Chapter 24

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I swear if a mere gaze could kill, Leo had died a thousand times.

I blame all on his big mouth, sharing our trip plan to Neo's and now, our reunion escape has turn to a full member trip.

I got a Friday off, so we will be flying to Krabi this morning.

Since I already promised Neo, I tell him our plan and he of course has to invite Earth and also P'Jan manage to join us as well. I am glad P'Jan came, so that Dina has a girl friend or else she will be the only rose among the torn. Even I don't doubt her ability to dominate us with her supremacy.

What I don't get is. Why Earth say yes... but I refuse to bother. It just make my head ache further.

I am not feeling great, this has been prolong since the last night of Safehouse when I got a sore throat. I've been pushing myself throughout my internship schedule, my fever were came and gone and urgh... the headache sometimes killing me.

This morning, I hope I am well... but I woke up feel slightly headache with a mild fever. But I take the meds and hope it will go away.

I don't want to disappoint them, Leo and Dina has been looking forward for this and we don't know when we all going to have the opportunity to do this again once Dina start working.

"I am so excited, this remind me of our school trip long ago..." Dina keep talking as the flight embark. She was seating in the middle while Leo by the window and I by the aisle.

"Are you OK Mix?" Earth ask me, he was beside me as he also seating by the aisle.

I just nod to answer him and start to pinch my head to relieve some pain.

He ignore my OK and give me the inhaler.

I refused but he insist.

I take it and sniff the inhaler, and it gave me a mild relieve. I turn to Dina side giving more of my back towards Earth, to join her chatter.

The journey from airport to our accommodation was smooth but my headache was getting worst and I can't wait to lay down.

We were waiting at the lobby while Leo getting our key rooms. Dina and P'Jan already excited to play with the water sports and Neo are ready to be their bodyguards.

"Drink this Mix." Earth come out of nowhere and hand me a cold water bottle.

"No, I am fine. You have it." I push the bottle away.

"You are sick and you need to drink this Mix." I am shock he notice.

As I thought I've tried my best to be OK ,cause I know if Dina, Leo and even P'Jan knows, they will cancelled the trips, and I can't do that when my friends were really looking forward this.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"You talk less than 20 words since we start our journey, and you had been pinching you forehead non-stop. You can fool anyone but me Mix. So for God sake, you better finish this whole bottle now." He again give me the water bottle. I don't want to make a scene so just do as he says.

He touch my hand, neck and forehead.

"Mix, your body is hot. Are you with fever?" he almost shout with his worries.

"Sshhh... Earth, slow down or others might hear you. I don't want them to worry. We are here for a holiday Earth." I know Dina and P'Jan will go mama bear in and instance on me once they knew and our trip will be them nursing me. That's the last thing I want.

"But you are sick Mix. You promise me you will take care of myself. You always ignore your health till it become worst." I don't know why my eyes waters hearing his nags.

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