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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Clemencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Blackhat's POV)

Whitehat left finally, but this seems degrading. Slug makes some points. I hate how easily he was able to take us hostage. I had been working on the ropes for a while, I've almost finished. Flug, on the other hand, just started a minute ago, then was stopped by Slug.
I felt my hands relax, feeling free.
Well, I got that out of the way.

I bent over, undoing my legs with my claws. Somehow, Slug set my hands in the perfect position so I couldn't reach the rope. I stood up, cracking my knuckles, stretching.
"That chair was so uncomfortable to be in. So small." I said quietly, walking to Flug.
He chuckled.
"I'm serious."
"I know, but I find it funny that you're that tall."
The ropes came undone. He rubbed his wrists then hugged me tightly. I did the same and kissed his head.

"We'll have to add more security to the lab when we get back."
"Yes, yes we will."
He broke the hug then walked to the lab's desk. He started searching the drawers. I decided to look around the room. There's nothing special, really. It's almost exactly like the lab back at my manor, but instead it's darker and the posters look a bit different.
"Find anything, Flug?"
"Nope." He sighed. "He's hidden it really well."
"Well, dammit. So much for it being somewhat easy."
"Can't you teleport us back to our manor?"
"No, sadly. I can't teleport through dimensions. If I could, we would've been out of here forever ago."

My mind hasn't been this clouded for a long time. There's so many feelings piling up. Anger, hatred, nervousness, stress, etc. My thoughts are rushing, I don't know what to do. I'm stuck, we're stuck. I should talk to Whitehat to see when Slug leaves the manor, but he might not be alone at the moment.
But I need to ask, or I'll lose the opportunity.

Ugh! I don't know what to do. I.....I'm stuck. I'm stuck at what we need to do. What if Slug comes down again? I could probably knock him out, but what if he uses Flug as leverage? If he does that, I don't really have a plan. I cant risk Flug getting hurt.
Flug's voice rang through my thoughts, snapping me back to reality.
"Are you alright? You're digging into the counter."
I looked down, "Ah. I'm okay, just stuck in my thoughts."
"Are you sure?"

Am I sure? I don't even know if I'm sure. No! Blackhat, stay strong. Don't show this side of emotion! Stay strong, stone faced, calm. I...don't think I can stay calm.

"I...I'm not sure. I don't know how to feel right now. There's nothing we can do at the moment, and if bothers me greatly." I looked down, "I normally have ways to get out of situations like this, but I didn't expect this one, so I don't have a solution."
Flug walked to me, grabbing my hand.
"It's okay to not have a solution. We can work through it together. You don't have to do everything alone. I'm here now."

"Awwwh. Cute." Whitehat gushed.
"W-When did you get in here?!"
"Not even a minute ago. And I can see that you got out of the ropes. Good. That's where we'll start."

He lead me and Flug to the other side of the room and grabbed a key. He walked back to the desk and unlocked a drawer.

(Flug's POV)

I checked every drawer. How could I not have noticed that one? Geez, I'm losing my touch.

"Here." He held out a small device. "It's because of this thing that we're able to dimension to dimension."
I took it from his hands, observing it. There was a quiet ticking noise. But there's no clock in here... I dropped the device, backing up.
"Flug, are you alright?"
"It's a bomb. It's a trap. Back up, quickly."
Blackhat and Whitehat copied my backing up.
"When will it go off?"
"Can't tell, the timer's not visible. It's best if we just stay away from it." I looked at the drawer. "Is there anything else in that drawer, Whitehat?"
"Yes, there's another device."
I walked closer to the drawer, Blackhat has hesitant, but let me go. The ticking grew quicker and louder.

Shit, it's going to explode.
I grabbed the other device then rushed back to the demons.
"Back up, now."
"Flug don't order me arou-"
"Sir, just do it."
Blackhat backed up along with his opposite, which I followed.
Footsteps came closer to the lab. Slug's coming back. He entered the doorway as the bomb exploded. It pushed me back, hitting my head on the wall behind me. I looked over to the doorway, Slug wasn't there anymore, I can assume he was pushed back too. Blackhat and Whitehat didn't seem to get pushed back too far, or even at all.
Blood dripped down from my nose, falling onto my shirt. My head was throbbing.
"Whitehat....This is the correct device, right?" I held up the device I grabbed from the drawer.
"Yes, it should be." He nodded then rushed over to Slug. Blackhat knelt down in front of me.

"Are you okay, Fluggy?"
"I'm alright. Just a bloody nose."
He held out his hand, I took it, him hoisting me up. Now our issue is that Slug is down here. But if this is the device, then we could go now.

Do we go now? Do we wait and take out both Slug and Whitehat? I'm panicking, I'm panicking, what do I do? What do I do?
Hyperventilating, my thoughts raced.
Should I just activate the device? What if there's unfinished business here though? Unfinished business, what am I talking about? How do I even activate this thing?
I fumbled with the device, trying to find a button, or switch, or anything to activate it. There wasn't any ticking, there wasn't a noise at all. In fact, the whole room was silent, except for a high pitched ringing. I can't see anything around me, everything's pitch black.

"B-Blackhat?" I looked around, but can't see anything. I looked back at my hand, the device is gone too!
"Whitehat?" I don't want to find him, but I'd love help right now.
"A-Anybody?" I don't feel like calling for Slug, he doesn't seem like a good option.
My heart was racing, my breathing heavy. I'm alone.

(Blackhat's POV)

Whitehat and Slug were talking, Slug seemed as if he was back to normal. I mean normal as in he doesn't care about me and Flug having feelings for each other.
"What happened in here?" Clemencia came rushing in. I don't mind her, but she's definitely odd.
"Just a bit of a mishap, don't worry about it."
"Are you all okay?"
"Me and Slug are fine."
"I'm alright, what about you, Flug?"
No answer. I looked at him beside me, he was shaking, but silent.
He collapsed onto the floor, dropping the device he was holding.
I plopped down next to him and quickly checked his heartbeat. It was quick and loud.
Good he's still alive.
"Is he alright?"
"What the hell do you think?! No! Of course he's not!"

I lifted Flug's bag a little bit, there's blood dripping from his nose, but it's mostly dried. I put his bag back down. I sat next to him,
"I....I will be back."
"Where are you going?"
"Into his mind."

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