but I got curious about the lab."
"That's funny, I was about to go there as well."
"Didn't you come from the kitchen?"
He chuckled, "No, I came from Blackhat's office."
"Why there?"
"He had to discuss some things with me."
"Ah. I see."
"So. Why are you two staying? I was told you would come then go."
"That's what I was told, too. But apparently my boss had other plans."
"Alright. Well, join me in the kitchen?"
We walked to the kitchen, not much of a walk, really. It wasn't too far from the lab.

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