Chapter 36

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* I'm skipping the Funeral. And the picture of Lauren above is just a random one. She just looks so ahhh! Freaking beautiful! I'll be posting random pictures of the girls and of course Demi through out the chapters.

Dani's Pov-

After the funeral, We went back to Evan's to eat. So the whole Family was going and I Was afraid of another scene, or worst a panic attack.

I haven't spoken at all to my grandmother since we got to the house. I stood close to Lauren and Dinah who were talking about the Tour.

"Are you going Dano?" Dinah asked. I shrugged playing with the strings from my hoodie.

"I don't know. I have to ask Demi What I'm going to do. I have softball"

"Well, your actually coming with us. Do you honestly think I'm going to leave you alone" Demi said joining into the conversation.

"To be honest, yeah" She laughed sitting with me on the couch.

"Well no crazy! Val is also coming" She laughed. "But about softball, dad talked to the couch and he said he's willing to let you go for the season and return for the next" thank God I was coming back for next season. I really missed it so much. The good thing now is hopefully Val joins the team with me.

"Good" I sighed with a small smile as I grabbed Lauren's hand. Dinah smiled at us and made a heart sign with Her hands.

"You guys are just the cutest!" I giggled and watched Lauren's cheek turn colors.

It was time to go and I walked over to Evan. I brought him to a massive hug and buried my face between his chest the way I did it When I was smaller. His muscular arms wrapped around me tightening as he breathed.

"I love you little one" he whispered.

"I love you to" I mumbled. I felt someone hang from my leg and notice it was Ray. "Hey buddy"

"Are you leaving already with your girlfriend?" He asked. My eyes widen and I instantly looked at Evan. He chuckled and rubbed my back as he took Ray into my arms.

"Yes she does. Lauren is going to take care of her huh?" He asked him. Ray turned to Lauren and pointed at her.

"If you take my Dani, you take care of her. Got it" Lauren raised her hands in defeat and nodded with a slight giggle.

"How did you know"  I asked Evan.

"First of all, I'm not stupid. And second, your my little sister no matter what, so I  Kinda knew by the way you guys looked at each other" I blushed setting Ray on the floor and watched him run to Normani.

Evan came along and drove the uhaul, while Demi rented a truck, and drove it home. So we were having a small road trip.

"Ally! Show Dani your impression of Shakira" Normani yelled excitedly. "Its really great. I thought Shakira was with us one time" I laughed at Normani then turned my attention towards Ally.

Ally began to sing 'Hips don't Lie' by Shakira in Shakira's voice. It was kind of a trip. She sounded just like her. I stared at her funny and clapped my hands.

"All hail Ally Shakira" Ally giggled at me and focused on Demi who had parked the truck in front of a gas station.

"Ok guys, restroom break and get drinks or snacks" Demi ordered. Everyone stumbled out of the truck and hurried to the gas station. I on the other hand, stayed behind a bit to look out to the desert.

I was reminiscing on the good days before my mind or the demons started to fuck with me. I'm now crazy, with an ED. How lovely. But I'm grateful to have Demi and of course her amazing friends that I now love.

"Hey! Ray's yelling for you. He thinks you left" She laughed running towards me. She looked at me carefully as she stood in front of me. "Are you ok Dan?"  I nodded with a light smile. For the past two days I have gotten closer to Normani and Dinah. Their  really amazing and funny.

"Yup just thinking" She swung her arm around my shoulders and rested her head on top of mine.

"About what?"

"Everything that has happened these past couple of months. I don't know, I just feel like thinking" I shifted my eyes from the only cactus in my view, to Normani's eyes. She smiled and squeezed my shoulders.

Well, I hope your thinking of how we all met and the amazing time we had with each other." I let out a giggle and swung my arm around her shoulder.

"Of Course, Mani. But I'm also thinking about you know." She nodded understandingly.

"You shouldn't think about that. Think about the amazing friends you gain, who love you and will be by your side every step of the way." I hugged Normani properly and sighed.

"Thanks so much Mani. I just hope I get better"

"Anytime. You are and you will get better. Want to know something?" She asked As I pulled myself from the hug.  She leaned close to my ear. "I think Val has a little crush on Dinah" I raised a brow at her and gave a 'really' look.

"Are your lying?" I questioned. She shook her head and took my hand, dragging me inside the gas station. We went from isle to isle until we hid behind the chips isle, and watched Dinah laugh at Val's lame ass joke which I have heard more than million of times.

"See, I think Dinah, could like her to" She whispered.

"I think your right, Cause that joke wasn't funny" we giggled.

"What are you guys doing" I snapped up, knocking couple of chips bags on the floor. Lauren laughed and helped me stack them in their place. "Are you guys Spying?" She scoffed and shook her head.

"Mani made me do it" I said  pointing at my right where Normani looked at me seriously.

"I thought we were cool?" Normani joked.

"We are. I just don't want Lo to know were spying" I whispered. They laughed at me and rolled their eyes.

"Hey dudes!" Camila said walking over to us. "Did you know this gas station has pizza hut. Ray Here, was my little date" Ray smiled and grabbed Camila's hand. For a four year old, he was pretty good at getting girls. I shook my head.

When we got home, it was really late. Like two in the morning. That 12 hour drive was fun, but exhausting that I can probably sleep for days. The sucky part is as soon as we got home we couldn't sleep. We had to see where everyone was going to sleep. 10 people In a four room house. I think will make it work.

"Tomorrow is house looking before the girls leave!" Demi announced throughout the house. The girls had to leave for Christmas vacation and  before the neon lights tour was going to kick off. Plus  their rehearsals were going to be daily when they came back and so was Demi's. So that ment I was going to be alone with Val. Which of course I didn't mind, but I would have liked to spend more time with my Lauren.

A/n: so I think I'm getting the flu. This sucks. Oh well, how are you guys doing? It's freaking cold were I'm at, but I love it. I think I'm going to finally update Stay Strong. Idk yet. But I'll let you know. Tell me what you think of the chapter, please! And also do you think I Should put Dinah and Val together?

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