Chapter 67

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"DANI" someone shouted. I groaned so they can leave me alone. "Dani! Wake up" They shook me til my eyes opened. Camila stood there with a worried expression. Then it hit me, Lauren. "Dani, what's wrong?" She cried as she helped me stand up from the floor. I guess I did sleep in the hallway.

"Camila did y- Dani!" Normani yelled pulling me into a hug. I groaned in response as Normani was squeezing me to death. "Sorry. You had us worried sick. Come on, everyone's looking for you."

When We turned the corner of the hall, everyone was outside their rooms. Even Lauren. Just looking at her made my heart break even more.

Everyone smiled when they seen me. Asking if I was ok, or why did I sleep somewhere else. I ignored everyone and walked over to my hotel room. I showed and got my things ready.

At the venue, I kept to myself. All I wanted to do, was be alone, and be away from everybody. The tour bus was the best place to be alone, til Val walked in holding a bag of Taco bell and that new strawberry starburst slushie from there. I raised a brow, as she handed me the bag.

"What's this?" She stood next to me and started taking out tacos, burritos, and a quesadilla.

"You missed out on breakfast, so I made Joey get you Taco bell. Now, I don't remember from the three which one was your most favorite, so I made him get you all three" I looked at her with a small smile and hugged her.

"Thanks Val" I said pulling away, and grabbing the slushie.

"No problem, now what's wrong. Why did you sleep in the hallway?" She asked sitting on the couch next to me. "Did Jade do something to you"

"No, of course not" I sighed. "I just don't really want to talk about." She nodded understandingly, and wrapped an arm around me.

"So Evan called Demi" she broke the silence. I looked down at the food and sipped lightly on the drink. "Demi wanted to talk to you, but she decided to let me do it. Now, why do you want to leave" I huffed trying to get rid of the tears. I had Called Evan to pick me up, I couldn't stay here anymore.

"Just missing home" I lied. She sighed deeply and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Real Reason Dani" she said sternly.

"I'm just missing home Valerie! Is that to hard to understand! I want to go home, and go back to how things were! Where everything was simple! When I still had my mom, when I didn't find out I was adopted, and when I didn't have a girlfriend!" I shouted breaking down into a fit of tears. Val was fast at my side, pulling me into her embrace.

"Its Lauren, isn't it" my body tense just by hearing her name. But Val knew it was Lauren. "What happened." I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. "Fine, But how long are you going to stay"

"I was thinking the rest of the tour" she pulled me away from her arms, and looked at me with hurt.

"Your leaving that long, Dani. Just stay here and forget about her" that was what I was going to do. As much as I don't want to, I'm leaving to forget her.

"I just want to go back for a bit. At least get my mind together before anything happens" she knew what I was talking about and nodded.

"When do you leave" she whispered, Scared to know when.

"In like Two hours" her eyes went big. "I have to go to the airport soon"

"Were you going to tell everybody? Were you going to tell me? Me who is your Bestfriend" I shook my head.

"I was just going to text you. Your always busy with Dinah anyways. Not that I care anymore. You look so happy and I wasn't going to ruin that, by saying bye" guilt spread on her face. I shook my head hugging her. "Help me get my things, please" She nodded as we made our way to my bunk.

Val found a box, and we loaded it up with the things that I had scattered on my bunk. The teddy bear that Lauren gaven me, was laying there. I took it and sat it on my laps. I took of my necklace that I had never took off, cause it was Lauren's and I thing, and placed it around the bear.

"When I leave, can you give this to her." Val nodded taking and setting it down on her laps.

"I'm going to miss you" she said before she jumped on me for a hug. "Please call me when you land. And text me everyday"

"Of course!" I yelled tightening my grip around her.

Val helped Joey put my bags on the SUV, while I was on the bus writing Demi a letter. I wouldn't just leave with telling her anything.

"Ready?" Val said walking over to me.

"Ready" I teared the paper from the notebook, and placed it on Demi's bunk, where it looked visible. We walked over to the SUV and I hugged Valerie tightly, not wanting to cry.

"Take care" she said as I jumped in. She closed the door and smiled with glossy eyes.

"Take care of Demi for please. Text me" she nodded waving as Joey started driving away.

After going through the airport stuff, I was on a plane back to Texas. It was only like an hour flight, but I was anxious to see my brother.

"Kiddo!" He yelled. I dropped my bags and ran towards him. He picked me up and twirled me around. "Missed you!" He yelled.

"I missed you way more!" I shouted as he put me down. "Where's Ray" I asked we walked back to get my bags.

"School. So, your staying home to hide, while I tell him he has a surprise waiting for him" I nodded with excitement!!

A/n: the next few chapters are done!! Vote and comment for next update!

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