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(Third person POV)

Blackhat's tentacles moved in and out of Flug, making him grab the desk edges. Blackhat moved closer to Flug's back, towering over him. His breath was warm on the other's neck as he bit and kissed it.
Flug moaned from the pleasure and pain. He was addicted to the way it felt, and Blackhat could tell. Blackhat added tentacle after tentacle, pushing into Flug's ass.
Blackhat gripped Flug's hair, thrusting harder. Flug yelped in pleasured pain. His groin hardened more as they continued. It hadn't been too long, but Flug was ready to cum. He hadn't felt this much pleasure before, and it was better since it was from Blackhat, his boss. The one he fears, the one that everyone fears. The small thoughts rolled around his mind, but were spaced out.

Blackhat's tongue, which was on the other's neck, curled around it, almost cradling it. Slithering around it, making his way to the mouth. When he did, he slipped it inside. He then flipped Flug to face him, moving his hands to the scientist's waist. The kiss continued with pure bliss. Both were happy.
Blackhat retracted his tentacles from Flug, making him become more relaxed.
They were a mess, so decided to go shower. They held hands as they walked into Blackhat's bedroom, then bathroom. Blackhat motioned for Flug to go first, which he did. Blackhat then followed Flug from behind. Flug was a blushing mess as they cleaned up.

I've never been this close with someone before.
He thought happily.
They soon finished, and got out to get dressed. Or at least somewhat dressed.

"Let's go rest, Doctor." Blackhat smiled, picking up Flug bridal style.
Flug nodded, blushing and smiling more, engulfing his face. Blackhat walked the scientist to the bed, gently throwing him onto it.
Flug landed on the soft mattress, Blackhat cuddling close to him. They held each other in their arms, falling asleep quickly.

-Time skip brought to you by gays :)-

(Flug's POV)

I opened my eyes, the room becoming fully visible. I was in Blackhat's room, on the bed. Blackhat isn't here though. I hopped off the bed, going to look for him. I walked from the bedroom to the office. Blackhat isn't here either.
Where is he? Maybe he's in the living room?
I then made my way to the living room. The only person there was Demencia.

"Demencia, have you seen Blackhat?"
"I think I saw him go to the lab. But other than that, I have no clue." She said, not looking up from the tv.
"Okay, thanks." I waved as I left, getting no response from her.
Quickly going to the lab, with anticipation, and hope, wanting to see him again. I walked into the lab spotting Blackhat. I beamed, rushing over to hug him.
I made contact into an embrace. But it didn't feel right. He didn't seem happy, or have emotion, or movement, or breathing. He didn't seem....alive.

"Sir?" I set my arms down, stopping the hug.
Rope shot up onto my wrists, binding them together.
"What the?"
A sharp and hard blow hit the back of my head. Pain quickly rushing in, my sight going black. I hit the floor, but heard voices.
"Did we really have to do that?"
"Yep. In order for him to be fully out of it. Especially when he wakes up."
"But.....It seems a bit.....harsh."
"Possibly. But nonetheless, it works. And that's what we need to have happen."
"I guess."

The world around me seemed to disappear as my eyes fully shut.

-Time skip brought to you by my boredom-

My head was hung down, my arms bound to a chair, my legs the same. Little light peeked into the room, revealing the room. It looks like the lab. But creepier, darker, and more like Blackhat's color scheme. There was another chair, a tall figure sat in it.
The figure was also bound. I can't define it too well though. It's too dark. It's also really quiet, I don't like it. The other figure seemed to wake up. Their head titled up, a shine off the monocle.
Is that....Blackhat?? How did they even manage to get a hold of him? Nobody ever has! If only I could just get out of this rope.

"Finally awake?" A voice spoke from behind me, one I recognized.
Slug? No, why would he? But it's his voice. It definitely is.

I heard low growling from the chair holding Blackhat in front of me. I could always tell when he was angry, or when he started growling. I always get a little rumbling feeling.
"Aw now, calm down Blackhat."
But Blackhat didn't calm down, the growling got quieter, but it got deeper. Blackhat's mouth curled into a frown. His teeth and monocle glinting now.

"Mad that I caught you off guard?" Slug grinned. Most couldn't tell, but a fellow baghead could. His tone was annoying, too. That stupid sing-songish, happy but smug tone.

"Shut up."
"Mmm......Nah. You're not really one to talk now, are you?"
Blackhat's growling got louder again. I stayed quiet, he hasn't asked me anything yet, so I really don't have a reason to.
"Now. Flug, you're probably wondering how and why I did this, correct?"
Dammit. I spoke too soon.
"Kinda." I said quietly. More like a squeak, really.
"Blackhat's going soft, you can see that, can't you. Well, we can't have that. You guys are the villains, not the good guys."
"Villains can still have feelings toward each other." I mumbled. Somehow, he heard exactly what I said.
"Yeah. Soft ones can. It's unorthodox, really."
"It's literally human nature."
"Blackhat's no human though."
"He's been around humans for a long time. It probably rubbed off on him. Heck, there's two other humans at the manor. One which used to be obsessed with him."
"Human nature, dummy. She followed him around, clinging onto him. After years of that happening, it's rubbed off on him."

Slug stood there, hopefully he's shocked enough to not say anything more. I glanced at Blackhat, he was looking down, but slightly looking at Slug. He seemed annoyed and possibly a bit embarrassed.

Maybe I said too much. Or maybe it's true. I mostly guessed, but some of its true.

"Slug, are you done in here?"
"I've finished talking, but haven't done anything yet."
"Good. I want to talk to them." He glanced at me and Blackhat. "Alone, please."

Slug gave a slight nod then left.

"So." Blackhat said, looking up to Whitehat. "What exactly is your plan to make us lose feelings for each other?"
"That's what Slug wants to do. I on the other hand, couldn't care less. I'm gonna try to get you out of here."
"And why should we trust you?"
"Well, you don't really have a reason, but this is LOVE we're talking about. And being the good guy here, I love it when people are in love."
Blackhat sighed, I don't think he's too fond about this. I don't blame him. I don't trust him, either.
"So, What do ya say?"
"Fine. But turn on us, I swear to Satan I will kill you as soon as you do."
"A-ahaha, got it." Whitehat was nervous now. Good, we've got some leverage on him.

"You will have to trust me at points though."
"Alright." I said skeptically. "But what do you mean by that?"
"I mean what I said."
Wow, so helpful. Geez.

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