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A/N: okay, that was a hell of a lot of words to read. I would know, I wrote it. So, I'm going to keep the chapter short. (or what I think is short. If it's long again, I'm sorry)
Also, Thank you for reading that chapter! There were 36,36 words written.(what a fun number am i right?) You've read a lot, your english teachers would be proud. (probably not mine, but sure.)
One last thing, this part is going to be a big chaotic so, forgive me on that. Anyways, thank you, and hope you've enjoyed so far!

Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia AND 5.0.5
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

TW: strong language
(Slug's POV)

Are....nightmares like that normal?
"Slug? Are you okay? Did something bad happen?"
"Just another nightmare."
"They do seem common here. I should ask Blackhat about that later."
"I'm going to go visit Flug."
He nodded as I stood up, watching me leave. I made my way to the lab.
These hallways are so quiet. Does everything in this house have to be eerie?

"Knock Knock."
"Slug like I said, there's a door to knock on. You don't have to literally say 'knock knock'."
"Yeah, but it's funny how annoyed you get."
He looked concerned,
"Is everything alright?"
"Mostly. Why do you ask?"
"Well, It's been a few nights since you've been over, and normally whenever we have guests (if we have guests) they would get night terrors around this time. So just checking."
"The nightmare stuff is normal? Does it happen to everyone in the house or just the guests?"
"Yes it's normal, and also it's everyone."
"If you ever have guests over how do you tell?"
"They either tell me, mention it out of nowhere, 5.0.5 gets a bit more scared since he's a sweetheart, or everyone's mood changed out of nowhere. Which I can already tell multiple of those are going to happen today."
A house with nightmares. How fitting for a villain. Also terrifying.
"What was yours about?"
"Oh, uhm, it was Blackhat just killing everybody, and scaring the absolute shit outta me."
"Heh, classic murder dream."
"A ballroom dance that uh ended with you killing me."
"Murder dreams. How fun."
"Yep, we-"
"Wait did you say that I killed you?"
"Oh. Alright then." I walker toward the lab doors,
"Was I in yours as you were in mine?"
"Yeah, but you were dead. By Blackhat's hand apparently."
"Your dreams are fucked up."
"I know." I smiled.

I then started walking to the kitchen, Flug followed me, so I assume it was almost time for breakfast. We sat down, and just started talking, rambling on about random stuff.

"Morning Sir!"
"Morning Blackhat." He sat down. We both sat in an awkward silence.
What do we do now...?
"Has it happened yet?"
"The nightmares. I assume Flug's told you about them by now."
"Yeah. If you don't mind me asking, why do they happen?"
"I honestly don't know. I'm trying to figure that out. Or, well Flug is. Not me."
He chuckled nervously, Blackhat would've normally taken credit for something like this.
5.0.5 entered with Whitehat and Demencia coming in behind him.
Everyone took their seats, but Whitehat sat a bit further from me. It may have been my seating position, but he did seem more distant. Blackhat was also being weird. He was closer than he normally was to Flug.
After breakfast, I followed Flug back to the lab.
"Our bosses are acting odd, no?"
"A little bit, yeah. I'm not used to having Blackhat be so...kind."
"I'm not used to having Whitehat be so distant."
"Yeah, it's odd indeed."
"What's odd?" A head popped in the door.
"Our bosses."
"They've been acting different."
"Since when? They've been acting normal to me."
"This morning. Blackhat was closer to Flug and Whitehat was more distant to me."
"We're just concerned."
"Uhm Okay. Well, I'm going now! Byeeee!"
"Bye Demencia?"
"She's a weird one."
"Yeah sometimes."

(Blackhat's POV)

"I think they're catching on."
"No duh. They've been acting weird too. I mean, they've been with each other for a while."
"Stop with the arrogance, for two seconds."
"One, two. Happy now?"
"You know well that's not what I meant."
"The deal was be nice to Flug, not you."
"Fine, fine. Does it really matter that they're catching on?"
"I suppose not. At least, it shouldn't."
"Well, what if they do care? What do we do then?"
"I'm not sure. We'll come to that if it happens."

If Flug finds out, his feelings will most likely be hurt. He's so sensitive, it's cute. Tsk, cute. That word still feels weird to say. Even if it's talking about Flug.

A/N: Okay so there's the shorter chapter. I thought it was shit, but I guess that's up to you. Hope the part before this one wasn't too chaotic or wayyy to much to read.
I'll see you in the next part!

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