Chapter 65

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The show came to an end here at Grand prairie. I was so exhausted and just wanted sleep. I couldn't handle keeping my eyes another minute more.

"Tired much?" I heard my favorite raspy voice. I nodded and opened my eyes. I sat on the couch in Demi's dressing room, trying to take at least a few minutes of sleep.

"Very" she took my hand and lifted me up. And carried me out the door. Lauren? Where are you taking me" I mumbled. I didnt even feel like talking.

"My bus. I want you in my bunk tonight" she whispered into my ear. I slowly lift my eye lids and was met with Lauren's beautiful skin. My face was buried into her neck.

"Ok" I smiled. I lightly let my lips touch her neck, where her sweet spot was. I felt her body tense and a grunt escape her mouth. I giggled to myself, and closed my eyes, as I enjoyed the ride.

"Here we are" she whispered. My eyes slowly opened again, and this time, I was in Lauren's bunk. She stood outside of it making sure I was comfortable, wrapping me in blankets and making sure the pillows where ok.

"I'm ok you know. Just tired" I laughed. She stopped and lightly smiled.

"Sorry, its just your staying in my bunk for the first time tonight" I nodded understandingly and Opened my arms widely. I just wanted to cuddle. "Let me change, then I'll come cuddle" I nodded and turned on my side. The bunk curtains were wide open and I saw everyone pass by.

Ally, who had the bunk above Lauren, stood in front fixing her bed so she can get in. I poked her leg and watched her jump. She bend down and gave me a small glare.

"What are you doing? You could have given me a heart attack" she sighed.

"No, I just wanted to say hi" she smiled and sat inside with me. "So how you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing to be honest. Numb. I guess." She shrugged. I hugged Ally and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Ally you know she loves you. You know she wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Your everything to her." I whispered. "But at the end of the day, it's your decision, Ally. I can only do so much." I pulled away. "Yes, I do want you guys to get back together, but what can I do" Ally sucked on her bottom lip and looked at her hands. Wondering what she's thinking?

"Night Dani" I nodded watching her leave. She didn't go to her bunk though, maybe she going to the living room area. I thought for sure she was going to say something, other then that, though.

"Its cuddle time!" Lauren yelled jumping into my view. My smile returned and I went back under the covers. "Its great having you here tonight" she mumbled as she buried her face into my neck.

"It does feel good" I wrapped an arm around her kissed her temple. Everything about Lauren is perfect. I thought I had bad luck, but I I'm truly stupid for thinking that. Laurens just the best person ever. She made me a better person. "Good night" I whispered.

"You know, falling asleep next to you every night is my favorite thing. I just want this forever" she whispered. My face began to burn as the blush I was holding back, was beginning to surface. "Goodnight princess"

Morning came and I felt the pillow slowly rise and fall gently. I smiled knowing I was on Lauren's chest. Shes really comfortable. I decided not to move and try to continue to sleep.

After what felt like forever, I sat up. I didn't sleep, but I laid in comfortable silence. It was quite relaxing. Lauren stired and pulled me down.

"Go back to sleep Teddy Bear" I giggled at the nickname. Her morning voice was hot as fuck. Like, I wish she can talk like that more often, but her normal raspy, husky voice was ten times better.

"Teddy Bear needs to pee" she giggled letting me go.

"Hurry back" she yawned. I jumped over her, and made my way down the bunks, and to the first door to the bathroom. When going back to Lauren's bunk, I notice Ally wasn't in hers.

Demi's POV-

So last night, Ally came into my tour bus. I was not seriously expecting it. We had left in bad terms and I thought for sure I had lost her.

We didn't talk at all last night, minus her telling me that Dan was on her bus. I couldn't really find anything to say. I wanted to say sorry and stuff, but my mouth wouldn't let me. I just wanted to stay silent tonight.

We had laid in the bunk all night til sleep took over. I was super relaxed having her by my side again. I just missed her so much.

"Dem?" I looked down to meet her amazing brown eyes. I love staring into them. I love getting lost in them. I just love them.

"Mhm" she barely had a visible smile, but it was a smile.

"No matter how much we fight over the stupidest things, no matter what happens between us or what people think about us, I'm always going to love you Demi. I can't be away from you anymore." I cupped her cheeks.

"I cant be away from you either. I love you Allyson" I whispered before our lips were connected together. I was in a world of bliss. Her lips so plump and soft. Oh how much I missed her fucking lips.

"So does this mean, this is still mine" she said pulling away. She went into her sweater pocket and pulled out the valvet blue box. I for sure thought she pawned it. But I guess I was wrong.

I grabbed the small box and opened it. The ring was still in its place. I smiled and took her out of the bunk. I was going to do this more properly.
I stood her in front of me as I went on one knee.

"You were the first person I fell in love with. You're the only person that I've ever loved. I loved you yesterday and the days before. I love you now and I know tomorrow and all the days after I'll love you then too...What makes you think I could ever stop? I know, we fight like crazy, and this time got pretty worse, but I'm willing to work everything out, just to be with you. Your everything I ever wanted and needed from a person, and I'm truly grateful that I have found you. So, will you, Allyson Broke Hernandez, marry me?" She smiled while a steam of tears rolled down her cute cheeks. I hope she doesn't say no.


A/n: Dally!!!! :) Anyways, Chapter 66 made me so emotional, But then again I'm a very emotional person. If you want the next Chapter, vote and comment!!

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