Twenty Seven

459 16 26

TW: Forced Acts, Neglect, Offensive Language, and self harm

Normal: Flug
Bold: Blackhat
Bold&Itallic: Blackhat's Mom
Bold&Underlined: Blackhat's Dad

(Third Person POV)
[The Day Flug Meets Blackhat's Family]

Flug was in the middle of changing, he only had his underwear and bag on, he was changing into a more formal outfit.

Knock Knock

Came from the door. "Flug? You almost ready to go?" Blackhat asks, opening the door and seeing Flug trying to cover himself up in a panic. "Y-Yep! Al-Almost done Sir." He replies, quickly getting his outfit on which looked like this:

" He replies, quickly getting his outfit on which looked like this:

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[Not my art lolz]

"You look amazing Flug. They'll love you." Blackhat says. The scientist blushed at that, hugging him. "Thanks, I can't wait."
They said goodbye to the others and were on their way to the TopHat's house. Which was what Blackhat's parents deemed their last name as. Blackhat himself didn't use it, he only used his first name, as he found no use for his last name. It did raise some questions for Flug, such as: "Would he take my last name? Blackhat Syls?" or "If he didn't take my last name, would he use a hyphen? Blackhat TopHat-Syls? It's long...and maybe I'd do that too?".
But he'd discuss that later, for now, he had to make a good first impression for Mr. and Mrs. TopHat.

When the Males arrived, Flug felt his heart sink from the size of the house. He was terrified, and starting to have a panic attack. The scientist was hyperventilating, clutching his sides as Blackhat slowly calmed him down. It took a few minutes, but he was calm after the comfort his fiancé gave him. The two exited the vehicle and knocked on the door.
When the door opened, a woman who was shorter than Blackhat, with long black hair, a slightly lighter skin tone than Blackhat, in a dress also wearing a mini-Tophat showed:

 When the door opened, a woman who was shorter than Blackhat, with long black hair, a slightly lighter skin tone than Blackhat, in a dress also wearing a mini-Tophat showed:

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[My art above]
"Oh! Blacky!~" The woman smiles, hugging Blackhat. Flug stifled a chuckle, Blackhat blushed a bit out of embarrassment. "Mother..." He mumbles. Then a man came up to the door. He was taller than the woman who is Blackhat's mother, and Blackhat himself. He had white hair, a dark grey suit, a black girdle, and a skin tone that was much lighter than the others:

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