Twenty Three

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[Art above not mine]

Blackhat took dominance, slipping his tongue inside of Flug's mouth. Their tongues danced around in harmony. Flug moaned softly as they continued, making Blackhat become more lustful toward the scientist. They ground their hips together gently as Blackhat leaned Flug onto the desk. Blackhat slid his hand up the other's shirt, caressing his nipple gently. He used the other hand to move across Flug's face. His beautiful, pretty, freckled, scarred face. He lost himself in the moment, releasing his claws into Flug's cheek, piercing the skin. To his surprise, instead of a yelp of fear or pain, it was a long moan of pleasure as they sunk in.
An evil grin slowly creeped up his face. He realized what fun he could have with his and only his precious, darling, Flug. He pushed his claws in deeper, Flug released another moan. Blackhat snapped, a collar and leash appearing in his palm. He put it over Flug's head, clicking it shut.
"H-huh?" The scientist looked at the demon, confused and questioning what he was doing.
"W-w-what are y-you doing, Sir?" He stuttered out,
Blackhat's demonic evil smile returned to his face, reminding Flug who he was talking to. Blackhat pulled on the leash, moving the scientist toward him.  "Don't worry, you'll be fine." He smirked, sending a shiver through the smaller man.
Flug let out a small whimper of fear, getting Blackhat's attention. He wrapped the leash around his hand thrice, giving no moving room for Flug. They were face to face, Flug having a little blood dripping down his cheek from Blackhat's claws. Blackhat moved to the other's face, using his forked tongue to clean the blood up.
His tongue moved to Flug's neck, almost tickling him. Flug's member was incredibly hard, his pants becoming tighter by the second. Blackhat unwrapped the leash from his hand and tied it around Flug's wrists.
"Mmmm~ you're so cute." Blackhat purrs.
Flug blushes more as Blackhat messes with the other's pants. Flug's member stood erect as he blushed. Blackhat immediately moved his head down, deepthroating the cock in front of him.
Blackhat's hands move up the other's top, playing with his nipple. Flug became a hot mess, blushing and drooling as his boss continued. Blackhat showed no sign of embarrassment unlike Flug. Blackhat removed his head, spit forming a line from his mouth to the other's cock. He smirked, removing his own pants. He grabbed Flug's hair, pushing him gently down onto his own member. He groaned in pleasure, letting go of Flug's head. Flug moved his head up, connecting eyes with the other as he slurped the rest of the residue from his lips.
"Turn around darling~"
Flug listened, his ass now turned to Blackhat. Tentacles come from the boss, entering the smaller man. He moaned, turning the demon on more.

-Time skip (I am so sorry but I just can't lmaoo)-

Flug walked awkwardly out of Blackhat's room and office, running into Demencia almost immediately.
"Of course." He muttered.
"Hiya Flug!! What were ya up to?"
"Nothing. Why do you ask?" He slightly blushed.
"Thought I heard some noises from Blackhat's room."
"A-Ah. Well you heard wrong."
"I doubt that. You were just in there, weren't you?"
"Wait!" She gasps, "Did you two fuck?!"
"H-Huh?" He flushed red, his pupils shrinking in fear.
"You heard me. Answer it Flug." She grins, cornering him into the wall.
"Why do you wanna know, you perverted lizard?"
"Just curious."
"Curious or a weirdo?"
The door to Blackhat's office opened, Blackhat stepping out.
"Demencia, what the hell are you doing?"
She grinned, turning to look at him.
"I'll keep your secret for now." She shrugged, beginning to walk off, "Wouldn't want 5.0.5 knowing, now would we?"
"Demencia you've lost your mind. What has gotten into you?" Flug asks, glaring.
"I agree with Flug. You've been acting strange."
"Suit yourself."
"Don't you fucking dare tell 5.0.5." He growls, "I don't like threatening my workers, but right now is a special occasion." Now this was a lie. Blackhat loved threatening anyone who was being a jackass to Flug. Especially Demencia.
"Right. Got it...."
"I'm heading back to the lab." Flug groaned, walking off. An argument popped up behind him, but he decided to ignore it. His footsteps clicked down the hallway as he approached the luminescent white lights. When he entered the lab, he immediately noticed 5.0.5 who was asleep. He smiled, petting the top of his head.
He sighed and sat at his desk. A sharp pain rang through his ass, going through his spine. He shivered, but ignored it.
"Hm..." He muttered, taking a look over his blueprints.

(Flug's POV)

Brrrrrrr Brrrr Brrrrrrr
The phone, again. I pick it up, expecting Slug to answer. Well, I suppose technically he did. But it wasn't a normal call. There was screaming and explosions all in the background. He was shouting, but I couldn't make any sense of it.
"Slug?" I ask, "Are you alright?" It was a stupid question, but how else would I react?
The call then disconnected. I tried calling back many times, but there was no answer.
"Somethings wrong. But I can't skip any more days." I say under my breath. A slow sigh escaped my lips.
"Maybe I should just lie down. I can't do much to help him anyway." I walked to my bed, lying onto it. My thoughts were racing.

What is wrong with Demencia? Is it a side effect of something that happened? Is she just being an ass for no reason? It doesn't make any sense. It's definitely not her opposite instead. That would be much more obvious. Hopefully at least.
"Dammit." I turn onto my side, curling my head into my hands.
Why can't I figure this out?! As if this wasn't enough, of course Slug is in trouble now. Typical. Just typical.
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to escape the loudness of my own mind. Wait. Why do I feel my hair?
I opened my eyes, looking up. My bag! Where is it?!I'm not even in the manor anymore.
"Where the hell am I?"

(Blackhat's POV)

Demencia has been going on and on about how she thinks me and Flug were having sex. Which, sure, we were, but it doesn't mean that she can fucking barge in like this.
"But why Flug? He's so small....OH! Is that why? Damn you're weeeeirdddd!"
"Demencia. Please shut the fuck up."
"Aw but why? I'm just asking."
"You aren't just asking. You're saying random shit too."
Well, that was another lie. I keep lying to her. I have my reasons, and it's mainly to avoid this subject. Honestly, I could snap her in half very easily, but Flug would be upset, and I'd lose my business's wild card.
"Then make me."
I put my hand over my eyes, dragging it down.
"Dem. If I were to do that then you would be gone."
This girl is fucking insane. I decided to let my mind wander, ignoring her completely.
What even made her to be this way? Did something happen with an experiment? I'm going to have to talk to Flug about this. Is she still talking?!
"Alright. I'm leaving." I stand up, and make my way to the lab. As I walk in, I notice Flug wasn't there. I walked to his room, finding him curled in the bed.
"Aw." I mutter, sitting next to him on the bed. He didn't move, or even give a reaction as he normally does. Must be deep in sleep.
I lay next to him, feeling my eyes get heavy. I tried objecting sleep, but soon it took over my body.

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