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She was nowhere to be found. Just, gone.
Did she get her sight back? Did she just crawl away? Did 5.0.5 bring her somewhere else? Where would she even go?


But that doesn't even make sense, why would 5.0.5 bring her somewhere else?


I don't understand where she could've gone,


I thought she'd stay here!

I turned to see a frowning demon, "Y-yes Sir?"
"Where in the high hell is Demencia?"
"I-I don't know, S-Sir." He leaned in closer
"Then find her." He commanded.
"Y-yes Sir!"

(Blackhat's POV) *time from the recording to now*

I've noticed a few things about Flug when we do the recordings. He's less nervous unless I talk to him. He's happier it seems. He's just different. As soon as the camera turns off, he's back to stammering what he says, always seeming tired, and he's quiet.

At least he knows not to disrespect me while on camera.

It's odd, I never thought he'd work for me for all these years, but what do you know, he's still here.

I then cued Flug into the video. He started rambling, I couldn't understand some of it, because of statistics, but hopefully others knew what he was spouting out. I had taken the gun from him, and as he continued I stared, but he soon finished.

"Why don't we show them?" I asked smiling. He simply gave me a nod in return and then called for Demencia.

She tumbled through the doors, almost falling face flat onto the floor.

"You called?" Ugh. Demencia makes me sick sometimes.
Flug sighed, "Yes. Obviously." He was actually annoyed at her. Most of the time, the two get along pretty well. Unless Demencia makes a mess or interrupts something.
"Stand here." I backed up as the lizard girl got closer. Flug put her in place, and stepped back next to me.
I raised the gun, slowly, and carefully, aiming directly for her eyes.


Demencia yelped in pain. Laughter filled my brain, I don't think I'd show laughter to all the amateur villains. It'd be....degrading, to say the least.
"Demencia." Flug said, snapping "Can you see us?" She stood, but toppled over, "Flug, whatever you did, I hate you for it."
He chuckled nervously,
"Very nice demonstration, Doctor. Now take Demencia off."
"Yes Sir." He grabbed the blind girl by the arms and began to drag her out of the room.

When the door clicked, I began to do a little bit of advertisement (yes more advertisement, I run a business you know.) Flug had only been gone for a minute or so, but it felt like forever.
He walked back into the room,
He looks so cute when he's nervous.

Wait, wait, cute??? What am I even thinking? NO he's not 'cute'. He's my scientist and nothing more. Ugh, I hate human emotions. I'm a demon for hell's sake! I shouldn't even be feeling these emotions. But I want to kiss him, it's overwhelming......... WHAT IS HAPPENING?! I DO NOT. I repeat, DO NOT, like Doctor Flug.

"S-sorry Sir!" Flug said, running over to me. When he stood next to me again, I shot him a glare, hoping he would see it.

When the video ended, Flug went to retrieve the footage for editing. He walked out of the doors, looked left and right, and just stood there. Still, in place. I walked over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. No movement (other than him shaking a bit.) I thought he would've flinched or something like that as he normally would. I looked out to see what he was trying to find. I'm assuming he put Demencia out here and she's now gone.


No response.


No response.


No response.

"FLUG!" He then snapped out of his trance and turned around. "Y-yes Sir?"
"Where in the high hell is Demencia?"
"I-I don't know S-Sir." I leaned in closer, thoughts of kissing him filled my mind as I spoke,
"Then find her."
"Y-yes Sir!" He then rushed out of the room, his footsteps descending in the hallway.

I quickly walked to my office, with something on my mind. Well, not something, but someone. Flug's cuteness invaded my mind and now won't get out. As I got closer to the office doors, I heard arguing, back and forth, back and forth. There was no stop to it. Then I heard a crash. I bursted through the doors, "WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?!"

(Flug's POV)

I turned from Demencia, who was knocking things on Blackhat's desk off. I thought I turned in the direction of him, but he wasn't there. I turned back to Demencia, but instead of her, it was Blackhat. A full circle leading to him.
He started walking toward me, forcing me to stagger back. "What are you doing in here Doctor?" His expression which looked like a predator about to kill his prey, gave me goosebumps and shivers. I eventually bumped into the wall, unable to move. Vulnerable.
I stammered, trying to explain, but the words got caught in my throat. "I-I- Blackhat, S-Sir, I-"
"Spit it out. NOW!" I flinched at his demand, "B-blackhat, Demencia was i-in your o-office so I had to t-try to get her o-out before she b-broke anything."
"Well, you failed, Doctor. I hope you can see that."
I hung my head, "Y-yes Sir..."
"Because you failed, you know where to go. Five minutes, don't be late." He walked to the door, stopped, and turned his voice into a low growl, "Or else."
I gulped, and squeaked "Y-yes S-Sir"
He left the door open, so I could soon follow. Before I left, I had to tell Demencia off. I just had to. I turned back to her, fists clutched. But now she was gone?? Ugh. I better hurry, I don't want to get into more trouble than I already am.
Rushing out of the office, I turned a couple corners. Into the most secure room in the whole house. Also the farthest room in the house. Isolated from most other rooms, and at the end of the longest hallway i've ever known. I entered the room, head hung, shaking. The room was pitch black, nothing to be seen.
"I-I'm here Sir...." Hopefully, I came right on time.
It's too quiet. Not even a reply from Blackhat. I-I'm scared, I don't know what's going to happen this time. What if it's worse?
I shook more and more with each question that filled my head, I clutched the paper bag on my head, almost ripping it.
I heard him speak, but where is he?
"Yes Flug, I'm here."
"B-but where a-are you S-Sir?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, flinching
"Behind you."
I squeaked, "A-ah, o-okay. Uhm, S-Sir, can I e-explain what happened i-in your office p-please?"
"You have one chance." Blackhat said sternly.
"I-I went to go look for D-Demencia, like you asked, a-and I heard movement in your room. I kn-know you can teleport, but I didn't th-think it was you, so I looked i-in. I saw D-Demencia and she was i-in there, I just d-didn't want her to break a-anything, so I tried to get her o-out, but I failed. Sorry, S-Sir."


Blackhat finally turned a light on. I don't think I even noticed he moved away from me. He sat in a chair across the room. Normally, Blackhat would show his expression, but I can't see a significant one right now.
"Yes, Sir?"
"Come here."
I nodded and made my way over to him. As I stood in front of him, he shot up out of his seat and sat me in it.
He lifted my chin gently with his finger, "Try not to have that happen again." But this time he smiled! Not the smile that makes skin crawl, but a soft, gentle smile.
"Y-Yes Sir."
He left the room without another word.

What the actual fuck just happened?? H-he smiled at me! Not like how he usually does, either. And he
m-made physical contact... What in the world?
Has my Boss finally gone insane?

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