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(Blackhat's POV)

That was.....odd, to say in the least. I can't believe I touched him. Should I not have done that? Of course I shouldn't have done that, I'll go soft! Ugh. These human feelings are getting to me. I don't like this. If I really do go 'soft', then I'll at least let Flug take more breaks. He deserves them.

I headed to the office, to see what damage Demencia caused. I walked through the doors, and as I suspected, a total mess. Desk flipped, chair knocked over, cabinets overflowing with papers, most things knocked on the ground. Everything was out of place, or in the way.
"5.0.5!" Hoping he wouldn't be too scared to come in, I shouted for his....assistance. Slowly, the blue bear peeked his head in. "Will you help me clean this up?" He nodded then held up his hand, hopefully what meant 'Give me a minute I'll be right back.' I started to clean up when he walked back in,
I turned to thank him, but stopped. He came back in with Flug. 5.0.5 was in a maid dress, and flug in his normal clothing. "Hello, you two. Uhm, Thank you for coming to help, Flug."
"Of course Sir! A-after all, I didn't help D-Demencia, so it's the l-least I could do."
"5.0.5, start with the cabinets, Flug, my desk, and I'll pick up most of the rest."
They both nodded then got to work.

*Time Skip*

"I-I'm almost finished with this a-area, Sir!"
"Good job. Thank you Flug."
Shit. I really am turning soft. He's just too cute though.
I saw Flug get really excited when I said 'Good Job." I suppose I don't praise him a whole lot. "Flug,"
"Yes, Sir?"
"Will you check if Demencia made a mess of my bedroom, please?"
"Yes, Sir!" He walked off to the room,
"5.0.5, you're dismissed." I said, "Thank you for your help." The bear grabbed his cleaning supplies, and quickly left.

I walked to the bedroom, and shut the doors behind me.

Hey everyone! Its the author here, and i'm here to say, it's going to get a bit ✨smutty✨ so for all the shippers, here you are, my friends!

(Flug's POV)

Blackhats room isn't what I thought it would be like. Well, some of it at least. He has the normal red walls, with black accents, some grey ones, what would seem like normal accents to a room, is different to him. Instead of cupboards and stuff like that, he was drawers that hold most everything. It's clean, though.

I might look around a bit more before I leave, though. So, I continued to snoop around. Not long after, I heard the door creak shut. I turned, expecting to see Blackhat, but he wasn't there. Starting to panic, I ran to the door handle, wiggling it.
Im now stuck in here. What do I do? I walked backward, turning.
"What the-" I looked up.
I turned right into my Boss.
"Oh! B-Blackhat, Sir! I-Im so sorry!" I panicked even more, I've never run face first into Blackhat's chest.

"You're fine Flug. Calm down, will you?"
His voice was calm and strangely comforting. "O-okay." Confused, I squeaked as he stepped closer. He grabbed my collar, gently, but firm. He pinned me against the wall by my wrists making it impossible to break off of him.
"S-Sir? W-what are y-you doing?"
He gave no answer, but moved my hands together, held with only one of his own. I saw his hand move slowly up to my face. He started to lift the bag, and fear set in.

I moved my head, not wanting the bag to be removed. His hand stood still.
"Why not, Doctor?"
"W-what?" Holding eye contact he responded,
"Why won't you let me remove your bag?"
"P-Personal reasons S-Sir."
He leaned in even closer, almost touching my face, "What reasons might those be Doctor?"
"I- uhm, S-Sir, like I-I said, personal r-reasons."
Instead of talking again, he moved his hand and wrapped it around my waist.
Heat flushed my face. There's no way the bag could help conceal it now. I burned up more by the second.
He moved to my neck, sucking it, moving down to my shoulders and back up.

I kept letting out quiet whimpers, confused, and scared. I don't dare to speak, though. I just stood there, not knowing what to do.
I mean, I don't know how to feel. One minute he's bossing me around, almost hurting me, and now he's kissing me? I can't say I don't mind it.
He went on for a bit longer, "Lift your bag up a bit, Doctor."
"B-but Sir-"
"That's an order Doctor." I lifted the bag slowly, revealing my chin and lips.

(Blackhat's POV)

When he lifted the bag, it revealed his lips. They had a small scar. I moved even closer and kissed him. I feel heat rise to my cheeks, so I turned around leaving him there. Without another word.

I don't understand myself anymore. I've always been told I could never feel these things. That i'm heartless, that nobody would ever accept my love if I were to love them. But now, I think Flug and I will prove them wrong. Then again, he may not even like me back. He may hate me now. I could've ruined everything. Oh shit, did I finally fuck up big time? Hopefully not.
Then I remembered the whole purpose of the past few hours.
Where even is Demencia? I should at least try and look for her. Even if I don't want to see her. She will be needed again at some point. I sighed, then went off to search the house. I checked most everything room. Then I passed the kitchen. I glanced in there, only to see her sitting on the counter, arguing with the blue bear.

"Blackhat!!" She squealed running to hug me. I've timed her hugs now. I dodged it, and she ran straight into the wall. "Owww..." Groaning, she rubbed her head and continued the argument.
Surprisingly, the bear had successfully won the argument. Unexpected, but hilarious. Demencia then folded her arms across her chest, pouting.

I rolled my eye, and walked out of the kitchen, headed to the lab.
Knock Knock
"C-come in!" A voice responded
I walked in, "Hello, Flug~"
He turned a deep red, "H-hello, S-Sir. What b-brings you to th-the lab?"
"I wanted to say hi." I noticed even my voice was softer, and less demanding than it usually is. I crossed over to him,
"I-I have w-work to do, B-Blackhat, Sir." Why is his stutter so damn cute??
I felt myself smile, "C'mon, Flug. What's a few minutes off?"
"S-Sir, are you f-feeling okay?" He had a confused look on his face. He stood out of his chair, took off his glove and pressed it against my forehead.
"What are you doing?"
"Checking your temperature." He seemed calmer when he did this, but soon put his glove back on his hand. "You seem hot, Sir."
I smirked, "You think so?"
"N-not like that sir. You're burning up."
"I am a demon, Flug."
"Yes, but even for a demon you feel extremely warm. I believe you're sick, Sir."
Me? Sick? I haven't gotten sick in a very long time... I doubt he's lying, though. I have felt strange recently. Other than liking my own scientist. He's too cute for his own good dammit.

"I think you need to lie down, Sir."
"Flug, I'm fine. I don't need to."
"Sir. I insist."
"But Flug-"
"Shut up. You're lying down and resting wether you like it or not."

I quickly realized that I couldn't stop him. He was going to make me rest. I've gotta be honest, I didn't expect this.
He took me to his bed, and had me rest. His bed. Doctor Flug's bed. 
"I don't understand the point of this, Doctor."
"You will in the end. I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." He was quite demanding. Normally I boss him around. Wait, I'm the boss, not him! Why am I listening to him? I don't have a reason to.

I stood up and walked to his desk, looking over his blueprints.
"Sir, I thought I told you to stay in bed."
"Yes, but I don't have to take orders from you. I'm the boss."
"If you stayed in bed, you'd feel better sooner. You would get better."
"What are you going to do about it, then? If you want me to stay in bed, make me." I was really testing him.
He walked over to me, grabbed my wrist, and started to lead me to his bed. I impulsively yanked my wrist away, making him jerk to the side. He now looked annoyed, but determined. He has intentions to put me to rest, but I won't let him win that easy.

We tumbled over to the bed, I eventually ended up on it. I was on the bed now, with Flug on top of me.

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