Chapter 26

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Lauren's pov-

Today was the day we finally go back to LA. I really miss Demi and of course Dani. We have been on a plane for hours and we were finally landing at LAX. Ally and I immediately jumped out the plane and into luggage.

"Girls Calm down" Normani yelled trying to catch up to us. Camila ran behind her almost tripping on her shoe lace, and Dinah really didn't care, but she still followed.

"Where are they? Demi said she would be here" Ally said pacing back and forth. When Ally got tired of waiting, she sat next to Normani and talked to her.

"Guys, I'll be back. I'm really hungry" I said but them being them ignored me. I walked down to a Mcdonalds and placed an order.

"A mcgriddle with an orange juice" they called. I stood up grabbing my meal. "oh, and someone told me to give you this" The middle aged woman handed me my food and a paper. I walked over and sat down on a booth.

'You look amazing as always! Love Dani'

I smiled and looked around, but saw nobody that I knew.

"Wow, you don't know how much I miss looking at you" I heard. I looked up to See Dani and Demi. I instantly jumped up and hugged Dani.

"I'll just leave you guys. I'm going to look for the girls" Demi left and Dani instantly pulled me closer if it was possible.

"When did you get here" I asked excitedly as we walked to the girls.

"About 20 minutes ago, we couldn't find you guys and I got lost looking for a bathroom" She giggled.

We made it to Our house we had in LA. We all went to our rooms to go to sleep properly. I on the other hand was cuddling with Dani on the couch. I was tired but I wanted to be with her.

"How was New York" She asked playing with my hair. I looked at her and from where I'm looking, she looks smaller, as in losing weight smaller.

"It was Amazing" I said trying to sound excited. She smiled and kissed my nose. I'm so worried about her.

"Lauren? So about what I said to you the other day, would you like to go get dinner with me?" She asked. The biggest smile I have ever put on was hurting my face. I was happy.

"Of course, when?"

"Tonight, if that's alright?" I nodded taking off her glasses and cupping her cheeks. I brought her face closer to mine and pressed my lips to hers.

"Yes" I said pulling away. She smiled laying down and taking me with her.

We stood like that till we fell asleep on

eachother. I was very happy at the moment. I haven't felt like this in a while and it's all for a girl that I'm falling for.

Night came and I was getting nervous looking for my favorite black dress. Dani told me to get ready and meet her at the front of the house in an hour. But me being me, only had 30 minutes left.

"calm down Lauren"Camila yelled from my closet. "and look, I found your dress" I shot up from under the bed and ran to her for a hug.

"thank you Camz" She shook her head and walked out of my room. I did my hair, Changed to the dress, and found my high heals.

When time was up, I grabbed my small bag and ran down the stairs and outside. Dani stood there in a nice shirt and black jeans. She looked absolutely beautiful. I know she wasn't into dresses but she looked hot in whatever.

"wow, you look amazing" She said scanning my face. I blushed and playfully slapped her arm.

"I could say the same thing" She smiled and grabbed my hand walking down the street.

"so where is this date?" I asked. As if cue, a man and a horse stop next to us. She smiled and motioned me to seat in the cart. "wow thanks"

"No problem" She smiled and handed the guy a piece of paper.

The carriage or whatever started moving and it was going at a slow pace just watching everything pass us by. It was quite relaxing.

"Enjoying yourself?" Dani asked grabbing my hand. I looked down and smiled, entwining our fingers together.

"I'm having an amazing time. Thank you" I kissed her cheek then started playing with Her fingers.

During the whole ride, was basically random but great conversations. We talked about softball, our family, and our friends.

"we're here" Dani jumped out the carriage and helped me out.

"will be waiting here miss" the carriage guy said. Dani walked down the path to the forest. Its kinda scary but cool. We came across this small cabin with the lights shining through the Windows.

"it's Demi's place. She said I can borrow it" She unlocked the door and walked in the small living room. "nice huh" I nodded in amazement. She guide me threw the house and into the small kitchen. "Do you like Chinese?"

"of course" She smiled and sat me down in the table. She served me a plate and one for herself.

"you look beautiful"  She stared with this small cute smile. She tilted her head to the side and giggled. "I want to ask you something" She shyly said pushing up her glasses.

"then ask" I smiled and placed my fork down. She sat up right and looked away from me.

"I think your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. But your the only girl I have ever thought of in this way. But I'm glad it's you. I really like you Lauren. A lot. And I never had these types of feelings for anybody. But I guess your really special cause you were first kiss" I looked the beautiful girl in front of me intently waiting for her to go on. Even though she wasn't my first kiss, it was more special then any other I had. "I have been thinking this for awhile and I'm really scared to say, but will you Lauren Michelle Jauregui be my girlfriend?"

A/N: Finally updated. Its not how I wanted it to go down but I had to hurry and upload something!! And I FINALLY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!!!

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