Chapter 20

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A/N: I didn't like this chapter!! Comment and tell me what you think. should I just delete the story??

The whole time to the mall, I thought about my conversation with Demi, and Lauren having a crush on me. This was like seriously eating at me.

"Demi, please" I heard Ally whine to Demi. I looked up at the two, and seen them happily looking at each other. I looked around, and seen I'm the only one curious about the two.

Lauren yawned and rested her head on my shoulder. Her smell climbed up my nose, relaxing me. She smelled like strawberrys or rasberrys. I snuggled myself closer to her as if it was an instinct. She was warm and next to her, I felt safe and calm. This was something I never felt before and I liked it.

30 minutes or so, we arrived at the montebello mall. Dinah, Camila, Normani walked in front. Lauren And I behind them. Then Demi and Ally behind us. That's how it was throughout the mall.

I somehow separated from everyone and walked around alone. I found myself inside the Disney store. Its cute how there's little kids running around, buying toys, and looking around in awe. I will never want to grow up and stop coming here or Disneyland.

"Having fun there I see" I heard Lauren's voice say behind me. I turned slowly with the pillow pet of the cute little bears from brave in my arms.

"Yeah, I actually am. Want to join" She smiled and took a bear from me and held it. When we were done, I ended up buying Lauren a bear and myself.

"You didn't have to do that I'll pay you back" she said holding the bear to her chest. It was obvious I had to.

"No need, its ok. I buy things for my friends" She smiled widely and pulled my side for a hug. I hugged back and pulled away when I heard a little squeal. We turned to see Demi and Ally. I raised a brow at them and watched Demi freak out. "What's with you" I asked Demi.

"Oh nothing" She smirked and sat between Lauren and I. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Well, I'm going to go finish walking around"

"Wait for me" I heard Lauren say. I stood in mid step and waited for her.

Before Lauren took my arm and taking me to another store, I heard Ally talking to Demi. "There so cute babe. You can tell they like each other" So Demi is with Ally. I smiled and got pulled to a store. But do I like Lauren. I don't even know her that well.

"Come on" Lauren grabbed my hand, walking all around the store. She didn't want to let me go. But I Kinda liked it. I held on to her, and let her drag me around. It was like a little kid and their favorite stuff animal. Where ever Lauren went, I was there.

"What are you going to buy" I asked Lauren who was looking at herself while holding up a dress around her body.

"Probably this" she said holding the beautiful white dress. "Here" she handed me the same dress as hers but in black.

"No thank you" I said pushing it away. "I don't wear dresses."

"Come on, just try it on" I shook my head again. "Why not"

"Because I don't like wearing dresses"

"Why" I rolled my eyes knowing this was going no where. I huffed and tried to walk away. "Why"

"Why! Cause I'm FAT that's why!" I yelled storming off the store. I seriously think I need help or something. I was never this mean to anyone, I was known for the nicest person in my schools yearbook. "This sucks" I groaned to myself.

"Hey there! what's sucks baby girl" I heard Demi say. I rolled my eyes and faced the other way.

"Nothing" I said sounding a bit irritated. She grabbed my hand and made me face her. A look of concern and worried appeared on her face.

"What's wrong Dani?" I moved away from her grip and faced the other way. "Dani?"

"Its nothing ok! I'm just feeling a bit under the weather" my voice went softer trying not to alarm Demi and make her think I do have a problem. She nodded slightly and tilted her head to the side.

"I'm just looking at for you" her voice sounded hurt. I sighed and slid closer to Demi. I made her wrap an arm around my shoulder as I wrapped an arm around the back of her waist.

"I know, that's why your the sister I always wanted, that I always dreamed about having. I'm sorry Demi" she smiled and rested her head on top of mines.

"Its ok baby girl" she kissed my head and sighed Deeply. "Let's get ice cream?" without Demi noticing, I closed my eyes tightly to stop the ugly horrifying voices that tormented me.

"Sure, but before we do, you think I can go look for Lauren" she smirked and let me go.

"Go for it" I stood up and walked back to the store where I had left Lauren probably confused. Now I feel bad.

"Lauren!" I called out to her. People turned to stare at me. But I really didn't care. I walked over to the register to see if she had seen her. "Excuse me, have you seen this very pretty girl, with green eyes, about my height, and long brown hair" She looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah I did. She's in the dressing room" she pointed at the last dressing room door at the far left of the store. I thanked her and walked over.

I knocked before saying anything. "Its busy" I heard her voice say, but it didn't sound cheerful or happy.

"Lauren? Can you open the door please" I asked softly. I heard her snifle and sigh.

"Umm...I'm just looking at what dress to buy. Wait for me outside" she didn't sound sure so me being the weirdo I crawled through the opening at the bottom of the door.

"This would've been easier if you just opened the door" I said while standing up. She sat on the small bench inside the small room and just looked down. Her head rest on the wall and some tears falling from her eyes. "I'm sorry Lauren. I didn't mean to yell at you or leave you by yourself. I know I'm a bad person." I squated in front of her and rested my hand on top of hers.

"Its ok, I guess" she played with her fingers as if they were the most interesting thing. "But can I tell you something" she said almost in whisper. I nodded. "Your not fat. Your very beautiful, and friendly, nice sweet, caring. Your not a bad person at all" She grabbed my hand and sat me next to her. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I didn't know if she was lying or not, but something in her voice told me she wasn't. I didn't know my face was red til Lauren pointed it out.

"You really mean it" I asked softly. She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Can I tell you one more thing. But you have to promise me not to freak out" I smiled knowing where this was going.

"Promise" I said hold out my hand in the air as if I was taking an oath.

"I umm...I I like you Dani...more then a friend should" I turned the other way smiling. She admitted it.

"Lauren, I think I like you to. But when I say I think its because I just met you. I want to know you more" She smiled and pulled me in a hug. Her body was on to of mine and her face snuggled to my neck. I hesitated at first to hug her but I did. "Alright, now that I  Apologised and we're in good terms, want some ice cream" she Nodded. We stood up but before we walked out the door I grabbed her and faced her to me. I smiled and wiped the tears she had on her cheeks and hugged her. I guess I do like Lauren.

"There you are. I thought you ditched me" I heard Demi whine. I laughed and shook my head.

"Like I said, I went to go look for Lauren" Demi smiled and took us to get ice cream. There the girls were sitting and eating there ice cream.

After that we continued walking around buying things til Demi got tired.

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