Chapter 62

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Selena's POV-

"Hey Phil" I said as I met Demi's manger at the hotels dinning room. He waved lightly and hugged me before he motioned me to take the seat in front of him.

The memory of that night with Demi, is still so very vivid as I told Dani. It makes me angry, that the image of Demi realizing what I have done floated around my mind. I want to forget that day as much as possible, but that can't happen with the people I'm touring with. That's why I asked Phil to have dinner with me. He got me into this mess, and he better damn well get me out.

"So why the needing to talk, Sel?" He asked as his dark brown eyes scanned the menu. "Don't forget we leave in a few hours back on the road. I have to leave in a bit to make sure everyone's packed, the drivers are ready, the mangers are good, and check out of the hotel"

"For starters, why in the hell did you want me on tour for again?" I asked crossing my arms on the table. I have been very dizzy lately. "And I know. All my things are ready to go"

"Because, you were so wretched and you needed to get back out there." He sat the menu down and intwined his fingers together in front of him. "Also, I don't know whats happened to you or Demi, but you guys have to work it out. You guys were the bestest of friends. So, yeah that's why"

"Well, I can't do this anymore. I only agreed to this because I thought I was going on tour with someone else. But then you had to drop the big bomb on me the day I got to the tour" I huffed looking around for a waiter. I needed water.

"So you want to leave? Well what the hell did Demi do to make you guys not speak for two years" The waiter walked over and I ordered a Big glass of water with ice, and a ceaser chicken salad.

"Demi Nothing. Me, on the other hand, did plenty to make her hate me forever. But its just not her, its also Fifth Harmony. I can't have people angry at my mistakes that I regret every waking day" I rested my forehead on my hands and looked down at the oh so not interesting table cloth.

"Selena, she or they will forgive you in time. You can't just rush into anything. Things go in their own pace." Damn you Phil. I hated when he acted like this. "So, are you going to stay?"

"Let me think it over tonight. I'll give you my answer in the morning or where ever the hell we stop at" he nodded giving me a light smile.

After dinner, I thought about going into my room, making sure I did have everything, but I decided to go talk to Dani. Maybe she'll change my mind.

Yes, I like Dani. She reminds me so much of Demi in every way. But, I have to put my feelings aside, considering She was in a relationship and because I'm not going to repeat what I did to Demi. Yes that hurt me terribly when she told me she was with someone, but I knew she would be taken. She's amazing to be alone. So, that's why I decided to be friends with her and nothing more. Maybe...

"Shit!" I mumbled. I forgot the room number. I guess I'll wait to talk to her when I see her in a few.

I went to my room and began to rummage through my suitcases making sure everyone was ready.

Ally's POV-

Its been an hour and I finally got Demi to sleep. Her eyes looked pink and puffy. Her cheeks were red, with a small looking river of tear stains on them.

This wouldn't of happened if I didn't tell Demi those things. I honestly blame myself for Demi wanting to selfharm. We would still be together and engaged if I knew she was going to propose.

The blue valvet box is still in my suitcase where I have left it. I didn't want anybody knowing about the enagagement, if Demi and I aren't together.

"Demi? Wake up. We have start getting things ready to leave" I said into her ear as I remembered we were going to leave on the tour buses soon. Her eyelids slowly opened and I was met with the darkest I have ever seen Demi's eyes turn. They scared me to much to look at.

"Ally?" She mumled when she realized I was holding her. I nodded and hugged her tightly. I couldn't imagine Demi cutting again.

"Yeah, let's just pack and get going" I sighed. She nodded and gently removed her self from on top on me. "Your stuff is in our room. So let's go"

Demi didn't talk the rest of the time we packed, and I don't blame her. This was one thing she feared most when Dani was going though it. She had promised me, Dani, and herself she wouldn't think about ever doing it. But I heard those Demons were bitches.

"Everyone is in Mani's and Lo's room saying goodbye to Evan, Ray and Val's mom. Want to go?" I asked hoping she wanted to. To my surprise she did. She walked by my side and went down the hall to the room.

We knocked, and waited a few seconds before they opened the door. When we entered the room, Dani was clinging off of Evan saying her goodbyes.

"Call me when ever you have a chance, Kiddo!!" He said rubbing her back. "Take care of yourself, and don't get into trouble" Dani smiled and tried her best not cry.

As Ray and Val's mom were saying their byes, Evan pulled Demi and I aside. I guess to talk.

"Well, I'll miss you girls. Please, please and I beg, take care of Dan for me. I don't want anything happening to her" He said as he engulfed me into a hug first. He then hugged Demi. "But, I also want you all to be ok! Not just Dani. We're all family" he looked at us both and smiled.

A/n: So guys! How was the chapter? Also I had updated Empire if ya didn't know! Chapter 63 is done, and Chapter 64 is just about!!! Comment!

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