Chapter 48

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Waking up in a bunk was so weird, and I bit uncomfortable. There's this awful sharp pain in the side of my stomach and back. I need more blankets and stuff for this.

I rolled out of the bunk and seen Demi sitting over by the couches, reading some book. I walked over rubbing my eyes, trying not to bump in to anything.

"Morning Dan. We're almost home" she smiled as I sat next to her.

"We're going home already?" I whined. She shook her head with a slight giggle.

"Just for a day. Then we'll drive to San Jose for the next show" I nodded understandingly. "Did you know someone's not in there bunk?" I raised a brow and went over to Val's bunk to find it empty. Like nobody sleeps there. Minus her charger still plugged into the outlet.

"I'm guessing she's asleep with Dinah" Demi nodded standing up.

"I think we're here. I'll go see if Alan stopped the bus." I went back to my bunk and grabbed my phone to check if Lauren had texted me.

Camila- Dan! When you wake up, come to our bus! Im bored!

Val- I slept in 5H's bus, so don't get alarmed.

Jade- Morning Dani

Lolo- Babe!!  Wake up!! I miss you :(

I smiled at Laurens text and ran out to see if the bus had stopped. Alan the bus driver wanted breakfast, so we stopped at a little restaurant, which I took the opportunity to run out into Laurens bus.

When I reached for the handle of the door, the bus door swung open by an eager looking Ally. She hugged me tightly rocking me back and forth.

"Today seems like a good day! Where's my Girl?" She asked.

"Ally cat? I think you need to calm down a bit before you scare Demi. Shes still on the bus though" Ally rolled her eyes before taking off to Demi's bus.

"Danoooo!" Mani yelled, before she engulfed me into a hug.

"Morning Mani! Where's Lauren?" She pointed to the back room, so I quietly walked over and poked my head to see her.

She was laying on the couch thing asleep, with one of my shirts that she stole from me yesterday. I smiled enormously and crouched down to caress her cheek. Her porcelain like skin was so amazingly beautiful and soft. She looked like a complete angel. I still find it so surreal that this Angel is mine.

"Lolo, wake up baby" I whispered into her ear before I took a strand of her hair, and tucked it behind her ear.

Her eyes slowly opened to reveal her green eyes. She looked around confused, then realized where she was. She smiled and sat up quickly wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Someone missed me" she nodded burying her face into the side of my neck. I can feel her hot breath slowly blow out. "Let's go get breakfast?" She nodded as I stood up.

"Carry me?" Her lip popped out as she batted her eye lashes at me. I groaned and bend down a bit, so she can jump on my back. "Thank you Dan" she kissed my cheek softly.

"Anything for you princess" I smiled. I struggled to open the door bus, but successfully did it with a little help from Lauren.

We walked into the restaurant to see everyone was separated from eachother. So, Lauren and I sat at a booth way back of the resruraunt away from everybody.

"What are you going to have?" Lauren asked as she looked at the menu. I shrugged just thinking I wasn't really hungry but I did want an orange juice.

"Maybe just an orange juice. I'm not that very hungry" She immediately looked up and sat the menu firmly on the table. She gave me a look of pleading and hurt. "Lauren, please don't look at me like that. I'm fine really, Just not that hungry right now."

"Dan, please eat something for me" I was still full with yesterdays dinner, but I'll try my best to eat for her.

"Fine, I'll get whatever your having" She smiled an enormous smile and winked at me.

After we ate, we walked out the restaurant to walk around while we wait for everyone else to finish. Lauren yawned and asked to hold my hand. I looked at her funny but held her hand anyway.

"You don't have to ask Laur" she shrugged pulling herself towards me.

"I'm just asking cause were out in public." I looked her serious. I didn't care if we were out in public or not. I just cared about being with Lauren.

"Hey guys" I looked up and seen Jade with a light smile. Lauren and I waved scooting over to let her sit.

"What's up Jadey" I giggled.

"Nothing really. I was just wondering is Demi ok? She's acting a bit funny right now" I shrugged looking at Lauren who mimicked my actions.

"Not that I know of, but I'll check" I said. I did a mental note to check up on Demi after we get back on the bus.

When we got on the bus, Demi was seated on the sofa looking out the window. I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulder.

"You ok Dem?" She looked at me and nodded slightly, but then shook her head with a little laugh.

"No, someone I don't want to see is actually coming on tour with us. I mean, I do want to see her, but I don't think Ally wants to?" I raised a brow at Demi rubbed her back gently. What is she saying though.

"What do you mean. There's another guest on tour?" She nodded. "Who?"

"I don't know how I'll tell Ally? But if I tell you, you can't tell nobody until I do it! Got it" I nodded. She took a deep breath and sighed before opening her mouth.

A/n: Sorry guys! I was going through a personal thing and decided to log off from all social media sights. But I'm back now and was wondering if I should do another story?? I would like to know what you guys want me to write about? Or who you want in the story. Now that I got free time, I want to write a bit more! Comment please. Or kik or tweet me!! :*

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