Twenty Five

593 18 3

(Third Person POV)

"Yeah, she's been acting weird lately.." Flug agrees.
"Exactly. And that's why I wanted to talk to you about her."
"Go ahead."
"Alright. So, what we both know is that all of a sudden she's been acting up and not liking our relationship. She's probably going to threaten us or some shit at some point."
Flug nods, listening to the other.
"I don't know what's gotten into her really, it's quite confusing. Maybe it's just a mood swing or something. I don't know, I'm not too sure about girls, or her specifically. I mean, she was crafted by you, so is there anything that you remember about putting something like this in her system?"
"Hm....I don't remember it. But if I could get her to hop into the mind scanner, then we could figure it out!"
"You finished the mind scanner?"
"Just about, there's a few kinks to work out, but other than that, I'm almost done!"
"Alright. Then we'll need to convince her to get into the machine.."
"I think that'll have to be your job Sir... She most likely won't listen to me and well, she's still obsessed with you."
"She is now? Again? I thought that at least she'd tone it down by now..."
"Yep. She's still on that obsession train." He shrugs "So, are you alright with doing that?"
"Yeah, as long as she doesn't touch me too much I'll be fine."
"Great! I'll make sure she doesn't do that." He smiles, which he still had his bag on like any normal day, but Blackhat could always tell when Flug smiles.
"Thanks Flug."
"You're welcome." He smiled more as he hugged the demon tightly.
"Goddammit I love you Flug..." He hugged Flug back, basically clinging to him.
"I-... I love you too S-Sir...!" Flug said a bit surprised.
"Flug....please.. Call me by my name dear..."
"Ah.. right... I love you too Blackhat..!"
"You mean a lot to me Flug.. And I mean it. It means a lot that you even liked me in the first place. So, in all honesty...this is the least I can do to help you.."
"Hey..It's alright. You don't have to do anything for me...You really don't. Just taking me in as your scientist was a lot just like that..."
"Are you sure Flug?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." He smiles.
"Okay." Blackhat replies, softly smiling back.

[The mind scanner incident]

"Oh Demencia!~" the tall demon called out near the scanner. The girl ran over and popped her head in.
"Yes?" she asked in return. Before the lizard girl could do anything; Blackhat grabbed her shoulder and sat her down in the chair, to which Flug strapped her in and started it up.
"Eh? FLUG!! GET ME OUTTA THIS!" she exclaimed while thrashing around. Flug took out a syringe that shined a neon green and turned back to Demencia. He smiled widely, his goggles glinting in the light.
"Now. This won't kill you..but you'll wish it did."
"Wait what?" the girl asked as Flug pushed the syringe into her arm and injected the fluid into her. Demencia thrashed around while the syringe's contents settled in. She soon got sleepy, dozing off and giving some results to the mind scanner.

"Anything interesting Flug?" Blackhat asked. The scientist was about to shake his head for 'no' but paused. "Actually...yes." He spoke. "Take a look at this."
He then pulled up a file, showing many memories that were all Demencia's. Upon clicking on one, thoughts and rants filled the screen, shouting but in her voice. "I won't be left alone won't just be me and that...that bear!! NOT AGAIN!" The voice shrieked. Demencia was...afraid.. But....she was afraid of....abandonment. Flug knew what she meant. It was around the time when he created both of them. There was a time when they took an intern. Which left the girl and bear alone together. It was only them.. Nobody else.
"So...what does that mean? Why is she saying again?" Blackhat questioned. Flug sighed.
"When we took in that intern. Remember that? She's talking about then. Deranged girl thought we were replacing her...and that's why she's doing this." The scientist explained. Blackhat sighed quietly, taking the information in.
"So she kissed you because she thought she was being replaced.." The demon says, to which Flug nods. "Don't really didn't mean anything to me. I don't like her like that; if anything, she's my adopted daughter." He assures, holding Blackhat's hand happily. "So how do we wake her up without her knowing anything?" This question made the scientist think for a second, but he had an idea. He took Demencia out of the Mind Scanner, and set her on the floor, placing her as if she had hit her head. "Now all we have to do is act as if she has a concussion!" he exclaims, obviously proud.
"Good thinking. Say, about earlier when you said stuff about your family..." Flug froze, but Blackhat continued. "Your file. It says you don't have any left." The scientist turned to the demon. "Yeah. I don't have any left. They were all killed. Srry I was caught up in the moment." He says, apologizing. "Don't be sorry Flug. I don't love you any less, it's okay." Flug nods, hugging the man that stood in front of him.

"Thank you for understanding." He sniffled quietly, crying from happiness. Obviously, the two were happy together and opposites attract apparently. They then left do do work or whatever they needed, leaving Demencia on the floor. 5.0.5 quickly came to his father, Flug and pulling him into a bone crushing hug. Blackhat had been trying to get used to as he'd call him; "That Blue Softie". He was really just trying to not hurt Flug's feelings. The bear and scientist cuddled happily, all of their worries melting away. And soon, they fell asleep.
That night, both Flug and Blackhat had dreams of getting to know each other's families, and well, it was great, except Blackhat didn't know what he would've expected from Flug's.. If only he knew; maybe Blackhat could understand Flug a bit more.

The residents in the Manor woke up to the screeching of Demencia, which it was only 4 in the morning. Flug and Blackhat took the opportunity to talk to Demencia. She didn't want to listen; but after talking and threatening to put poison in her veins, she finally started to listen.
"Demencia..we aren't going to leave you alone. We are just gonna get together." Flug says. "But there's no way we'll leave the business. Both of us need the money and something to do except be lazy." The girl looked away, until Flug hugged her and Blackhat patted her head. "I'm sorry we made you think we'd leave you."
Once Flug let go, Blackhat gave her a swift slap to the back of her head. "And don't kiss him ever again.." He growls, getting the point through to her. She nodded frantically, understanding immediately. Now all that's left to do; is meet Blackhat's family, which shouldn't be hard.
Once they all woke for good this time, Blackhat wanted to take the initiative....and propose.

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