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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Flug's POV)

"What is up with you two?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act like you don't know!" Slug's voice was raised,
"Like I don't know what?!"
"How different you've been acting!"
I was getting uncomfortable by the amount of yelling. Two seconds into the conversation and we're yelling. Wonderful.
"I'm not acting different!"
"Yes you are! You've been closer to Flug!"
"Is that such a bad thing?"
"No, it's just so random! And Whitehat's been less clingy! He's been more distant."
"Are you complaining about it?"
"Actually, yeah. I am."
"Oh my god....Will you guys stop shouting?" I rubbed my forehead under the bag.
"1. Sorry Flug, 2. We don't use 'God' in this house."
"Right. Sorry Sir."

Whitehat looked a bit uncomfortable by it too. He probably isn't used to a lot of yelling. Or any yelling for that matter.
Slug and Blackhat's argument continued while I stood off to the side gaining a headache. Whitehat came up to me,
"What do we do about them?"
"I really don't know. But I'm going to kick them out of the lab if they keep this up."
"I should take Slug. I'll see you around Flug."
"Alright see ya."
Whitehat grabbed Slug, and took him outside. The door clicked in response to it being shut.
I walked over to my chair, rolling back to the desk.
I looked over the blueprints that laid out in front of me, confused by what most of the work even was.

My work is getting harder to understand. Maybe this is one of the late night drafts?

"Whatcha doooin'?"
"Just looking over some garbage blueprints of mine."
"Why garbage?"
"They don't make any sense. It's my late night work, so I shouldn't expect it to anyway."
"How late?"
"Depends. When I sleep or how much I get sleep changes."
"Don't humans need like, 7 hours of sleep?"
"Well technically, 8, but yeah."
"How much sleep have you gotten in the past week?"

It has been a very long time since I've had proper sleep. Projects and insomnia don't help too much.

"In the past week? 5 hours I believe."
I looked for Blackhat's expression, not knowing his response.
"Only 5 hours?"
"Yes Sir."
"Why so little? You're in the lab or your bedroom all the time."
"Well Sir, I do have insomnia."
I didn't wanna tell him that the projects he's been giving me keep me up too. Just so he's not worried.
"Insomnia. It's where you want to sleep but you can't."
He thought for a second, standing still, quietly. After a minute or so, he broke the silence.

"You need sleep. Tonight at 10:00, come to my room."
"But Sir, the projects! The-"
"Nope. They can wait, you need to rest."
I stopped, knowing he wouldn't budge on the fact.
"See you then." He smiled, then left.

(Slug's POV)

"Why did you take me out of the lab again?"
"You and Blackhat were fighting. You can't just do that every time you disagree."
"Well, can you at least tell me why you've been distant today?"
"I cannot. I'm sorry."
"Did I do something?"
"No it's not you. Don't worry about it."
"Alright, fine."

Whitehat's hiding something, but good for him. He normally overshares anyway.

"I'm going back to the lab."
"Okay, have fun!" His warm smile returned, lighting my soul up. I walked back to the lab, hoping to not see Blackhat.
I entered quietly, sneaking up behind Flug. I grabbed his shoulders, gently not wanting to actually hurt him.
"Hey! What's this?"
He yelped, nearly jumping to the roof.
"Slug! W-What the heck?!"
He exhaled relieving his tension.
"Wow. Well, w-why do you keep coming back here?"
"I'm bored, and I feel comfortable in a lab. You can guess why."
"Yeah, I can. If you're bored why not find things to do?"
"I'm lazy."
"Is it lazy or selective participation?"
"Hah, you make a good point."

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