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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

TW: Strong language and slight gore.
(Blackhat's POV *cont.*)

Flug shot out of his seat,

Slug did the same,
Demencia and 5.0.5 awkwardly remained sitting.
Me and Whitehat made eye contact lowly growling at each other.
The two scientists continued fighting. It was calm until Slug said something that made Flug snap, because he leaped across the table tackling Slug.
I nodded to Whitehat, and we both got up to help our workers. I grabbed below Flug's arms, holding him back. Whitehat did the same with Slug.
"Both of you. My office. Now."
I let go of Flug and teleported to my office. I don't think he's afraid, but he is annoyed and angry.
Whitehat came in with the two of them. Flug walked to his seat first. Then Slug did. Whitehat walked to the side of me.

"You two cannot be fighting. Especially over something like this. Now, I do agree that Flug should speak for himself. But not to that extreme. Same goes for Slug. You two were fine-ish earlier, you'll need to stay that way. If you two keep arguing, then there will be consequences." I looked at Flug, and then Slug.
"Anything to add to that, Whitehat?"

"Nope. You covered it all."
"You can leave then."
Everyone stood up to leave,
"Flug, wait. I would like to speak to you privately."

(Flug's POV)

I sat back down in the seat, now more nervous.
I was still filled with anger toward Slug, but that could wait. If Blackhat wanted to speak one-on-one with me, it's probably not the best.

Blackhat spoke only when the door was closed.
"Do you know why I had you stay?"
"Because I messed up?" My anger replaced my nervousness. I felt none so I had no reason to be afraid.
"No. In fact, I wanted to say I'm quite surprised."
"I didn't know you could act like that. I've never heard you speak like that. It's astonishing. How much anger you have inside of you, that is. Is this a normal thing?"
"No, not normally Sir. I just snapped, my apologies."
"Don't apologize, Flug. Just when you snap, use it to your advantage. Try not to overreact, instead, use the information that you know, and use it to spill things about the other person. But, since you didn't know much about Slug, you could've threatened him and follow through. So next time, do that instead, okay?"
"Okay. Will do Sir." I stood up and turned to the door, but saw my boss' chest instead. He gently took my hand, and lead me outside. We almost fully exited the office,
"Thank you Flug. I cant wait to see what you'll do in that situation next time."
"Of course, Sir." He let go of my hand.
I wish he'd hold it for longer. Maybe I'll ask later today.

(Slug's POV) *In their room*

"I'm disappointed in the language you used earlier. You know that you can't do that in my  manor, or outside of this one! You need to calm yourself down. You're always on edge, you're always mad, you're never really...happy."
"I'm sorry to tell you Sir, but the world isn't all unicorns and rainbows and sparkles!"
"Slug, this is what I'm talking about. Listen to yourself."
I looked down from his eye,
"Fine. I guess I'll try."
"Good. But before we go out back to the others for you and Flug to officially apologize, I wanted to ask, what happened to you last night?"
Dang was I really that noticeable last night?
"You we're twisting and turning all night, moving around, out of my arms. And don't you dare say it's nothing because we both know it's more than 'nothing'."

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