Chapter 24

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Dani's pov-

After waving till I couldn't see the car anymore, I walked inside with Demi right on my heels. I smiled to myself and kicked a pebble as I made my way into the house.

"What happened up there?" Demi asked with a smirk. I laid on her couch and sighed deeply.

"Lauren was my first kiss" She smiled and jumped on me.

"Aww, my sister never had her first kiss" I shook my head giggling at Demi. "so, are you guys a thing" I sat up and looked at the floor.

"Lauren and I wanted to take things slow. But I really like her, so I might ask her soon, I don't know" Demi smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Take your time" she whispered. "now come on, get ready and bring your suit case down here. Max will be here soon" I smiled and ran upstairs.

My suit cases were down the stairs already, so all I had to do was shower and get dressed. I grabbed my clothes and walked into my bathroom. The blade was gone. I freaked. Nobody came in here last night, so were could it be, I needed it.

As I thought about were it could be, I thought about why was I still doing it. I wasn't angry with Demi or my family anymore, so why was I still harming myself. As I thought, I remembered I had a spar under my shampoo bottle.

"I entered my bathroom and turned on the water to its right temperature. I stripped and jumped in, letting the hot water relaxed my muscles.

Awhile later, I jumped out with new cuts. I changed to black skinnys and a grey sweatshirt, putting on my nicke slides.

Demi waited downstairs and swung an arm around my shoulder. Max waited for us and droves us to our moms house.

"Morning girls" Diana said as we seen her and Eddie putting suit cases into a truck.

"Hey mama" Demi waved helping out.

"Hey mom" I mumbled walking closer to her. She smiled and hugged me. "hey dad" I waved to Eddie. He smiled carrying me to his back.

This was something I wanted in a family, that I never had before. I never had sisters and I basically never had a dad. This family was the best.

"How was practice yesterday" He asked putting me down. I grabbed the suit case next to me and helped place them in the truck.

"Well, I didn't go. We came back late, so I practice on my own yesterday" He nodded with a smile.

"That's good" We talked for awhile and headed into separate cars. We made it to the airport and got on. I sat next to Demi, then Maddie and Dallas behind. Mom and Dad behind them, and Max in front of us by himself.

"How you feeling" Demi asked me. I shrugged with a smile.

"Good, I guess. Why?" She shrugged tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Just asking" She smiled. I smiled back and took out 'the fault in our stars'. This was the best book to get my mind off things. Before I started reading, I cleaned my glasses and threw on my headphones, so nobody wouldn't bother me.


"Home sweet home" mom said walking into their house they had here in Dallas. It was a nice, cozy home. It reminded me of my home in El Paso. Which reminded me, I had to call my brother.

"Dani, let me show you to your room" Maddie said dragging me by my sleeves. I took my suit case and followed. "Watcha think" Maddie said opening the door.

"It's amazing" I said slowly walking in. The room was painted with black and white patterns. The way I liked it. I guess Demi told them about it. The window was huge with a couch under it. To look at the sky or something. A shelf filled with different kinds of books, that I might look through later. A nice small desk in the far corner of the window, and a rack filled with a softball, volleyball, soccer ball, and basketball.

"Yeah, mom and dad thought you should have your own room the way you liked it" I smiled and sat in the bed. I could only imagine how Maddie would have her room. She was into circus stuff. "See you in a bit Dan. I'm going to put my things in my room before mom kills me" I nodded and waved.

I walked over to the couch and sat there looking around the front yard. It's really beautiful here. The blue sky was breath taking, the white clouds forming different shapes as they roamed, and the beautiful birds that flew in every direction. I probably sound stupid.

"Hey" I head Demi say. I turned and smiled at her and looked back out the window.

"I wanna stay here forever. It's so beautiful" Demi walked over to me and looked out the window.

"I know right" she giggled and placed a hand on my knee. "We're leaving in a bit ok. I'll come get you when it's time"

"Thanks Dem" I said before she walked out. I pulled out my phone dialing Valerie. I really wanted to talk to her.

"Dani!" She squealed. "Are you in Dallas already" she asked.

"Yup, Val I wish you were here. It's so breath taking" I said in awe and walked away from the window.

"I know" her voice soften. "Dan, I really miss you. It's not the same here without you" I sighed sitting on the edge of my bed.

Sure, I do miss her and all and my family, but I didn't want to go back to Hell Paso. My life is now here with them. I probably sound like a bitch.

"I miss you Val. I can't wait for you to come For the game. After will hang out and we can sleep over Demi's house" I heard a faint sniffle following by a giggle. "Hey, don't cry"

"Promise? And I can't. We were like sister. Inseparable."

"I know and we still are. So please don't cry no more."

"Fine, I'll talk to you later Dan. My moms taking me to get our new uniforms"

"Ok talk to you later" I said before hanging up. My phone rang and I answered it looking at the caller ID. Lauren's picture popped up.

"Hey lo, what's up?" I asked smiling like a damn idiot. Lauren giggled which caused my heart to pound against my chest.

"Nothing, just landed in New York and it's freezing" she giggled. "How are you. How's Dallas"

"Great I guess, I just got to the house not that long ago. It's beautiful here"

"I'm glad babe" I felt my face start to heat up. Lauren had called me babe. And it felt really amazing.

"Lauren? Theres something I really want to talk to you about, so when I get home and of course when you get back, can we like go out, just me and you" I asked hoping to hear her say yes.

"Of course, I'll be there for your first game" I bit my lower lip trying to hide my blush for an unknown reason if nobody was here. I imagined looking at Lauren's beautiful eyes, and getting lost as I spoke to her.

"Gosh, now I'm going to be nervous" she laughed on the other end and sighed.


"Cause it's you. I don't know if you know this Lauren, but I tend to get really nervous and sweaty when I'm around you" She laughed harder. "It's not funny Babe. I'm serious"

"Ok I'm sorry. Your just to cute. But try and not think of me" I huffed laying on my bed. This girl was seriously going to be the death of me.

"You say it like its easy. You should be in my situation"

"Believe me, I am. Your not that easy to avert, ok" I laughed turning myself on my stomach. "Well, I'll text you later babe. We have to do this interview"

"Alright, bye Lauren" I said before we hung up.

Minutes later Demi walked in my room and said it was time to meet some of the family.

A/N: uploading stay string in a bit!!

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