Chapter 11

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I was with my friend for a study group when I receive the call from Earth.

"Mix... do you have a free time? Would you like to try casting on my upcoming series?" Out of know where Earth call me and shoot me with the question.

I've heard of Earth new project with P'Aof his beloved senior and brother who also a GMMTV executive and director. He seems to be really happy with the offer and I can see how diligent he was preparing for the character.

"Earth, are you crazy?" I straightforward answers him. Yes he know I've been into acting class nowadays occasionally, but I am far from being one.

Yes I do like it, acting has a charm that I didn't know I'm going to love.

But again, I am far from being an actor.

"Just try Mix, P'Aof ask for you. He came across your social media and the minute he knew we know each other he want you to try for casting." Earth continue to explain.

Honestly I am intrigue, but I am afraid as well.

"Earth, do you really think I can do it?" I sincerely ask him as I really don't know what to do.

"Don't think too much Mix, just come and we give it a try." He says.

I silence for a few minutes.

"OK, I'll try. But please don't expect too much of me Earth. You know how far I am from being an actor."

"OK, that's the spirit. So what time can you come?"

"Where should I go?"

"GMMTV Building. We are doing casting the whole day."

"OK, I'll be there in two hour is that OK? I am still with my friends finishing up the group assignment at campus."

"Yes, Mix. No problem just came when you are done. Call me once you arrive, and I'll meet you at the lobby."

And I ended the call. Suddenly I feel nervous and want to regret my decision. But I chose to distract myself with the assignment.



I don't know how and why but I did it. P'Aof want me to be with Earth in the series. I am overwhelmed. I met P'Pea for advice.

"Phi, do you really think I can do it?"

"Aww Mix, don't doubt yourself. I know you can do this, you just think too much."

"But I am far from being an actor Phi, even for ads you know how I always struggle?"

"GMMTV will arrange for you to be in classes Mix. You are good at studying, you just need to learn Nong. And I believe you can do it."

"But, I am not sure if I can be a celebrity Phi you know the glam and everything, and I still have many years for veterinary."

"For that, I can't do the decision for you Mix. You see how Earth been living his life so far, it is not that bad. Every job or career will have its own ups and down. What you can do is really ask yourself? Will you be happy doing it? I admit it will be on different scale as what you were doing right now. You will be busy with schedule and everything. Plus, if the series succeeds there will be lots of other opportunity coming in. It is a life that you really need to be sure you want to live with. For talent, I know you have it."

I just nods absorbing all P'Pea words.

"I'll think about it Phi."



On other night Earth take me out for a meal.

"How is it Mix? Have you think about it?"

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