Twenty Six

517 17 5

TW: Gore, Hard Topics
(Blackhat's POV)

Today is the day I finally decide to propose to Flug. I have a ring already, I've had it for a while...and now; it'll happen. I just need to find the right time. If the timing isn't right....everything goes to shit. And I mean everything.
Now.... The schedule:
8 am: Wake Flug and others up
9 am: Get them food (because they need to eat) and work while they eat
10-11 am: Get the others on work
12 pm: Lunch for everyone
1-3 pm: Recording for commercial
4 pm: Free Time
5 pm: Dinner
6-7: Website updates
8 and more: Sleep for workers, work for me

'Well, it's as easy as that. At 4 pm, I'll propose then! Yeah; that sounds good, it sounds good....
FUCK- I'M NERVOUS! AAAGHH! Okay....Okay.. Calm down..... I have 8 hours...8 hours.. It's fine. Everything's going to be fine. He'll like the ring...right? Yes...yeah...yeah.. He'll like it.'
I picked up the ring, smiling. The ring was a nice dark lava-rocked diamond.

Knock Knock

I looked to the doors. "Come in!"
And who opened the door? Well; it's Flug! "Sir..?" He asks. "Flug? Shouldn't you still be asleep?"
The scientist shrugged. I forget he doesn't sleep well. "Because of what we figured out last night, I want to ask about what we're going to do? Is the schedule the same today?" I clear my throat and walk to him, picking him up. "The schedule only has a few tweaks that we're made. The only thing is a recording period. It'll be long, but there's free time after." I assure him. Flug now seems content and happy with that answer. "Sounds good! What are we making the commercial for?"
I chuckle a bit. "It's for our updated services." Flug looked confused. "Don't worry, you'll see what I mean soon."
He nods then I set him down. "I'm going to get to work, call me down for breakfast please!" He says, leaving. I nod and get to work on the schedule.

(Third Person POV)

Flug walked to his lab, curious. He was curious about what his boss had said. But he needed to work, so he pushed it aside. While he mumbled about the newest invention he had made with all the adjustments he needed to make, he continued to work. Even if his mind was preoccupied; Flug always continued to work.
The scientist was sure to always be on matter what happened to him. But then his mind shifted topics from the newest invention to his family on account of him wishing that Blackhat could've met them. Flug let out an audible sigh. "He would've liked them all....except for Dad...but either way....It would've been nice for him to meet them." Flug says. He missed his family, but he'd done the tests, he'd tried to bring animals back to life before, and it always ended badly. At first he tried rats, which it either wouldn't work, or they'd stay alive before having a seizure then falling dead.
Not wanting to give up, he tried lizards. Instead of only either not working or having a seizure; the lizards would have blood drip from their eyes, mouth and nostrils. It was disgustingly interesting. But when Demencia found out he was using lizards, she made him switch. So, he switched to roadkill. Roadkill consisted of Deer, Raccoons, and other small-medium animals. The Deer had the smallest reaction: Their heart would beat, then their brain would explode. The Raccoons would drip blood/black goo from their eyes, the stripes on their tail would turn into cuts and started to break the raccoon down while it bled out. Yet when his lab started to smell like decomposition though, he stopped.
Plus 5.0.5 had stopped coming in, and he missed his baby.....

Just thinking about it hurt his heart. He wished that Blackhat could've met his family.....his brothers..his his dad too.
"Flug? It's time for breakfast." Blackhat says, entering from the doorway. Flug didn't answer, he was sat at his desk staring down, slightly shaking and in his thoughts. "Fluggy?" Blackhat calls out, coming close to the scientist. He finally snapped out of it and looked to his boss. "Oh, sorry Sir. What were you saying?" Flug asks. "Breakfast time. Come on you, let's go." He chuckles. Then they got breakfast and continued on with the day.
Blackhat worked while everyone ate, not having to eat himself, he didn't care. The hours got closer and closer to the time that the boss would propose to Flug. He became more nervous; hoping that nothing bad would happen.
Finally, the recording period came about. Blackhat acted as if nothing was different during the filming, and he was good at that. But as the time went on, it became apparent that Demencia was watching his behaviors. Blackhat growled quietly at her, yet she didn't back off. He cursed at her under his breath, grumbling. But before she could do anything, he had 5.0.5 take her out of the room.
Then the time came. "That was...a good ad Blackhat." Flug says, turning his back to him to clean up. As the scientist turned around, he saw Blackhat on one knee, holding a ring with a face covered in slight blush. "S-Sir..?" Flug questions, his own face turning red. "Flug. I want to ask you....if you'd marry me?" Blackhat asks, leaving Flug a flustered mess. He couldn't even get a word out, so he nodded happily, tears coming to his eyes from the emotion and hugged Blackhat, allowing the ring to be put on his hand. The two kissed, happily laughing as Blackhat sung him around. When they calmed down, the demon held Flug close; smiling while putting his forehead to the other's.

"I love you Blackhat." Flug says, sobbing from joy. He loved the ring, and was the happiest he'd ever been. "I love you too Flug." Blackhat smiles, smothering his fiancé in kisses.
The two were as happy as ever, and now all they need to do is meet the family that was Blackhat's. That night, they talked about the plan of when they'd do so, which they decided next weekend. The time would come quicker than expected, but they'd be getting married at the end of the month. Soon Flug fell asleep, on Blackhat no less, making quiet snores as he cuddled close to his fiancé. The demon smiled, allowing it and did the same himself.
The next morning, everyone slept in; courtesy of Blackhat. The scientist and demon had the wedding almost fully planned. It would be on top of the Manor, where they had first met from the plane crash. The main colours would be White and Red, the flowers would be Black Roses. They'd be inviting some other villains, Whitehat/Slug&co, and of course, Blackhat's family. Flug also insisted that he was able to put his family's photos on chairs for an act of remembrance. His only family that was really alive was 5.0.5 and Demencia, they were already invited, 5.0.5 was the ringBEARer (hah- see what the author did there?.....sorry I'll go..) and Demencia was the flower girl with Clemencia because she really insisted. Oh, and the cake! Yes, the cake would match the theme colors, except Blackhat would be standing on the white side, and Flug would be standing on the red side so they wouldn't blend in too much.
They had it all planned out. They were both incredibly excited. The only worry was if Blackhat's family wouldn't like that Flug is a human..

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