chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning from the best sleep ever. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled my nose. I threw the covers off my warm body, and made my way to the kitchen.

"hey kiddo" I heard Evan say as I seen him put Ray in his chair, giving him a plate of pancakes.

"Morning Dani, look what auntie Demi made, pancakes with chocolate" Ray said sounding excited. Wait what...did he call Demi auntie. I had totally forgotten they were here, until heard Demi laugh. My whole mood went down.

"I'm going for a shower" I said and huffed.

"your not going to eat" Demi asked. She turned from the stove and faced me.

"I'm not hungry" I turned on my heals and walked away.

"Dani" I heard Evan yell. I ignored him and walked in my room. He came after me and sat on my bed.

"what" I said.

"be nice, she's your sister" he gave me a look.

"really, since when. I don't remember them always being there with me, they don't know me. I was fine without them" Tears welled up in my eyes. He pulled me in a huh and rubbed my back gently, comforting me.

"I don't think they mean it kiddo" I started sobbing at this point. "its a good thing you don't have school, stay in bed ok" I wiped my tears and climbed in bed. "I'll bring you breakfast" he walked out leaving me on my bed.

I got up and walked in the kitchen again. I sat next to Ray as he was still eating.

"here kiddo, you ok" Evan asked, sitting a plate of pancakes. I nodded and began taking small bites. Demi walked over and sat with me.

"was it good Ray" she asked him. Ray smiled and nodded.

"very good auntie Demi" She laughed causing Evan to smile. I stood quiet til everyone walked in.

"morning everyone, Dani, how did you sleep" My mom asked.

"good" I smiled. She smiled back and caressed my cheek.

"morning" Dallas said walking in. She sat on the other side me.

"morning" then finally Diana walked in. I finished my plate and placed it on the sink. As I was about to leave, Demi stood up in front of me with a smile.

"let's all go to the zoo today, my treat" everyone yelled in excitement. Demi looked at me waiting for a response. I threw two thumbs up and a fake smile. She smiled and pulled me to a bone crushing hug, taking all my air out.

"ok well everyone get ready" my mom yelled. Everyone went in their rooms, except Demi and I. I slowly walked away to my room.

"Dani" she called. I turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry, for what happened"

"it doesn't matter, I'm going to get ready" I walked away leaving Demi alone in the table.

As I walked in my room, I felt so much anger built inside of me. I don't want her to apologies, I want her to leave.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my khaki skinny jeans, a white crop top, and my white high top converse, then made my to the bathroom to shower.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned the water to its right temperature. I hopped in letting the hot water relax my body. As I was washing my hair, a razor fell from the rack scaring me. I picked it up and stared at it. I had so much anger that I threw it to the wall, letting the blades fall out. I bent down and picked up the medium sized blade.

I placed it to my wrist. A voice in my head appeared. It told me to do it, that they never loved, they never wanted me, that's why they gave me up for adoption. Without thinking, I slide it across my wrist, letting the blood flow out with the water.  I slide the blade again and again til I felt dizzy. The tears rushed out my eyes but all I saw was red.

What have I done? why did I listen to the voice? why did they come back for me? Someone knocked on the door, and I rushed up wiping the tears away and the blood, trying to stop the bleeding.

"yeah" I said trying to speak.

"you alright" my mom asked.

"I'm fine" I turned everything off and hopped out the shower to change. I wrapped the towel around my wet hair and walked out the steamy bathroom and into my room.

No one was in my room, which was a good thing. I went in my closet and threw on a baggy sweat shirt. I blowed dried my hair and began doing it.

A/N: thanks everyone who has liked it. I'm having trouble though on double trouble, I'm having really bad writers block on it ;(

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