Twenty One

753 25 11

Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Blackhat's POV *cont*)

Before I enter Flug's mind, I'll elaborate real quick for those who are less fortunate to know. As a demon, my powers allow me to enter minds. Now that's cleared up, let's continue, shall we?

I closed my eyes and breathed in. I felt my body go limp as I appeared in Flug's mind. I couldn't find him at first, but after looking around, I found him curled up in a corner.
I stepped closer. He heard my footsteps or something, because he looked up from his knees, his goggles shining. He was tense as I got closer. He didn't say anything, but he's definitely scared.
"Flug, darling, are you-"
"G-get away, y-y-you're not real."
"I-I know what you're tr-trying to do."
"Flug, it's me."
"He-He doesn't act l-like this. Y-you're not him."
"Flug, I'm worried for you."

He stayed silent this time. He really doesn't think it's me, does he. Poor guy. I don't know what to do. He doesn't believe me, but why? Am I that rude? I looked back at Flug, he was curled up again.

What's something that I can do to prove it's me? What's something that he loves doing as more of a private thing with me? Hmmmm.........Dancing! We've done it before, I'll try that!
I extended my hand to him. He was hesitant, but slowly took it. I put my hand on his shoulder, and the other intertwined with his. He put his other hand on my waist. Normally it would be the other way around, but our heights make that hard.
I started the movement of our dance. He was still unsure, but I'm sure he'll warm up. Slow music started playing, I don't know where it came from, but it's nice to have a beat to go along to.
I gently swung him around the dark room, well, for me it wasn't dark, but it's dark for him. I held him closer, preparing to dip.
He started smiling, getting less tense by the second.

"Convinced it's me yet?" I asked while dipping him.
"Mostly." He laughed. "I didn't know you could dance this well."
"We've done this before, don't you remember?"
"It's a bit hazy, but now that you mention it, I do."
I twirled him around, "May I ask you something?"
"Why did you not believe it was me at first?"
"Ah, well, I believe I'm unconscious right now, and whenever I am, I sometimes get nightmares about how we used to be. And it'll use your body and voice to lure me into a sense of security, then terrify me. So, I've recently begun to ignore them. It kinda works."
"I'm terribly sorry, Flug. I didn't know that it haunts you that much."
"Well, I don't talk about myself much, so I don't blame you."
"We'll work through it together, okay?"

I stopped dancing and hugged him.
"It's time to wake up now, Flug." I said calmly while smiling, kissing his head.
He nodded.

I closed my eyes, and felt myself return to my own body, transporting out of Flug's mind. I stood up and was instantly hugged by Whitehat.
"Thank the gods, you're alive!"
"You thought I'd died?"
"Well, yes."
"It'll take more than that to kill me, White."
I broke the hug, hearing Flug groan a bit.

(Flug's POV)

I open my eyes to see Clemencia on top of me, again. I cocked an eyebrow at her. She was smiling, again. She's very peppy, and bright. Blackhat loomed over me and the girl.
"Clemencia, get off of him."
She gave no response, but got off of me regardless. He took my hand and lifted me up into a hug.
"You gave us quite a scare there, Flug."
"Ah, sorry."
"Don't be. It's fine."

Blackhat stopped the hug and turned to face Whitehat, who was next to Slug. I realized what Slug had done, and backed up slightly, unnoticed.
"Flug, Blackhat, Whitehat. I'm sorry. I had made a mistake in calculations with a potion. The potion was initially for Whitehat, to make him less kind. obviously it failed, because I decided to do a test on myself. Which was not the best choice. It messed me up, and apparently the harsh blow from the bomb made me turn back to normal."
"Wait, it was for me??"
"You are very calm about this."
"And you are very panicked about this."
"Can you two get us back home now?"
"Oh, right." He paused, looking over near me. "Flug, hand me that, will you?"
"Sure." I picked it up and gave it to him.
Blackhat held my hand behind our backs, he chooses wether or not we hide it, because I couldn't care less. He pressed the device, which opened up a portal. It's time to head home, finally. We walked through after saying goodbye. When we stepped out, we appeared back in the manor. Blackhat's manor. Home.

"Where on Earth have you two been?!" Demencia's panicked voice shouted. 5.0.5 rushed into the living room, beaming happily.
"It's a long story."
"I wanna hear it!! You weren't gone for too long, but still!"

-Time skip brought to you by me and Flug's insomnia-

"So Slug just messed up?"
"Yep. He needs to work on his potions better. I'm not that great either, but I haven't made that big of a mistake for a very long time."
"Are you done catching up?"
"Yes Sir!"
"Good, because even though we just got back home, we need to catch up on work. Demencia, how long were we gone?"
"Two days."
"Not bad. We aren't super behind, so it'll be a normal work day. Now, get to work."

The three of us nodded, 5.0.5 rushing to get cleaning supplies, Demencia doing whatever she does, and I to the lab.
I need to improve the security on the lab. I can sell it, too. So it's not just a personal project. First, I'll need to fix the thing with the portals. I need to make it so that only authorized portals can be opened in the manor. I should also set a determined destination. Maybe just the lab will do. Since it'll be authorized, it'll probably only be Whitehat's portal. But we'll see.

A/N: THANK YOU FOR 300+ READS!!! That is awesome and so are you guys! <3

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