Chapter 4

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After our first outing, me and Earth became much closer and I learnt something new about him every time that we spent together. 

Same with him as well, where he learnt more about myself.


One fact, Earth is a neat freak.

He can't stand messy, and I am messy. Well not that bad, but I guess it was bad enough on Earth's eyes.

One day, he followed me back to the condo after our casting scheduled. And suddenly he was gasping in shock as he walks into the condo.

"Oh my god Mix!" His eyes was so big and his mouth was in awed.


I am seriously clueless until I thought that the condo were being rob or something, but as I check... 


It's all with the same condition as it was when I left.

"Don't you clean as you lived Mix?"

"I did... once in a while. Not every day!" Earth start to pinch his forehead as he was hearing my answers.

"Oh my... this kid." I pout as he called me 'kid'.

I might not be that good at being independent, as I was never have to live by myself yet. So I do what I normally do. And this seems to be bothering Earth so much.

"OK. Now, let's clean the place Mix. I'll help. P'Pea will gasp in shocked if he walk in like this." Earth said as he put aside his beg and start keeping and moving all the stuff around.

Mix, you need to hang your towel after you used, or it will be damp with germs.

Mix, you need to clean the dishes the same day, do not leave it up to few days old.

Mix, you need to put all your used clothes in one place for laundry later.

Mix, you need to mop the floor and wipes the table, it's full of dust.




I swear he is not that cute right now!




After hours of him drilling me doing the house chores. I am finally being able to sit back with my legs up on the table for rest. Earth is taking a shower, and after a while I am ready to resume my games.

"Mix, do you have any extra T-shirt that I can borrow?"

"Just look in the drawer Earth" I answers as my eyes remain on the game.

"Are they clean?" And my avatar on the game dead.

I turn to look at him, ready to give him my two cents for his comment, but my words seems to lost somewhere between my game and his abs.

He was just in a towel secured below his waist. This is my first time seeing him naked...


I mean half naked.

He is definitely a living Adonis.

His perfect lean body, structural abs, nice peck of chest, tone arm and one, two, three... six pack?!

Seriously, wasn't he just in his 20's?

"Mix?" His calling my name making me wakes me out of daze.

"Huh..." I try to catch my senses and try to act indifferent.

"Yes, of course. I am not that dirty Earth, I do laundry my clothes." I said and rolls my eyes and back to my game as seamless as I can.

Right after his return to the room, I release my breath that I didn't know I held.

Shortly after, he return and join me with the games.

We fight and enjoys playing the games together. Occasionally, he rubs my head when we won. Lean to my body when he was agitated with the game and my body will naturally lean toward him to rest as well, and Earth seems to be OK with it.

Oh, and he likes to tease me. I don't really fond with that idea, he likes to give me headlock. It was supposed to be uncomfortable, but my heart soar every time he does that. I guess, my mind still go haywire when we were that close.

I've never being closed with another stranger. I guess... you can say, I am always with my comfort people? But, I'm still being myself and always confident meeting new people, I just don't have much opportunity to do so. Thanks to P'Pea, I start to mingle around more people nowadays.

If Earth don't like me being clingy and if he ask me to stay away or keep a distance, than I will. Sometimes when I misses home, my mom and my dad. I will be a tad bit pasted to him or P'Pea.

Gladly he was not oppose of this trait of mine, so I'll just continue being me.

Just like P'Pea, he likes to pinch my cheeks as well, just Earth tend to pinch and squish all over the place (not weird places though, don't worry...) my arm, under my chin, neck... I think it was at those area that were soft.

We grow closer days by day, and he always cares. He always make sure I ate, take me out, plays, nags, hanging out, advising... even when most of his words just pass through my head as soon as he finish talking.

But his detail concerns over me... were making me falls for him more as time goes by.

I wonder if I was special or its just Earth's characters.




"Mix, it's raining. Why didn't you bring an umbrella but chose to run in this rain. You can get sick na." He nags when I arrive wet at the food stall.

"Aw, because I don't have the umbrella Earth. And I hate to let you waiting." As usual, I always have my answer to defend myself. He just rolls his eyes.

"Ah chooo..." Oops. 

We just finish eating but the rain still not showing any sign to stop. I turn to look at Earth and his face turn sour. I hate it when he was right.

"Ah chooo..." gosh.

Stop... The man beside me turn feral every time I sneeze.

"Wait here!" Is all he said as he run across the street. I just wait, it starting to feel cold. After a while he return.

"What happen to not run in the rain?" I ask him, as he also as wet as I was just now.

"It's acceptable for emergency situation. Here, take this med once you got home." And pass me a bag of cold medicine.

"Earth..." but I remain silent. He seems upset and I don't want to make things worse. I try very hard to hold myself from sneezing.

After a while, the rain start to get lighter and he walks me back to the condo before he take the motorbike taxi to his dorm.


I always love seeing Earth taking care of Mix.

It's warm my heart.

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