Chapter 58

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A/n: remember, its just a fanfiction!!!

Dani's POV-

I opened the door and seen the girls sitting on the couch on their phones. I walked in first and tried to get the girls attention.

"Ally? I have someone who wants to see you" she pressed her lips together before nodding and telling me to bring them in. "Come here" Ray Ran up the stairs and ran towards Ally.

"AllyCat!" He screamed. She smiled brightly picking him up and setting him on her lap kissing his Cheek just like Demi had. "I don't have a tooth" he opened his mouth showing her the hole in his mouth.

"Wow! Did it hurt?" she asked. "Did the tooth fairy visit you?"

"Yes!! I got five dollars" I looked at Evan giving him a 'really' look. What the hell is a five year old going to do with five bucks.

"What? I ran out of ones" he whispered so only I heard. I laughed silently looking over at Lauren who stood up walking towards us.

"I want to show you something" she whispered. I nodded and followed her out the bus and into the Cafeteria. "I just wanted to get you alone, so we can talk" I nodded and we sat at a table in the back.

"What about" I asked looking at my hands. I bet it had something to do with Ally and Demi.

"Ally cried all night. She didn't get any sleep last night. Do you know what's happening" I nodded and shifted in my seat. Its a very uncomfortable thing to talk about. I don't and I can't believe there not together. I to be honest looked up to their relationship. I wanted Lauren and It's relation like theirs, minus the moaning every morning.

"This is between us, OK" she nodded. "I really don't know how, or why, but Demi and Ally are over. Demi is just like Ally right now. Shes been really distant. But, she's trying to hide her feelings as much as possible" Lauren sighed. "And get this, Demi was going to propose" I whispered leaning to Lauren as much as possible so only her ears heard.

"The Fuck! Are you lying?" She whispered. I shook my head and put my head Down. I feel really bad for the both of them. I really want them to be happy together. "Are you OK?"

"Yes and no. Yes, because well, were together, but no, because Demi and Ally are not. Demi said its been like that for a week, since Selena." I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration. Why does life have to be such a bitch.

"We have to do something about it. We can't just sit here, Right?" Lauren asked.

"Of course! You all mean everything to me, so your happiness matters to me. So, I'm going to do the possible and get them happily together again" Lauren squealed and and stood up to hug me.

"That's my girl" I smiled brightly pulling away. "So, what are we going to do" 

"I'll tell you when I think of something. But for the mean time, let's just be with the girls" she nodded with a slight smile. She took my hand and took me back to the bus.

Before the show, I ran into Selena's bus. I had to talk to her and figure things out. Maybe what she tells me can help me help them.

"Sup Cutie?" She chirped as she seen me sitting on her couch. I gave her a confused face before brushing it off and telling her to sit.

"I'm in a relationship" I nodded clapping my hands together. She bit the inside of her cheek before she smiled funny.

"Wow! I always choose the ones in a relationship" she scoffed. I raised a brow and tried my best to look at her face, since it was blocked by her hands.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...they haven't told you? I thought they would have by now, considering they hate me." I shook my head signaling her to go on. For her to tell me. "Well, before Ally and Demi got together and before I ruin my friendship with her, I guess you can say I was in love with your sister" I looked away from her placing my hands on my laps. "But she didn't feel the same way. She never did." She sighed, faking a smile. "When xfactor came around for Demi, I promise by the end of the season, Demi would be mine. But it didn't work. I found out she was with Ally, and I got so pissed. I did the most craziest and stupid thing ever." She paused for a moment trying to grasp for air, as if the memory was to much.

"Take your time" I whispered. She took another minute.

"Even though I knew what Demi went through, I took her one night to a bar. A place you don't take somebody, when someones in recovery." I sucked on my bottom lip nervously. "When Demi was really really passed her limit, I took her to her place" she stopped again. "Let's just say we woke up naked." She stood up instantly running her fingers through her long, brown, silky hair. "I just wanted to feel Demi for once. Before she stayed with Ally. I got what I wanted" She shook her head. "But it didn't feel right. Instead I felt ugly, guilty, stupid even!" She sat back down. "Ally came, saw us the way we were, and blew up. The rest" she shrugged. "I never found out how they went back together or anything. I never spoken to them, since that day" Wait? WHAT!?!? This shit is just....I don't know what to say to this, to be honest. I have nothing to say to be honest. What do you say to that, to be honest.

I bit the inside of my cheek and placed a finger on my lips, thinking. Nothing came up though.

"The shows about to start in a few." I stood up slowly. "I'll come back to talk to you" she nodded leading me out the door.

Everything that Selena said, I don't want to believe, but it feels like the truth. I mean, basically what she did to Demi was Rape. If you kind of think about it, Demi had no control over her body or saying. So, Selena used that to sleep with my sister. Then Ally saw, and the rest is unknown. Now I see why everybody hates her, but she sounds so guilty.

You know what, I'm just not going to think about it anymore, and think about the amazing show tonight, and hang out with Val, my brother, Nephew, and Val's mom.

A/n: was the chapter??? Don't worry, There's more things I'm adding as the story goes. COMMENT! And guys!! Guess what!?!? I might see Ariana Grande! Finally something interesting is happening in el paso. I mean One Direction were here to, but finally! Gosh I'm so excited!!!

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