Chapter 81

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"OK, I found a few things" Camila said walking into the bathroom. "There's one were you freeze a spoon and rub it gently over the mark" Camila read.

"Sure Mila, like I have a spoon." She rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"We ordered room services dummy. They're coming, I called to see what was taking so long and ordered extra stuff" I groaned and sat on the bathroom floor. "Do we have a first aid kit here?" Mila asked.

"Maybe, I don't know, why?" I asked.

"It says if it has been hours since you got the hickey, rubbing alcohol is best. But what sucks about all these remedies is, they take up to two days."

"I don't have days Mila!" I laid on the floor and groaned loudly. Camila laughed and sat next to me. She placed my laptop on the floor and began to type. Someone began to knock and Mila began to get excited. "You get it please!" I asked her.

"Fine" she mumbled and raced to the door. "Dan, its your room service" I sat up confusedly and stood up walking over to the door.

"What are you talk- Hey Babe!" I smiled and jumped up to hug her. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you guys were still up" she smiled. The guy with our room service walked down the hall and stopped in front of us.

"Room Service" Camila grinned leading the guy into the room. "If you need anything else, call please" we nodded and looked at the cart. Camila ordered a bunch of junk!

"Orange juice? A bucket of ice? Ice cream? Cake? Pizza? Fruits? And what is this, leaves? Camz, you do know what time it is right! Its late to be eating all this" Lauren asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Chill 'Mom' the orange Juice, the peppermint, fruits, and the bucket of ice is for Dani?" I looked at her confusedly before I took a bite of a slice of pizza.

"For me, why?"

"First off: Orange juice is your favorite and we are not going to eat pizza without drinking, and Second: the fruit, peppermint, and bucket of ice is to help with the markings Lauren magically gave you" She said all sarcastically.

"I didn't magically gave her the markings, I simply suck- " Camil cut her off.

"I don't want to know how Lauren!" Camila rolled her eyes which caused me to giggle. "I would like to eat my pizza in peace" I laughed lightly and ate my pizza watching the little show.

"Lauren, leave Mila alone" she smirked and placed an arm around my waist, grabbing some of my orange juice. "So, how are you going to do this?" I asked Mila looking at all the stuff.

"Well, you'll see, let's start with the ice" she gave me an evil grin. I sighed and laid in bed and lifted my chin up so Camila can do whatever the hell shes going to do with my neck. "Ready?" I nodded and flinched as I felt the contact my skin made with the ice. "Stop squirming!" Camila yelled.

"Well sorry, its to cold to stay in place!" I yelled back.

"Can you both just shut up and hurry" said a very annoyed Lauren. "And please don't hurt her. It looks painful!" I laughed at Lauren and grabbed her from her neck and pulled her down towards me. I planted a sweet kiss and smiled at her.

"What the fuck are you weirdos doing?" We heard from the door. I snapped up and almost fell off the bed but was caught by Lauren. She looked at me and moved my hair around so it covered my neck.

"Nothing Demi. What are you doing here?" Camila said nervously fumbling with the ice in her hands.

"I came to talk, and to see how my sister was doing, you know, that she's back with Lauren. Are you going to operate her or something?" Demi asked walking over to stand next to Mila.

"Yes Demi, I'm going to operate her in the middle of a freackin' hotel room" Camila scolded sarcastically. Lauren and I held in our laughters watching Demi's eye brows rise. Camila being sarcastic was quite funny.

"Well then...Anyways, what are you guys doing up?" She smiled sitting next to me on the bed.

"Nothing, eating" I said to fast. Lauren motioned me to calm down and smile lightly so I wasn't forcing one.

"Dani, I'm not stupid. Its hot, and you're wearing a sweater with the collars up. You also have your hair around the sides of your neck. If you were really cold, you wouldn't be wearing shorts." Ever since Demi got me that stupid cream to help make the scars less noticeable, I have been wearing shorts like no tomorrow. Oh how much I missed wearing them.

"Soo, what are you trying to say?" Lauren asked. I looked at Lauren giving a serious look. She shrugged at me looking away. Demi giggled and patted my shoulder.

"And they say I'm the slow one" Camila mumbles.

"The spoon method works better. But after a few minutes rinse a towel with hot water, and place over. It helps" I eyed Demi. Chills ran around my back at the thought of Demi and Ally sucking on each others necks. Not something I would like to imagine my sister doing.

"Ally really does that to you?" I asked.

"No, I to her" she smirks. "Just be careful." I nodded as I rapidly removed this hot as sweater from around me. "Night girls!"

"Night" we yelled back simultaneously.

After we did what Demi told me to do, we decided to go to bed. Lauren stayed with me, cause I didn't want her to leave. So, we stayed up looking at the ceiling, and telling each other made up little stories till one of us went to sleep.

A/n: I know its been awhile and I have been saying that I was coming back and stuff, but I am for sure now. I have written a couple of chapters on this story, and on Empire, and I'm currently writing for my new story called collide. So you guys should vote on it, if you guys would like me to continue with it. So now that I'm back for good, I want to write more on here. Give me things you guys want me to write about or stuff. Like Demi, Fifth Harmony, you know, Things like that...anyways, I miss you all!! COMMENT, VOTE!!!

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