Chapter 12

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Dani's pov-

The next morning I woke up with the worst headache, I could possibly have. I think it was all the crying I did.

I sat up stretching then made my way slowly to the restroom. I washed my face so Demi wouldn't see the tear stains on my cheeks.

My first night here, I can say it was bad, I miss home so much. I walked back to my room, and checked my phone.

Val had texted me a picture of Demi and I close together yesterday, when we tried to get away from the fans.

V-your first glimpse of her life.

I texted her back, then put my phone in the bed. I heard music playing, like a piano. I followed the beautiful sound to a room. I peeked my head and seen Demi playing.

"that's beautiful, what's that" I asked still with my head through the door. She turned around startled.

"You scared me baby girl, come here" I walked over to her and sat down with her.

"sorry, for scaring you"

"its ok, and its nothing just messing with some keys" She pressed a couple of keys. "do you play" she asked.

"No, I don't know how" I shrugged my shoulder watching her play. She looked at me turning her body slowly.

"you ok" she asked, taking my hand.

"yeah, I'm fine why"

"I thought I heard crying last night" I looked down looking at our hands.

"I was watching Tv, for awhile, sorry" I lied. She smiled lifting my head.

"its ok, I got a little scared" She played a couple of keys before she dragged me to the kitchen. "Let's go have breakfast at mamas" I nodded. "ok, go get ready"

I went up the stairs and into my room to get ready. I changed to a tang top with a look at me sweat shirt, light blue jeans, and white high top converse.

"Hey Dan, you ready" Demi yelled from the stairs.

"yeah" I walked out my room then down the stairs. She smiled and dragged me to her car.

She blasted the radio all the way up as a song I guess she probably liked. She sang along and I can say it was catchy. The song had ended and she lowered the radio.

"That was one of my new songs" she said.

"really, I like it. What's it called" I asked.

She smirked keeping her eyes on the road. "heart attack" She parked in a drive way to the house. We came out and into the house. "mama, were here" she yelled.

"in the kitchen" We walked in the kitchen to see everyone there. "good morning Dani" she greeted me with a warming smile.

"morning" I smiled. It kinda felt like home, but I wanted my other family here. Dallas walked up to me taking my hand. She sat me down on the chair, putting a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and waffles.

"Eat up kiddo" Dallas said patting my shoulder. My heart Felt like it was ripped out my chest. I have to call Evan later.

"thanks" I started eating as everyone did the same.

After eating, we went to the mall. I stood with Demi as she shop around. I pulled out my phone calling Evan.

"Kiddo, I missed you" he yelled through the door. I couldn't help but burst into tears, and run to a dressing room when Demi didn't notice.

"I miss you to" he heard my sobs and sighed.

"Please don't cry, What's wrong" he asked.

"I wanna go home, I miss you guys so much"

"I know, but you do have to be with them too. They love you" I so bed more cause he was right.

"I know, but I never been this long without you guys"

"Bold up Dan, someone wants to talk to you" I waited awhile and I heard his small voice. I cried even more.

"Dani, when are you coming home"

"soon bubbs, soon" I bit on to my lower lip.

"When's soon, I want you now" he screamed. I removed my phone from my ear and back again.

"I know, But I have a huge surprise for you on your birthday, so just wait" I sighed.

"ok, well bye Auntie Dani, I'm going to school" That caught me off guard. I promised him I was gonna be there for his first day.

"Ok, baby have fun" he hung up and I giggled.

I broke a promised. A promise I said was going to take him to his first day of school. I wiped my tears and came out.

"Dani, I thought I lost you" Demi said coming out of nowhere and pulling me to a hug.

"I was just walking around" She let me go and smiled, but it faded as she seen my eyes.

"Why are you crying" She asked with concern in her voice.

"I wasn't"

"yes you where"

"no, I wasn't" I stormed off to the food court.

A/N: uploading a lot today :) ♥

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