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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&Underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Blackhat's POV)

He got extremely close to me then. He was mad, but it was honestly cute. Why does he care so much about that big idiotic blue bear?
I opened the office doors, locking them behind me. I walked to my bedroom. I took my trench coat off, and hung it on the coat rack next to my bed.
I don't want to see my hero of a brother. Why would he even want a villain's weapon? He makes no sense, he's sickening. It's most likely not even for himself. It's probably for his scientist. I cant even bear to think of the two of them. But, business is business, so sadly, I'll have to see them.

Laying in the bed, I hate to admit it, but I have such a soft spot for him.
(That POV was short sorry guys. But you're going back to the cinnamon roll, so it's hopefully not all that bad)

(Flug's POV)

'Mayday Mayday Mayday'

Jolting awake, I rushed to turn the alarm off. It's been a long time since I first got the alarm, but i'm still not sure if anyone else can hear it.
It's also been a while since I've showered, so I'll need to do that as well. I took off my bag and goggles leaving them on my nightstand.
I grabbed a towel and clothes, headed for the shower.
I twisted the knobs, turning the shower on, then undressed. I stepped into what I thought would be warm water. A shiver was sent down my back as cold water hit me. I washed my hair with the little amount of shampoo I have. Then my body,
Geez, I am almost out of everything.
I quickly finished up and turned off the water, grabbing my towel to dry off. I dressed and went out of the bathroom to grab my bag and goggles.
I froze. "S-Sir! Ho-How long have y-you been standing there?" I grabbed for the goggles and bag, fumbling trying to put them on.
Did he see my face? Did he see the back of my head? How much did he see?
"Not long. I only came to see if you were awake."
"Ah- W-Well, yep! I-I'm awake!" I finally got the bag and goggles on. I turned to my boss.
"Why must you keep the bag on?"
"I-I have my own re-reasons."
"Alright. Anywho, get ready. My brother will arrive soon."
"Y-Yes Sir."

I grabbed the device, fixed my lab coat, and headed to the entry way. Demencia and 5.0.5 weren't there, but Blackhat was. He seemed more grumpy than normal. I cant say I blame him, having a hero for a brother as a very powerful villain probably wouldn't be the best.

Knock Knock

Blackhat nodded, signaling me to open the door. I walked over and opened the few locks. Then opened the door, inviting them in.

"Hello, Brother."
"Hello Whitehat."
I walked back to my boss, standing by his side. His brother has a scientist by his side as well. If you put all of us side by side it looks like there's two emos and two softies. But something seemed familiar about Whitehat.
I'll keep a close eye on him.
Me and the other scientist nodded for a 'hello'
"I'm Slug. I'm the one that would like to buy the device."
Blackhat and Slug didn't look to pleased with each other. They have similar outfits, and most likely similar attitudes.
Blackhat glanced over at me,
"This is Flug. He made the device you're looking for."
I pulled it out of my pocket, holding it out to Slug.
"It's smaller than I thought." That triggered my anger. I don't know why, but it did.
"I can assure you, it works just fine." My annoyed tone most likely reached Blackhat, since he spoke again.
"Are you judging the device just by what you see? Test it."
Slug skeptically clicked the button clearly not expecting anything to happen. We floated in the air, along with everything else. Blackhat and I were extremely calm about it, but the other two were shocked.
"H-How do I turn this off?!"
"Click the button again." I said calmly.
He fumbled with the device, losing grip, making it float over to me.
"Damnit" He hissed.
I pressed the button, making us all fall down.
The two yelped as we fell landing in extremely uncomfortable looking positions. I landed on my butt, but quickly stood up.
I smirked, "See? It works."
"Yes. I can see that now." His annoyed tone caused Blackhat to smile.
Wow. I guess we all hate each other.
"How much for it, Blackhat?" Whitehat asked
Slug looked even more annoyed, but he quickly relaxed.
"Fine." He handed Blackhat a stack of cash, and I handed him the device.
"Now, where are we staying?"
Blackhat looked up,
"What do you mean?"
"Which room are we staying in?"
"You never said you'd be staying." he growled
"I recall it." He smirked,
"Well, I don't."
"Now, brother, what about helping people?"
"That's your thing. Not mine. I could care less about what happens to people."
"So you don't care about your scientist?"
"That's different."
"But how different is it? Are you finally going soft? Like how you said you weren't going to?"
This guy is getting on my nerves. No wonder Blackhat doesn't like him.
He growled.
"I'm not going soft. And I won't. Watch your words, White, this is my house after all."
Whitehat chuckled, "Even if it's your house, I can take the money back. We don't have to buy the device."
"Actually Sir..." Slug started, Whitehat shot him a glare that had him shut up. "Not now Slug." He hissed.
"We're only staying for the weekend."
"It's Thursday. Not the weekend."
"Yes. We leave next Monday."
Blackhat glared at his brother.
"Fine. But don't overstay your welcome. The lab and my office are off-limits unless permitted."
"Alright, we won't."
"Flug," I looked up at him, "Bring these two to their room."
"Yes Sir." I nodded, "Follow me."
I lead them to the room, it was a long walk, so obviously they tried to make conversation.
"Why do you work for Blackhat? He's a menace."
"I work for him because I enjoy the work, and he's not a menace, you're just too much of a goodie-two-shoes."
"Watch your tongue." Slug growled
"Besides, even if Blackhat is a menace, the two personalities of Whitehat and Blackhat don't mix well. You can see that, can't you?" I smirked.
"Boys, calm yourselves."
Demencia was at the end of the hallway, where the room was. I assume she was snooping around again.
"Hi Flug!"
"Hello, Demencia."
"Ooooh, who are these people?"
"This is Whitehat and Slug. They're staying until Monday. Be good while they're here."
"Ugh. Fine. But why are they here?"
"They came for an invention of mine, and now they're staying."
"Alright. By the way, do you know where Blackhat is?"
"He's probably in his office but-" She ran past us shouting,
"Thanks Flug!" Her laughter rang through the halls.
"DEMENCIA! YOU....idiot." I slapped my forehead, "So sorry about that interruption, that was Demencia. You'll be seeing her a lot."
"Are you not able to control her?"
"Nope. I've tried countless times. But at this point, I could care less."
"Anyway, here's your room. I hope you don't mind sharing one."
"We don't mind. Thank you Flug."
I nodded, then left them.
These are going to be a long few days.

(Slug's POV)

"Why are we staying here? It wasn't in the letter we sent your brother."
"I just want to see what he does on the daily. And how he treats the people in his house."
"Whitehat, he's a villain. It's not going to be the best treatment."
"He may treat the others badly, but I think there's a certain someone who isn't treated as bad."
"You make a good point, Sir."
"Now, come rest. We have a long few days ahead of us."
I climbed into the bed with him. He soon cuddled up with me,
"Hey, back off!" I pushed him back gently
"Aw, but sluggy~"
"I- sigh fine. Come here ya big softie." He cuddled closer,
I swear I have such a soft spot for him. He's too kind for his own good. I know he's a hero, but sometimes I wonder if he'd be better off as a normal citizen. But then I'd have no work. Then again, I wouldn't mind being around him longer. He's.......comforting.

I started to drift off, feeling darkness surround me.

*Slug's dream*

Opening my eyes, I felt liquid under me. I look down, seeing blood.

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