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Bold: Blackhat
Normal: Flug
Italicized: Demencia
Bold&underlined: Whitehat
Underlined: Slug

(Flug's POV)

I slept with Blackhat again. For some reason it's more calming to sleep in his room with him. And it helps with my insomnia. I don't understand it, but I'm not complaining. It's nice to sleep with him. Blackhat is in a better mood today, but it's probably only because Whitehat and Slug are leaving later. I've gotten Slug's number so we can continue to talk. Demencia doesn't care that they're leaving, but 5.0.5 is bummed about it.
Slug and I have been around each other almost all day. I'm honestly just happy to have another scientist in the house. Or someone that's not super chaotic all the time *cough* Demencia.

"Well, this is where we take our leave and get out of your hat. Thank you for letting us stay longer than what was expected."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye Flug!"
The door shut and I took my leave to the lab.

My work has gotten boring lately. Right now I'm just mass-producing a product. It's getting annoying by how many people want it. It is making money though.
Blackhat walked in the lab as if he just read my mind.
"I've got a new project idea."
"Tell me!" I was overjoyed to be making something different.
"I want you to build something you wanted to for a while. Or whatever you want. I'm not looking for anything specific, it's just as long as you're having fun."
"Oh, Okay!" I was beaming, I've never been able to do this.
He left, and I immediately grabbed a new blueprint paper.
I've done a lot of guns lately, so I'm ruling those out. I want to try something different from what I normally make, which means guns, rays and devices are out. It doesn't leave many options, but maybe I could do a potion of some sort?
No, Im not great with potions. Uhm, a grenade? Yeah! I haven't made one of those in forever!

I took the chalk and started sketching. I didn't want a normal spherical shape so I made it more of a tube shape. For the inside I'll use gunpowder, but I also want to use something else. I could make it corrosive, have fire damage, shock powder, or frozen. I should ask Demencia what she thinks.

"Demencia! Come here for a second!"
She came quickly,
"If you called me here to blame me for something, I didn't do it."
"That's not what I called you here for, but what are you talking about?"
"Oh, nothing. What'd you call me here for then?"
"What type of grenade damage sounds best? Corrosive, Fire, Frozen, or Shock?"
She stood there for a second, thinking.
"Probably Shock or Corrosive."
Its down to two choices now.
"Pick one or two."
"Shock it is."
"Sounds fun!"
"That's all I needed, so you can go if you want."
"Okay, see you later Flug!" She left the lab skipping off.
"See ya!"

Now where did I put the shock powder?
I got out of the chair, and started searching my drawers. Opening and closing them, I couldn't see it initially.
I opened another drawer,
Oh, there it is.
I took it out and set it on the desk. While I was up, I grabbed some metal and other materials. When I sat back down, I started to build.

-Time Skip-

I finished! All I need to do now is add the Shock Powder.
I poured the Shock Powder into the grenade,
"Agh!" I dropped the powder
Great. It's everywhere now.
"Haha! I got you!"
"Are you kidding me? You came in here to scare me, while I'm handling Shock Powder, that if ignited, I could be knocked out?"
"Well, obviously I didn't know you were doing that." She folded her arms. "I would've been more careful."
I raised an eyebrow,
"I don't think careful is a choice your brain makes."
"You created me. If you're trying to blame me for that, you can't cuz that's on you."
"You make no sense."

I- you know what. I'm not even gonna try anymore.
"Did you come here for anything else other than a spook?"
"Oh, right! It's time for dinner."
"I'll be down in a minute, I'm going to clean this up." Demencia's expression turned confused, I motioned to the mess of powder.
"Ohhhh. Okay well, see you soon!"
I nodded as she dashed off.


I walked to the side of my bed and grabbed the dustpan and hand broom.
I brushed up the powder and put it in the grenade. I still need to make some changes, but it'll work for now.
I quickly made my way down to the dining room and sat down next to Blackhat. While 5.0.5 dished out the food, I felt a hand gently hold mine. I looked down and saw Blackhat's hand in mine. I smiled and felt my face get warmer. He softly smiled back.
We ate which seemed like it took forever.

When we all finished, I went to put the plates away. I grabbed mine, Demencia's, 5.0.5's, and Blackhat's. When I grabbed Blackhat's, he whispered
"Come to my office after you're done here."
Confused, I gave him a slight nod and put the dishes away.
The three left, and I soon followed.
I approached Blackhat's office, not bothering to knock.

(Smut warning)

"Sir? You wanted to see me?"
I walked in, seeing Blackhat shirtless on the chair.
"O-oh. Did I come at a b-bad time?"
"Not at all."
I blinked, and saw his face in front of mine. He pulled me closer and lifted my bag up past my lips. Our lips connected. Blackhat gently pushed his tongue in my mouth, fighting mine for dominance. He lead me to the desk, leaning me against it. His hands moved to my waist and head. He ran his fingers through my hair while the other moved to my pants.
He hoisted me onto the desk then removed his pants. Tentacles appeared showing from behind him. I was flipped on the desk. Then I felt him enter me.

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