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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Blackhat's POV *cont*)

Knock Knock

I groaned, carefully getting off the bed, but failed to keep Flug asleep.
"What are you doing, it's too early." He mumbled
"I'm just getting the door, Flug."
I opened it, and saw Whitehat beaming.
Growling I asked, "What do you want?"
"Did you fail?"
"The bet."
I glanced back at Flug, who was laying in the bed still, hopefully asleep.
"Careful with your volume, Flug's with me."
"Ah, so sorry. But did you?"
"No I didn't. Did you?"
"I don't think so."
"Then we both won. Nobody lost."
"How about we check with each other's scientists?"
"You really don't trust me about this, do you?"
"Not in the slightest."
"Fine. But wait for Flug to wake up, he's finally gotten some sleep."
"Alright. Tell me when he wakes up."

I shut the door, and walked back to the bed, climbing next to Flug.
"Just my brother. Go back to sleep."
He nuzzled into my chest again, both of us quickly falling back asleep.

-Time skip-

Knock Knock

Again? Geez.
When the door was knocked on, this time I was awake. I was in the office waiting for Flug to finish getting changed.
I opened the door, Whitehat was there again, but with Slug too.
"Is Flug awake now?"
"Yes, give him a minute to finish getting ready."
"Alright!" He beamed.
The two followed me to my desk, sitting across from me.
"Why am I here again?"
"Blackhat and I are just asking the two of you a question."
Slug raised an eyebrow suspiciously,
"Ah, okay then."
The door opened, Flug walking in.
"Come here Flug."
He quickly made his way over to me.
"What is it Sir?"
"Whitehat wanted to ask a question as I wanted to as Slug one."
Flug copied Slug's reaction,
"I'll talk to Slug in the bedroom, Whitehat you can stay out here and ask Flug."
"Slug follow me."

I lead Slug to the bedroom the door closing behind us.
"What is it Blackhat?"
"I need to ask you something."
"Ask away."
"Has Whitehat been close to you recently?"
"No. I thought we already had this conversation."
"Just checking."
"Why are you so concerned about that?"
"I have my reasons."
"Wow. Great answer." He said sarcastically.
"Thank you."
Slug rolled his eyes.
"Are you that secretive to not give me a real answer?"
"You don't need to know everything."
"Can I at least know this one thing?"
"Fine." I folded my arms.
"Whitehat and I made a deal."
"Which is?" Slug interrupted
"Which is that he couldn't be all wholesome and close to you. And I couldn't be rude or mean to Flug. Which we both won, but I'm asking because Whitehat's making me. He doesn't trust me."
"So you made a bet just to not be rude to Flug? And you're gonna be rude to him after?"
"What? No. I'm going to turn back to normal, but I'm not going to be rude again."
"No wonder Whitehat doesn't trust you. You're lying, why would you stop being nice? You always give Flug so much work and hardly any sleep."
"Actually, I've stopped the work with Flug. I've given him a lot of breaks, and now I'm helping him sleep. What more proof do you want?"
"How about you show me?"
"Well," I snapped, bring up a stack of papers.
"This is all of the extra work that I had planned to give Flug." I snapped again, bring up another paper,
"And this is his break sheet. It helps me keep track of when I give and stop his breaks. If him or me forget, I give him a longer one."
"What about the sleep?"
"We started last night. That's why you haven't seen him all day."
"You seem reasonable. Sorry for giving you all that crap."
I shrugged.
"I guess you're fine."
I walked to the door, reaching to open it.

(Whitehat's POV) *When Blackhat and Slug left the room*

The door shut, leaving me and Flug in Blackhat's office.
"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?"
Smiling I replied,
"Has Blackhat hurt you recently?"
Flug's face went into shock,
"What? No, why would he?"
"So he hasn't?"
"Like I said, no. He hasn't."
"He's not forcing you to say this is he?"
"Whitehat. He doesn't force me to say anything."
"I see."
I leaned over Flug, beaming.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Getting answers."
"I-I-I already told you! He's not f-forcing me to say anything. He hasn't hurt me either."
"Alright, I believe you." I slipped off of him. He was blushing slightly.
We stood in silence, Flug looking away from me.

(Flug's POV)

Agghghghh why did he get that close?? He really isn't as innocent as he seems.
He's starting a conversation now.
"How long does it take Blackhat to ask a question?"
"However long he likes. I can't control that."
"Doesn't Blackhat give you absurd amounts of work?"
"Kinda, but recently I haven't been given too much."
Why does he care about this?
"What do you do when he does?"
"I do the work. It's just normal."
He looked concerned when I replied.
"Just all of it at once?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Why do you do it all at once?"
"If I don't, we'll be behind on business. We aren't right now, which is great, but it'll happen soon."
"Blackhat has a weird way of business."
"How so?"
"The buyer dates just constantly change. The product selling days change. It's not a good schedule."
"Doesn't mean it's a bad business. Or a weird one. There's just a weird, but efficient schedule."
"I guess."

First he asks me a question of if Blackhat has hurt me, then one of how he answers a question, then work, now the business? Either he's nosy, or has different intentions.

Whitehat moved closer, holding eye contact. I'm not the best with eye contact, so I started getting nervous. He stood a few inches from my face, then dipped me.
"W-What are you d-doing?"
He gave no answer, but lifted me back up upon hearing the door open.
"Sorry for the wait. If you even were waiting."
"You're fine. Slug, let's go."
Slug broke off of Blackhat, walking to his boss. They both exited the room.
"What did you ask Slug?"
"Something along the lines of what Whitehat asked you."
"You asked him if you've hurt him recently?"
"Oh, no. I asked him if Whitehat had been close to him recently."
"Hm. Alright."
"Did Whitehat tell you why he asked the question?"
"No, he just shot me with more questions."
"Would you like to know?"

I sat at the seat in front of him.
"Me and Whitehat made a bet which we both won. The bet was that I had to be nicer to you for a day, and he had to be less close to Slug."
"What would've happened if you or him lost?"
"If he lost, Slug would stay here for a while, working. If I lost, you would go with him for a while doing the same."
"So, you just used me for a bet?"
"Yes, but I didn't plan on losing."
"Was anything you did true or was that just the bet?"
"I meant what I did."
"Everything? Even helping me sleep?"
"Yep. I cant have my scientist, (who's the only real worker in the business) not be able to do work. That, and I genuinely care."
"That's good to hear. Thank you Sir."
"Of course, Flug."
I stood up to leave, Blackhat joining me. When we left the room fully, we parted ways. I headed to the lab, and he went wherever he was going.

I plopped on the chair and started to revise and add to the blueprints that were on the desk.

If there's one thing I hate, it's writers block. It hit me a bit with this. So, sorry if it took longer than normal, I don't even know my uploading schedule for this. I don't even think I've set one up. It'll probably be just whenever I feel like it or whenever I get an idea. So don't expect it to be fluent haha.
See ya in the next one :D

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