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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Whitehat's POV)

The conversation about our bet had ended. It's always awkward silences with Blackhat. As soon as the conversation ends, it's silent.

"We should go to the others. Or, at least get out of this room."
I nod, letting him lead the way out.
Walking out, I heard footsteps stomping through the hall,
"Blaaaackhaaaaat!" The girl ran toward him with such speed, smashing him into the ground,
Her shrill laughter begun,
"What do you want?!"
I picked Demencia off of Blackhat, holding her by the hoodie.
"Can I not make jokes about this anymore?" She grinned. Blackhat stood, brushing himself off.
"You mean jokes that actually happened a year ago?"
"Aw, why not?"
"You just tackled me to the ground!"
"Hehe, yeah."
"Is there a reason you came over other than this?"
"Oh! Actually, there is!"
"What is it?"
"Why are you being so close to Flug?"
"Do I need a reason to be nice to my workers?"
"Well, no but-"
"Then you have nothing to worry about." Blackhat said, pushing Demencia away.
She awkwardly walked off.

"That was close. You played it off well."
"Stop it with the fancy talk. But yes, it was close."
"I'm going to find Slug."
"Okay. Have fun losing then."
"Just because I'm going to my scientist doesn't mean I'm going to lose the bet."
"I disagree, but go ahead."

I walked away from him, rolling my eye.

This is going to be a difficult day. Luckily there's only a few hours left.

I entered the lab,
"Hey, Whitehat!" Flug was always happy to see people. Other than his boss most of the time.
"Hello, Flug. Is Slug around?"
"He's not in here at the moment, no."
"Do you know where he could be?"
"Kitchen or living room maybe?"
"No problem."

Smut warning :3

(Flug's POV)

Whitehat had come in for Slug,
Must be a disappointment to see some other nerd than his own.
"Flug?" He shut the door behind him.
I was taken out of my thoughts with a slight jolt. "Yes, Sir?"
He came behind me, holding my waist.
"U-Uhm, Sir?" My face heated up, luckily I have the bag on.
"Yes, Flug?"
"What a-are you doing?"
He slid his hand up my shirt, reaching my neck. He didn't give me a response.
"S-Sir?" He placed his head on my shoulder, staying there.
"Sir, I don't think we should-"
His finger touched my mouth,

What the hell? Is he okay? He's gotten way closer than he has today, and he's been really close.

"Calm down, Flug, you're so tense~"
Slowly I relaxed into his arm.
"S-Sir?" I squeaked out
"Yes Fluggy?"
"What are you....uhm......d-doing?"
"What do you think?" His tongue licked my neck, recoiling in and out.
"I-I-" His hand moved down to my pants, causing me to let out a surprised squeal. My face got redder by the second.
I tried pushing away from him, but he pulled me back to his chest.
He removed his hand from my pants, we were now hugging.

(Blackhat's POV)

Knock Knock

I immediately let go of Flug, whipping my head toward the door. I glanced at Flug, he was breathing rather heavily, and was quite flustered. I felt myself smile a bit before returning to a cold stare.

"Who is it?"
"It's me."
"Who's 'me'?"
"Flug you know damn well who it is."
"Hah, yeah, I do."

He is playing this off really well.
I stood closer to him, holding his hand behind his back.

"Can I come in or are you busy?"
"Not at all, come in!"
Slug walked in, Whitehat trailing behind.
I let go of Flug's hand, Slug going to talk to him while I walked over to Whitehat.

"So what was that about me going to lose?" He whispered.
"I have no reason to be mean to him. I simply came in to check on him."
I whispered back
"How can I trust your word? You are a villain after all."
"I don't cheat with bets. Unless I do, but not in this instance. And how do I trust your word? You may be a hero, but I don't think that's a valid reason for trust."
"Sane people would trust a hero."
"Insane people would trust a villain. That's what's so great."
"Insane people are fun for you?"
"Very. Sane people are just....boring."
"So is that why Flug is how he is? He used to be boring?"
"He wasn't and isn't boring."
"Okay, maybe it was a bit bold for me to assume that. But why not ask them which are better, insane, or sane?" He gestured toward the scientists.
"Sure. Why not?"
"Slug, Flug?"
"Which is better; sane, or insane people?"
"Depends on the situation."

Me: 1
Whitehat: 0

"What would those situations be?"
"If it would be experimental, insane. Because there's a lotta weird and traumatizing stuff to be around. For business, also insane. Especially when they go around killing people. For being around normally, both."
"Well, nobody can be fully sane, sooo.... it'll be both either way."
"So nobody can be fully insane?"
"No, someone can be fully insane, just some more or less than others."
"You're one to talk."
"I'm sorry?"
"You're literally a demented version of me. Therefore, you're also a nerd."
"A demented-? I- don't know wether to be confused, or annoyed. I mean, thank you, I do try my best. But still, if I'm basically you, but demented, doesn't that make you a good guy?"

A good guy? A good guy.

"Well, technically yes, but considering I work for an evil organization, it wouldn't make me seem like such a good guy."
"Well, look at me, I'm a 'demented' scientist who works for a hero. Looks can be deceiving."
"So what you're saying is, you seem evil, but you're not, and I seem good, but I'm not?"
"I- what?"
"You said 'I'm a demented scientist who works for a hero.' And since looks can be deceiving, you're a good guy at heart?"
"Well, I- uhm, technically....You got me there."

Flug: 1
Slug: 0

"So you're a good guy at heart, Slug?"
"You'll never know."
"Yeah unless Flug uses a machine to look through your mind."
"I don't think I'll be fooled that easily into a machine."
"Back to the question. You both chose insane?"
"There's something wrong with you guys."
"There's a lotta different things."
"Yes there is."
"Yup." (I literally have no other responses for Slug he's literally a one word man istg. Sorry for breaking the wall, but like i'm struggling with that for some reason.)

Slug turned back to Flug, continuing their conversation. Whitehat pulled me back to the side.

"If both of us were to win, what would we do?" His voice was quiet.
"Then we don't get or lose anything. We didn't specify it then so we can't just change rules now." My voice copied the tone.
"Blackhat, Sir?"
"Yes Flug?"
I walked over to him and Slug. Whitehat joined me.
Slug must've called him over too.
Flug was stuttering, nothing he said made sense. Until Slug stepped in, interpreting Flug.

"What is up with you two?"

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