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Blackhat: Bold
Flug: Normal
Italicized: Clemencia (Dem's opposite)
Whitehat: Bold&underlined
Underlined: Slug

(Flug's POV *cont*)

Trust him? Why would we trust him? Last time I'd seen him, he made a bet and was being all weird about it. Now, he wants to help us?

Whitehat had apparently left, which just had the two of us alone. We sat there in silence. It felt a bit awkward, but peaceful at the same time.

"Why did we bother even trusting Slug?"
"Well, I trusted him because we've been in contact for so long, and we were friends. But he's never acted like this before, and it's odd, and seems off from his normal personality, and-" I was breathing heavily thinking about it.
"Woah, hey now. Calm down Flug. Yes, this is new, and it's definitely weird. But, we'll need to stay calm."
"Y-you're right, Sir." I took a deep breath, "You're right."

I can't believe I trusted him. Maybe it's just something that's happening right now? Maybe he's just worried that we're both turning soft. That's not true though. We may be turning soft for each other, but not for anyone or anything else. It's just us. Only us. B-But why would he be thinking that we would turn soft for everyone, and turn into good guys? That is literally not what we do. We are the bad guys, and we will stay that way.

"Flug? Are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Hm? Not really, but if we'll be out of here soon, then I'll be fine for now."
"For now isn't good, but I understand."

The lab doors opened, showing a glinting pair of goggles and a monocle.
Something rushed in, tackling me to the ground. I hit the floor, feeling my chair break.

The light flicked on, revealing the person on top of me. A very bright, pastel version of Demencia. She was beaming brightly.

"Clemencia, get off him."
"Why's he here? Who is he?" She turned to the side, "Ooh! Who's he as well? Why are they here?"

She kind of is like Demencia. But has a peppy high pitched voice with pastel hair and clothing. It's weird to see, honestly.

"They're opposites. The one you're on top of is my opposite, Flug. The one in the chair, who's not on the floor is Blackhat, Whitehat's opposite."
"Where's my opposite?"
"She's back in the other dimension." He looked at me, "Their dimension."
"G-get off me please..."
"Oh!" She hopped off of me, "Sorry about that."
I was still on the floor, awkwardly having my hands behind my back. It's painful.
"Don't say sorry, Clemencia." Slug rolled his eyes at her.
"What? Why?"
"Just, because."
"That's a dumb reason."
"You say that to all of my reasons."
"Yeah because all of your reasons are the same."
"What? No they're not."
"Mm....Yes they are."
"They can be pretty similar, Slug."
"Don't start agreeing with her!"
"I'm just saying, they can be similar."

Me and Blackhat exchanged looks. We both were feeling awkward since we're just bystanders in an argument about ourselves which turned into an argument about my opposite.
The noise increased where the others were. I looked back over to Slug, who was being held back by Whitehat. He's very loud, but so is everyone at the moment. I think he's trying to attack the girl? I'm not sure.

"Sir?" I whispered, turning my attention to him.
"Yes Flug?" He whispered back.
"Do you really trust Whitehat?"
"No, but sadly it's our only option."
"Can't we find a way out on our own?"
"Well, we'd have to take Slug out first. And as you know and can see, he might be a bit hard to take down with one hit. If we did manage to though, then you'd have to find where he keeps the thing to travel across dimensions."
"Yeah, I guess. But even then, it shouldn't be too hard to take him out. You're strong enough, and the lab looks like ours, just flipped and the opposite color scheme."
"I suppose we could try if Whitehat takes too long. Or if Slug decides to go early."
"So we have a plan, then?"

I heard footsteps get louder toward me. I looked up, hoping it wasn't Slug. Luckily, it was Whitehat. But then again, it's Whitehat. He picked up my chair, putting it near Blackhat and right side up. Feeling rushed back to my arms, pain sinking in. I quietly winced, making Blackhat look over.

Does everyone have super hearing?? Or am I just not as quiet as I think?

Whitehat and Slug stood side by side, Clemencia in the background.
"Whitehat, I can't wait for a few days. We have to do it now."
"But why? It's normal to feel this way."
"Not. For. Villains."
"So they're just excluded in general?"
"Yep. They don't feel things. They only feel hate, anger, and all those emotions."
"That's not true."
"What evidence do you have?"
Whitehat motioned to us, "Them. They have feelings, and not just hate, or anger, or anything like that. They have happiness, sadness, and love too!"
"Well, they shouldn't!"
"I don't get why it's wrong for them to have those feelings!"
"It's because it's not wrong." I muttered, annoyed.
"Come again?"
"No, say it again." He came closer.
"Because...i-it's not wrong." I made eye contact then quickly looked in Blackhat's direction. He was tense, but you couldn't tell on his face. The thing that gave it away for me is his arms. The rope looks almost ready to break.
He's making progress. But I don't know if I can, too. If I do manage to get out, I'll at least be able to help with Blackhat's with the scalpel in my pocket. Can't believe we weren't searched. Well, at least I'll be able to help if I get out before him, which I doubt will happen.

I started trying to break or at least make some progress on the rope.
"You're pathetic."
I stopped, making eye contact with him again.
"I said," He stepped even closer, his face an inch away from mine. "You're pathetic." A smug smile crossed his face.
"And why i-is that?"
"You can't even make a sentence without stuttering. Look at you, you're trapped here, with your boss, and you two are held highest for villains. But, you got taken hostage by heros."
"Villains make mistakes too, ya know."
"Yeah, but they should be careful by which ones you do make." He straightened his back up, then started turning around.
He stopped, and turned back to me.
"I'll be taking this as well."
He reached into my pocket, taking out the scalpel.
"Thanks." His smug smile returned.
Shit. How did he even know about that? Maybe the outline was visible?
Blackhat's frown got bigger, it was slowly starting to show his teeth.

Slug walked over to the desk, setting it down before leaving. Whitehat followed after grabbing it to put it back in my pocket.
Could've started undoing the rope, but that works.

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